1995 School Magazine

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6rrld' @rnmnrar Scllool {lrrsbune 1995



Kallene Booker Sarah Kumeta Joleen Darby Rr-rth Schulz Christine Mott

Jennifel Abernethy Rosanne Barrett Melleah Clarke Kate Newsome Anna Puruis Sheridan Emerson

Aclele Marriott Samantha Powe1l Lesley Smith Anna McElrea Yan Cheng Kimberley Forrest

Alison Meeking Clare Lennox Amy Bowe Anna Pederson Rebecca Haigh Jane Ascough

Miranda Siu

Andrea Humphreys Jane Ellzabeth Harris

Jade Giles

Nicole Hill Gemma McCabe Michivo Matsuda

1995 Stent, Prue Mackenzie

SIL\IER AWARDEES FOR Katherine Dorney, Michelle Harvey, Sal1y


Johnston on piano, performed incredibly well, filling the Brisbane City Hall with the sounds of two Chinese songs: Mo lihua (TheJasmin Flower) and Mingtian hui geng hao (A Better Tomorrow). The competition s,'as celebrated with a barbecue and thoughts of next year. JENNIFER ABERNETHY

,-f-lhe Chinese Choir has nou' been part of the school for L*'o years. Having come from eigl-rt members to around twenty, the choir has clramaticaliy improved, not only in sound but also in strength. Last year, the Choir performed in the Asia \ileek section of the Brisbane Choir Eisteddfod. The Choir, conducted by Jenniler Abernethy and accompanied by Felicia


E. Mc Ghie, K. Gi.bson, J. Abernetby (Conductor), C. Ricbards, R. Bor. Siu, E. Abernethy, S. G(utuin, C. Henderson, M. hraleajimd, E. Whiting Absent: E. Stodart

Standing (L-R): C Mc Dorutld. S. Tr,ttu, Seateel (L-R): E. Tsrti, M

F..lohnson, K. Hamon . L. Lau


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