1997 School Magazine
®iris ®ramnrnr ~cbool ;l§risbane 1997
Each of these girls performed at the Prize winners concert, with the RT and AE Jeffries bursa1y being awarded to Lathika Vithanage . Thanks is extended to Miss Milligan for her organi- sation of this competition. On Friday 1st August, the BGGS string orchestras and Intermediate Choir joined with the BGS musicians to perform at the Intermediate String and Vocal Festival held at Brisbane Grammar School. As always, the students enjoyed working together, their enthusiasm shining through at the concert. Once again the annual Interhouse Choral Competition took place in August. All of the eight choirs performed their songs exceptionally well. Congratulations go to O'Connor House which gained first place, singing the theme song from "Mr Holland's Opus". Ms Hila1y Jones' adjudication was also greatly appreciated . This year's Combined Schools Music Festival was held at Canberra Grammar School. Thirty-five girls and three teachers travelled to the Nation's Capital, for four days of intense rehearsals . The highlight of the concluding concert was the performance of "Belshazzar's Feast" for orchestra, choir and brass band. All the girls involved had a fantastic time as did the teachers.
Band, Stage Band, Chamber and Albinoni String Orchestras and Senior Choir, co-operating again with the Grammarphones .The afternoon concluded with the always effective "Les Miserables" , combining Senior Concert Band with all three choirs. The sounds of over three hundred musicians will remain long in the memories of the school. Special thanks must go to Mr Ja1vis for spear-heading such an over-whelming and successful event. At the end of July a number of students participated in the BGGS Instrumental and Vocal competitions and the following girls are to be congratulated: Valda Gillies Keyboard competition: Marie Meek Wight Medal for Piano: Miranda Carson Acie Gillies competition for violin: Lathika Vithanage Prize for Strings: Courteney Lind Prize for Brass: Genevieve Starkey Prize for Woodwind: Sophie Ferris Vocal Prize: Jane Menzies Gillies Ensemble competition:
Fiddlesticks: Leanne Day SusanJehne Katy Khafagi Eliza Matthews
Recently, the BGGS Chamber Orchestra combined with the BSHS orchestra. The group rehearsed over three days , giving a concert on Sunday afternoon with the BSHS Concert Band. This is the first opportunity that the two schools have had to work together and it was a huge success . We hope that such activities will continue to strengthen the relationship between the schools . Still to come this year are performances on Open Day, the Queensland Festival of Music and the ever-popular Senior Farewell Concert. As always, these concerts will be of an exempla1y standard. Thanks must go to all music staff for their continuing support. Their tireless efforts helped to produce magnificent results. Good luck to all musicians for 1998!
Musi c Captains (L-R): K. Newsome, M. Hickey, L. Kinnon
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