1995 School Magazine

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6irls' Grammar Srlloo[ Prisbane 1995

Visit.from Mie lligb Scbool

Excbange sstudents from Tsushima ancl Mie High Scbool

(L-R): Mrs L. Castle. Mr T. Hanami, Ms K. Fukue, Mr T. Uemura, Mrs L Tbornquist, Mrs Y. Takizaua wele taken on several visits in the region, as well as spending time at the school. The BGGS staff were also able to take advantage of this trip to visit our other sister school in Matsusaka, Umemua Gakuen Mie High School. As str-rdents from BGGS and both sister schools make annual exchange visits, it was a very productive visit for the staff. The personal contact made with the people on the other end of fax lines, and getting to know the school context more concretely was invalr"rable in strengthening the sister school program between the schools.

Sor" Joeonrr" p.-/, thiilit'th\t tlrre aF hta:y' h,,7ir"ii ana ko/oiral ov"r Auslralt'a-, hrt /"i is o\bia lr'irudur- sfqnd//Lq. /n, Austala )l is ttoe -tl"t thtr oi" n"ny /g"g^rg/s orld k*kt hd no| ih. rhe ha-eiiies orlttwns. /hey arc on/y,)i"-tle hrtL o, -o. Yf,M

,So'ru luttnlion Veople think thot atl Jabanex Eoo/p wear -]t nowse - er,/e , )^ 3p 15 py/e ,wi"r Jporctr- nyk tbrles (dued KlholLos el/ety dav , qnd a/so war 'hll kin n V y S cot thiil hair sty/e )n 2 Jo,oanese bun, &r- nrclt n l 7 l jh a ap h t , , 'l't .\t h .:^i's- n,is-uide;srondtng )n Jrooir, we used "m wear "/rinono""uo,roru d^y ,'!4 ilg6t E\le.f: "e" ,.,/;; we oity- wi"l it ot" sllial,lair )i/.C

1995 Mie Exchange students uith Mie staff, including tbe Principdl, Mr Sawaki, and BGGS staff. Mie High School, September, 1995 There is no doubt that in spite of some inherent difficulties in hosting, and belng part of another culture and home and school environment, difficulties which are common to both sides are far outweighed by the benefits that come lrom exchange programs. Both sister schools in Japan are very serious about their sister school program, and have many strlrctures and people resources in place to ensure that students are well looked after, academically and personally. \7e at BGGS are also committed to the sister school program, and look forward to ongoing suppofi lrom the school communiry in continuing to provide such enrichment programs for the stlldents of BGGS.

JAPAI\IESE SISTER CITY VISIT urlng the second week of the September holidays, Mrs Lorraine Thornquist and Mrs Yachiyo Takizawa repre- sented Mrs Hancock and BGGS at t1-re 70th Anniversary of our Japanese sister school, Hirayama Gakuen Tsushima Girls' High. Along with representatives of other sister schools, Mrs Thornquist and Mrs Takizawa were guests of Mr Hirayama, and as such


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