1995 School Magazine
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several occasions by psychologists and recruiting officers. Such tests determine whether the student is a suitable candidate lor A.D.F.A.; however, the scholarship is not an entry into the academy but an incentive to apply. By achieving such an award Alex has been given such an incentive and is currently undergoing more tests and interuiews for the entry. Alex is particularly interested in navigation and will find out at the end of this year if she will be acceptecl to pursue such a career. TIFFANY WARE
JnJune of this year, Alex Neels, a senior of Girls' Grammar, Iwas awarded one of approximately twenty R. H. \filliams Airforce Scholarships in Queenslancl. The scholarship is ollered by the Defence Forces to those students who are interested in a career in the Australian Defence Force Academy (A.D.F.A.). The award of Xi1000 is non-binding br.rt is advised to be spent on the continuance of final year studies. Attaining such a scholarship is not easy. Alex underwent rigorous tests, including aptitude, psychological and medical examinations. Alexwas also interviewecl in depth and detail on
Alex Neels receiuing ber scholarship cheque
fania Hobson and Phoel're Pr- I pr". Yeal Eleven student> rt Brisbane Girls' Grammar, have made an astounding achievement in becom- ing the lirst girls in Australia to com- plete ievel ten in Rhlthmic Sportive Gymnastics. Such levels in Rhyhmic Gymnastics have only been introducecl to Australia this year. It has taken the girls hours of training and years of experience to achieve such a level. The girls successfully com- pleted the level in April of this year.
Both girls have a long history in Rhythmic Gymnastics at Girls' Gram- mar, having participated in the na- tional competitions every year they have attended the school. Currently the girls are undertaking leve1 one in coaching, hoping to be able to start coaching as soon as possible. TIFFANY WARE
Pboebe Papas (L) and Tania Hobson
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