1995 School Magazine
f;m]fl'_ *,,,n, ^ftfu Gids" Profiled "old DR CHERRELL HIRST - 1995 QUEENSIANDER OF THE YEAR
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,Th" st hool is iustiiiably proud I olthe achier emcnts of many of its Old Gir1s, and was delighted to witness the award of 1995 Queenslander of the Year to Dr Cherrell Hirst (nee Anderssen) in May. This award is the culmination of a distinguished career in medicine, and recognises Dr Hirst's outstand- ing contribution in the field of Breast Cancer Detection in her capacity as Director of the \flesley tsreast Clinic. Dr Hirst attended Girls' Grammar from 1960 until 1963, where she proved a highly intelligent student. Alter completing a degree in Medi- cine at the University of Queens- land, she spent two years in resi- dence at the Princess Alexandra Hospital before completing a fur- ther two years in Paediatric study and practice in London and To-
Dr Hirst is a highly respected expert in the field of Breast Cancer, and is ca1led upon frequently to chair committees and present pa- pers, both in Australia and over- seas. In 1989 she received an ESA Women's Trauelling Scbolarsbip, sponsored by The Queensland Can- cer Fund, and in 1994 a Rotary International Paul Haryis Award lor her work in the area. At present, Dr Hirst is Chancellor of the Queens- land University of Technology, a Director of Metway Bank and Deputy Chairperson of the Boald of Trustees of the Brisbane Gids' Grammar School. Future visions on behalf of Dr Hirst for advancement in Breast Cancer Detection include an in- crease in community awareness of the disease, better methods for eady detection, and an increase in
ronto. Upon returning to Brisbane inI975, Dr Hirst maintained a General Practice for nine years before being appointed Assistant Medical Director at the Brisbane Vesley Breast Clinic. Her tremendous work in this role led to her appointment as Director of the Clinic in 1984 - a position she continues to ho1d.
counselling and support for those diagnosed with the cancer. The School congratulates Dr Hirst on her outstanding work in the field, and upon being Queenslander of tbe Year, and extends every wish for the lulfilment of her plans. KIRSTY DODSWORTH
,l nne Sharp graduated from BGCS in -f\tqSZ. and completed her Bachelor ol Ans three years larer. For the past seven years, Anne has worked for the Australian Koala Founda- tion, and was recently commissioned to write the text for a coffee table book on koalas. The Foundation was approached by a New Zealand publishing firm, that works jointly with a German publisher, BLV, on some projects. The German firm, well known for its books on wildlife, were looking for such a book, with a green angle, for the German market. !7hi1e the majority of photographs for the book were
produced by a Melbourne photographer, about a third came from, appropriately, a German woman resident here who was doing volunteer work for the Foundation. The book will now be published in both English and German, with the English version available here in Australia through Doubleday, and also rnarketed in the United States. The book will be launched at the Frankfurt Book Falr in October, and with exposure at such an important event in the publishing world, may expect to attract attention from other markets. Ann will be present at the launch in Germany, and we congratulate her and wish her wel1.
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