1995 School Magazine

6irld' Grommrrr $cbool @ridbane 1995


The under 14A, under 148 and under 14C teams made the semi-fina1s, which foreshadows the success of Grammar basket- ball in the future. On top of the ladder, the under 148 team was unstoppable, securing their place in the finals with an unde- leated record. After some breathtaking matches, the under 16As were unfortunately knocked out in the semis, but the under 1681s made the grand final with their own special flair. The skill, grace and determination of the girls obviously impressed the regional selectors, with Gids' Grammar being represented in ai1 age groups at the interstate classics. Repre- sentative honours in the under 14 division went to Belinda Deal, Hannah Murray and Tory Godfrey; in the under 16 division, Kate Wagner, Kate Lennox and Tamata Baruksopulo; and in the under 18 division, Caitlin Clare and AnneJordan. Hannah Murray and Belinda Deal went on to represent Queensland at the Australian titles in Adelaide and Sasha Cuffe and Caitlin Clare were selected ln the Under 16 and Open Metropolitan East Regional Teams respectively. 7995 Grammar Basketball has featured the re-introduction of various intramural competitions, with the emphasis on participation and enjoyment. The enormous success of the junior interhouse competition was due to Nartarshia Soo, who was ably assisted by Alison O'Dwyer, and resulted in inspiring the organisation of a senior interhouse competition. Hopefully these interhouse matches will become a tradition in the years to come. This was the second year the school entered three HOCKEY teams in the B.\fl.H.A. competition. It is a proud boast to say that any gid, regardless ofher experience, can be catered for in this sport. Thls avenue of sport not only means girls are not lost to the sport, but it also provides a nursery lor future QGSSSA players, where students can be taught the rudiments of the game and biooded in competition. The three teams nominated by the Friends of Grammar Hockey for 1995 were Division 7, in the senior competition and a J4 and a J5 teem in the junior competition. Both iunior teams placed seventh in their respective competitions, and considering

he club structure within the school continues to grow and become an essential part of sport and the fabric of the school. 1995 sees membership of the Sports Management Committee increase to eight. The purpose of this group is to allow a coherent philosophical and physical development of each club and its place within the schooi. The WATER POLO season began in August with a develop- ment squad with many interested athletes. This consequently led to a record number of teams this year - two in 14s, three in 15s, tlvo in 16s, three in 18s and one A Grade \fomen's team. A1l the teams played extremely well throughout the season with most of the A Grade teams ln obvious contention for the semi- finals and all other teams improving their ski1ls every week. At the end of the season there were only two Grammar teams in the grand finals - the 14As and the 18As. The L4As lost their flinal, thus placing them second overall in the competition which was a gteal effort for their first season of water polo. The 18As won their linal in a very exciting and close match which they won by one goa1. Congratulations must go to Jodie Taylor, Sasha Cuffe, CarolynJohnson andJane Tranberg who were chosen to represent Queensland in the U14 team. Congratulations must also go to Nikita Cuffe and Danielle West who both made the U17 Queensland Schoolgirls team. Danielle then went on to be chosen for the Australian School- girls team. This is an exceptional achievement for all these gir1s. After competing in the U15 State Championships NikitaCuffe, Danielle West, Dianna Henry 6 1.994 Queensland U14 player) and Corinne Butler were selected in the U16 Queens- land training squad.

BASKETBALL reaffirmed its position in the BGGS sporling community as one of the largest sporting contingents. The enormous potential of this year's girls shook Brisbane Basket- ball to its very foundations. In anameztngrecord effort, five out of ten junior teams made the semi-finals, two of which progressed to the grand final. Brisbane and regional teams were awash with Grammar players; and the level of intraschool and interschool participa- tion has skyrocketed with al1 teams placing above sixth posi- tion. A11 teams improved on last year's achievements.


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