1997 School Magazine


Add a cup of Copland, The juice ofJurassic, The grains ofGloria and a Pinch ofpop. W hat does it make? The well-balanced program of BGGS music. As usual the musicians of 1997 have excelled, again emphasising the importantance of music within the school.

of the Red Cross Doorknock on 14th March. With a lively rendition of the well-known Red Cross theme, the Band entertained the passers-by at Central Station.

The annual St John's Cathedral Service was this year held in April to celebrate Easter. The talent of the Chamber Orchestra, Senior Choir and Intermediate Choir combined to make this a memorable event. The successful performance of Schubert's "Mass in G", with the addition of the BGS Grammarphones, left the listeners in awe, not only of the choirs but particularly of vocal soloist Alexie Jell. Senior talent was again displayed at the first school concert for 1997. All the senior groups performed a variety of works ranging from Copland's energetic "Hoe-Down" for strings to the Negro spiritual "Steal Away". Original introductions from the music captains added to the interest of the evening. The stage Band performed on 2nd May at the New FarmJazz Festival. _Once again, the performance was exempla1y, with our band being the only all female ensemble performing at the event. On 16th May the Autumn Concert was held in the Audito- rium. This concert, which involved sixteen Intermediate and

It has been very exciting this year to have a new Director of Strings, Mr Mark Sullivan, who has brought his vast experience and talent to the school music program. The girls have really enjoyed the repertoire he has provided which has given us all the opportunity to enjoy his enthusiasm. The year began on a high note, with the annual strings camp at Margate Uniting Church Youth and Conference Centre. From 7th to 9th Februa1y, the BC.GS Chamber Orchestra and the Albinoni Strings rehearsed intensely, with sectional tutorials with professional musicians and school music staff. This proved

to be a most rewarding and valuable weekend ofmusic and fun, concluding with a concert on Sunday afternoon. The next weekend, the Sen- ior Concert Band arrived at Margate, under the direction of Mr Andrew Jarvis, for another fun-filled weekend of music, music and more music. The camp following a similar for- mat to that of the strings, again performing the works rehearsed over the weekend. Stage Band lent a helping hand in assisting with the launch

Junior groups revealed the depth of musical talent within all grades. It was a ve1y enjoy- able evening with all groups performing extremely well. On 15th June , months of

intense rehearsals and hours of preparation culminated in the mind-blowing climax of the musical year. The Inaugu- ral BGGS Sunday Proms Con- cert proved to be a delightful event, show-casing the talents of the girls and highlighting the ongoing support of friends and family. The performance featured the Senior Concert -----------------------104-----------------------

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