1995 School Magazine

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6frlg' Grammer Scbool T8rishane 1995


\folrnde Creet joined the stall of I Brisbrne Girls Gremmar School in 1973 as a teacher of Senior Chemistry, Physics andJunior Science, having taught pleviousiy at Fairholme and St Ursula's in Toowoomba. She became the Head of the Science Faculty rn1976 and held that position until the end of L991. Yolande Greet was a multi-talented member of staff; not only was she ex- tremely knowledgeable in her own field ofscience, but also she had an apprecia- tion of, and abilities in, a wide range of subjects, including language and litera- ture. During her twenty-tl'rree years in the Science Facr-rlty she oversaw tremendous changes in curriculum development, and testing, reporting and teaching methods. She was a respected leader of the Science Facultv and current members of

this Faculty have paid tribute to her high level of intelligence, her acute eye for detail, her well-developed sense of hu- mour and her commitment to individual students. She was always willing to share her extensive knowledge and ideas with colleagues and students alike. Her contributions to the school were diverse and lasting. Yolande Greet was instrumental in establishing Extension Edu- cation activities, and was responsible for the demanding task of organizing prizes for Spcech Day. Her commitrnent to curricu- lum development set a high standard which the Faculry strives to maintain and build upon as she would wish. In her last few years at the school she battled health problems with courage and dignity. The school to which she dedicated the greater part of her profes- sional life is the poorer for her leaving it and the richer for what she gave to it.




Till Sanderson (nee Burnett), herseli I an old girl of BGCS first joined the ,talf after graduating. and workcd until she was married. She subsequently re- turned, to build a career based on com- prehensive knowledge and an enormous capacity for work. Her very high level of understanding of the theoretical, practical and pedagogi- cal issues was consistently manifested in her roles as Head of Physics, Acting Head of the Science Faculty, and as a teacher of Senior Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Junior Science. Jill Sanderson was a "natural" teacher who treated students in her care as indi- vidr"rals. Not surprisingly, this earned a great deal of respect from them. Her

involvement extended beyond the class- room to various extra curricular activities, but most notably to her very considerable contribution to debating. Her colleagues lound her to be very approachable, and they admired and re- spected her for her dedication and com- mitment, and her thorough approach to her work. She was always willing to join in discussions relating to the planning and execution of departmental programs. Jill Sanderson's dedication to the school was illustrated by her return to work at short notice earlier this year after only a few months of well-deserved retirement. \7hi1e no one begrudges her resumed retirement, the school is the poorer for her going.


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