1997 School Magazine
@irl!i @rammar ~cbool ~ri!ibane 1997 ---------
granted in society. Amani has continued t ness within the school and wider commu~i;~courage aware-
A mani, the Brisbane Girls Grammar peace group, has maintained strong ties with Amnesty International and UNICEF throughout 1997 under the guidance of Mrs Hadgraft. Activities throughout the year have included several letter writing sessions in response to Amnesty International Urgent Action requests. Furthermore, the major fundraising projects for 1997 have raised $1500 for Amnesty International and UNICEF. During term three, the school welcomed Stephen Lim, a former refugee, as a guest speaker on assembly. He delivered a very moving speech. This also opened the annual sale of white peace ribbons. The ever popular Amnesty International badges and UNICEF cards were once again sold on School Day. The funds raised from these ventures will aid refugees and members of developing countries. As an extension of these links with Amnesty International Sandy Nandam, Mani Sethi and Elin Charles-Edwards attended the Amnesty International launch of the 1997 Year of the Refugee campaign at Kelvin Grove High School in March. A follow-up conference was held during the September holidays. Throughout 1997, Amani has actively supported the protec- tion of the fundamental human rights which are often taken for
(L-R)ยท C Samia M S .,,, . . s, . taJJord, F. Souvannavong, S. Nandam A. Drennan '
The ~hess Club, which incidentally has more members than the fencing club, was one of the first clubs to make th . onto the internet. Our Chess homepa b e Journey ge oasts some awesome
T his year a new club hit town, and who would have guessed it would become the coolest at Grammar. That's right, it's chess. Over two percent of the Grammar population
graphics, courtesy of Mr Allinson, who was the 'father ' of the club. This page also contains links to other chess pages on the world wide web not to mention a list of all th~ chess members. Hopefully, next year's Chess Club will continue to :aise its popularity, retaining its position as the club to be 'in' , if social status is required. EMMA BRAND
have joined the Chess Club, and over half the year twelve body are members of the Friends of Grammar Chess. This year the International Chess Board announced that 1997 was to be the year of chess. Due to this , the Chess Club decided to establish an intraschool chess competition, in celebration of this announce- ment. It was announced that the 1997 intraschool chess champion was Andrea Constantinou . Andrea was closely followed by Emma Brand and Susanna Siegal, in an equal third.
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