1995 School Magazine

6irlg' @ranrmar SrbooI Zgrigbane 1995

attraction. Some students even askecl for san'iples of our hair! Ve also discovered that sitting cross-leggecl is consiclered extremely rucle. as is blos ing yorlr nose in public u'hich was very difTicult to get r-rsed to as many of us suffered colds as a result of the dramatic climate change. For six days a week. (yes, we even hacl to go to school on Saturdays), we contlnued wearing clttr Grammar r-rniforms but

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Making d u)isb to Bucldhct

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including the root of the lotus plant, bamboo shoots and a jelly- like "potato"; hou-ever, not all of us acqttired a taste for green tea. Just before Christmas we experienced an earth tremor ancl our host families were quite amusecl that rve q'ere a1l so worried as these tremors are apparently a regular occurrence. \ile hacl no idea that it was a forewarning of the large earthquake that hlt Kobe, lewer than 48 hours afler we had returned home. Our host fan-rilies s,-ere extremely generor-rs to us and they rvere keen for us to experience many aspects of their fascinating culture which made the trip not only of enormous beneflt to oul Japanese language str.rdy but also an amazing cultural experi- ence. SUSAN ANDERSON 12 ENGLAND


i':ri+rr Vanessa Grctnger (.L) ancl Susan Anderson skiin,q at CiftL

with the addition of thermal underwear under tlv-o pairs of woollen stockings, extra jumpers, ski jackets and beanies. Ve tended to look more like snowmen than exchange students: however, it was not al1 hard work and stud1,. During the two n eeks that we l"rad off for winter vacation, our experiences inclucled skiing, visiting places such as Nara, Kyoto, Osaka and Tokyo, sampling Japanese dishes sr-rch as Yaklniku (meat cookecl fonclue-sty1e), a variety of vegetables


D).G.G.S. is a liberal sc}rool r,vhere students enjoy their I)school 1ife. B.G.G.S. stuclents can hold their own opinions. It is not easy when someone asks us something about lapan as we may have difficulty answering the question. Maybe we won't be able to do it satisfactorily. But Australian people have their opinlons and can say them. It is a difl'erence of the national character, but Japanese students should fbllon- them. Nou' we have visited Australia, we can understancl more abor-rt the Australian character. It has been a really goocl experience and q,'e won't ever forget it. RYOKO, MAHO, YUKO, SACHIE, NAOKO, JUNKO MIE HIGH SCHOOL, MATSUSAKA, JAPAN

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Back Rou (I-R) : C liclct. S. Hamaii, Y. Saito, R. lgushi, Mrs L. Lazar Front Rou (f-R): J ,\n/:lo, .\'. Onoshi, I(. Ishiktu'a, XL Hdt.tshi.


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