1995 School Magazine

@irlg' Grammar SclJoo[ I8ridbane 1995

"... Striue for success - don't let chances pass by when things arem't so goc,td, ltou must hold yorr bead high For tbe players wbo shine anci are so harcl to beat, Are those playing to uin but wbo learn from defeat. Play for yourself ancl your team-mates around, If you giue it lour best, yoat'll baue done yourself proud. Enjoy uhat you are doing, but store this within: A true winner won't quit and a quitter won't win."

NaomiSeade), who won their race for four consecutive weeks, increaslng their lead each time, and who actually received Grammar's only lirst placing at the Head. Following in their footsteps were the Under 1,5 lsts (Ferne Langford, Kathryn Fletcher, Alice Wehl, Alex Craig, Kate Thelander) (the "Funky Quad"), who also perfbrmed extremely well during the season, and were only beaten at the Head by a fraction of a second - literallyl Also deserving of a mention is Melleah Clarke (Year 11) who won her single scull race innumerable times throughout the season but unfortunately not at the Head. The following week, a select group of rowers headed to Bundaberg to compete in the Queensland Schools Champion- ship Regatta. BGGS entered our U16 single sculler, Melleah Clarke and we also felt our U15 "Funky Quad" deserved a paddle. This crew won their Quad race comfortably and then, with only three training sessions on a different style of boat, made it through to the linal of the U15 Coxed Four. An extraordinary effort! Although the season's results seem almost meagre lor a sport which involves almost one hundred girls, they can never tell of a1l the fun Grammar rowers had during the season, and the teamwork, tolerance and self-discipiine they learnt while par- ticipating in one of the most enioyable and fulfilling sports Girls' Grammar has to offer. Grammar CRICKET continues to grow in strength and interest within the school community, especially with the Grammar 1st XI and 2nd XI dominating the competition. The first hall of the season commences in Term 4 and concludes in Term 1, the following year. The 1994-1'995 saw BGGS have one of its best seasons with the 2nd XI narrowly missing the finals, while the 3rd XI

1995 has been a very significant year for the Brlsbane Girls' Grammar School RITYTTIMIC SPORTM GYMNASTICS CLUB. A mayor highlight ol the year was the National Commonwealth Bank Classic Clubs Championships which were held in the new McCrae Grassie Sports Centre. Being the host club for this momentous event was exlremely exciting. The cohesion and spirit of the one hundred strong Brisbane Girls' Grammar RSG Ch-rb team were boosted by the familiar suroundings and supporl. Our gymnasts performed outstandingiy in a1l events with BGGS placing in every section bar one. In the multiple events

improved each week and the 1st XI finished the sea- son by competing in the final. Although the Firsts were unsuccessful in the final, it was an indication that Grammar cricket is once again becoming a domi- nant force at a level we monopolized for many sea- SONS, There were many out- standing performances during the season with Michelle Harvey (Second XI) achieving a hat trick

(pairs, trios, quads and groups) 166 med- a1s were won by the Girls' Grammar gym- nasts. The individual routines from the club were similarly suc- cessful, achieving 79 medals in this sec- tion of competition. Overall, the club re- ceived 134 gold med- a1s which was an amazing achieve- ment. In the Display sec- tion of the National

and seven First XI players retiring on 20 and seven players taking 2 or more wickets dtiring the season. Special mention musr be made of Melinda Smith (First XI) who scored over 100 runs in the season and proved to be an asset in the field. The Grammar Cricketers enjoyed a competitive season and intend to continue to strive and enjoy their sport, and when their season recommences in October, they intend to take poet, Jason "Rupert" McCall's words to heart.

Competition, BGGS entered four exciting routines ranging lrom a dramatic movement to a comical production. Although the challenging clubs performed exceptionally well in this section, the Royal Display from the BGGS RSG Club managed to clinch the prize. These successes enabled the BGGS RSG Club to retain its three year title of National Champion Club.


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