1995 School Magazine

@irlg' Graurmar Scllool @rigbane 1995


,-l-rhe Economics Society aims to draw awareness to local, I national and global issues which are loosely econclmics based. In so doing the club brings together predominantly Year Eleven and Year Twelve Economics students and gives them the opportunily to set goais and fulfil them in a businesslike manner. The goal set for 1995 by the current Board, headed by Harriette Lawson and Claire Valkhoff. was to raise S2000 which would then be used by Commr-rnity Aicl Abroad to builcl a well in Ethiopia. This project was initially inspired by a presentation by Mr Ross Daniels, of Amnesty International , at a 7994 Global Education Seminar. Activities organised by the Society to help achieve this goal have includecl the staging of a rock concert with Brisbane Boys' Grammar, the lunning of an Easter Raffle, providing supper at both the Year Twelve Fashion Parade and at the School p1ay, "Beginnings", and a stall on School Day.

Cor-rpled with the fundraising side of activities the society has continued to try to cater for the educational needs of members. Discussion groups have been organised along with guest speakers to help supplement class work and to broaden stlldents' unclerstanding of the economic issues around them. Future issues facing members, particularly career options, are brought to their attention through addresses by current univer- sity students and Business organised breakfasts. These func- tions allow students not only to gain a better understanding and appreciation of the Economics and Commerce field but also to acquire experience in dealing with adults as well as practical business experience. These benefits for students have seen the Society become an integral part of many students' lives and a recognised palt of the School. HARRIETTE LAWSON


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Back Roto (L-R): K Stott. R. Mcceachie, S. And.erson, S. Emerson, N. Goddard, M. Beutel, K. Ma. Fourtb RotD (L-R): S. Grierson, A. Butnoris, V. Granger, D. Wyatt, Y. Vincent, S. Stent, K. Dornq). R. Henderson. Tbird. Rortr (I-R): I Hirst, A. Boue, L. Clarke, A. Rolston, J. Darby, K. Dodsutot'tb, R. Atlsrsen, A. Sbarma, N. Poropat. Second Roto (I-R): M Siu, E. Torid, B. Sbepberd, A. Tranberg, S. Ashouer, J. Heap, K Hamon, S. Tbelander, G. Relot, P. Cban. Front Rou) (I-R): E Rabemtula, N. Stiding, A. McTaui.sb, H. Iauson, Mr./. Walsb, C'. ValkholJ, M. Haberfield, H. Flint, J. Meluille


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