1995 School Magazine

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@irlB' @rBmmar Srlto01 Grisbane 1995

"rWe want- ed to show youth culture and its prob- lems, and the way in which different fam- i1y structures that exist to- day, copewith sr-rch thlngs," said Rose- mary. "It'shard with step-parents, especially if one child gets on with them and another doesn't." \flith one thor,rsand dollars as a prize-winner's cheqr-re, the gids produced the film, aided by Video Lab, and under the professional and creative direction of Peter Viltshire and his technical crew. The cast involved students from BGGS and BGS, and even some staff, with Mrs Rhodes playing the step-mother (I-R): Lisa Clarke, Rebecca Nissen. Rosematy Henzell weekJong stay in the country, they completed two exams: theoretical and practical. In total, each person spent a gruelling eleven hours in the examination rooms, although the hardship was somewhat relieved by a constant supply of chocolate and lollies during the exams! The Australian team achieved or-rt- standing results in these exams, receiving three silver medals and one gold. This placed them in third overa1l, behind Thailand and China - the best result ever achieved by Australia. Congratulations to Trisha on achieving a silver medal - an appropriate reward for her endless hours of Biology study. Thanks must go to Mrs Sharma, who devoted many hours of her time to prepare Trisha. TRINITY RYAN

Trisha then had to attend another week-long study session in Canberra during the Easter holiclays, although this program was more practical than the first. During this time the team allegedly dissected almost every plant specimen in Canberra and the surrounding area! Following this thorough preparation, the team was ready to take on the world at the up-coming Olympiad. Late inJune, the team and two mentors flew to Hong Kong, for a week of revision and preparation. Mornings were spent studying, but in the afternoon the students were able to wander through the city and experience the local culture and cuisine - something Trisha particularly enjoyed. Following this week of study, the team boarded the plane for Thaiiand, to compete in the actual Olympiad. During their


Jn February rhis year, three Year Eleven students, Rose- I-nry Henzell, Rebecca Nissen and Lisa Clarke, won the right to have their own drama aired on national television. As

members of the school's 'Cinebuffs' Club, run by Mrs Kimber and Media Co-ordinator Mr Rowell, they entered an Australia-wide script-writers' compe- tition with their sell- devisedpiece, "Hang- ing On". The work became the Queens- land winner in the

competition promoted by the Australian Teachers of Media (ATOM), and held in conjunction with the Festival of Television for Australian Children. Invited to produce a video with a theme relevant to children today, Rosie, Bec and Lisa wrote a fully-detailed shooting script

and Mr Gray the father. After many location and weather diffi- culties, the lilm was linally shot at Mrs Dakin's house, and on March the rwenty-fourth. the imagina- tive and thought-provoking "Hanging On" received national exposure on SBS, along with five winning entries from other states. Rebecca, Lisa and Rosemary took the opportunity with enthusiasm and acquired many technical skills in the art of film-making. Since the production, they have all re- ceived ollers olwork experience with \fliltshire Productions, to fur- ther their interest and skills in this afea.

about teenage 1ives, and a particular girl's relationship with her family. The plot in- volves the fifteen-year-old girl sneaking olrt to a party while her step-mother, real father and younger brother ^te aw^y for the night and her older brother is meant to be babysitting her. At the party, she consumes too much alco- ho1, passes out and has to be rescued by her big brother. The next morning she comes to terms with what she has done and realises the true value of her family.

I"rancesca Mason during Jilming



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