1995 School Magazine

6irls' 6rammtrr Srboot T8risbsne 1995

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Sport Captains, Kate \X/alters and Kate \faker, who organised so much this year. Thanks must also go to Michelle List for all the support she gave as our Vice House Captarn. Thanks must also be extended to Ms Forster for her tireless support and encouragement throughout the year. Her continued and helpful guidance was invaluable. Lastly, I would like to once againthank all Eagles for making England the spirited and enthusiastic House that it is. Good luck to next year's seniors, and remember, the sky's the limit! REBECCA HAIGH

the fourteen years Age Championship, Harriette Lawson gained third in the seventeen years and over Age Championship and Katie Dorney won the sixteen years Age Championship and was also the overall champion. The whole House put in an incredible effort on the track, in the field and also in supporting the team. 1995 found the Eagles, once agarn, soaring above the rest. If it weren't for the huge amount of spirit and support given to all the House by the girls and staff , 7995 would not have been as memorable as it was. Special thanks must go to our fabulous

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