1993 School Magazine
This year has been a very successful one for the vocal pro- gram and I would like to thank three very important people for the dedication and devotion to choral music at BGGS Firstly MTS Bumard for her organisation and conducting of the choirs, Mrs Brazier for teaching the vocal students and conducting La Capella and lastly thanks to Miss Turner, our accompanist, for giving up her valuable time to assist with rehearsals. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC 1993 has been a very exciting year for all of the instrumental- 1sts at BGGS. With an ever-changing music staff and many opportunities to perform, the action has barely stopped! All concerts this year wei'e extremely successful and showcased the extensive musical talent at the school. These included the Prom Concert, Junior Music Concert, Young Artists in Concert, Chamber Concert and Arts Week. The new conduc- 10rs, Miss Slingsby, Mr HUIcombe and Miss Mackenzie, gave a different perspective and some challenging music which led to some wonderful performances. Many studenis also demon- sirated the high standard of classroom music in the school with instrumental performances of their original coinposi- lions. All of the concerts were received well by very appre- ciative audiences Anna Hawley, Music Captain The Instrumenial and Vocal Competition during Term 2 was an Important event which gave girls the OPPoi'Iunity 10 demonstrate the high SIaitdai'd of Iheir practical music studies The winners of each section peltoi'med at the Young Artists Conceri on June 41h; these peltormances were used 10 Judge the AT. Ieffi'ies Bui'sary for the most PIOmising Performer and the Wighi Medal foi' Ihe best pianist in the school. These awards were won by Philippa West (Violin) and Elizabeih Ahem respectively. Many winners from the competition were also given the opportunity to perform in front of the entire school body as a feature of Assemblies Ihi'oughout Term 3 All competitors ale to be congratulated for their mai'vellous performances in this event Many other musical opportunities were offered to the girls this year, including a string workshop with Mrs Sara POWell and a masterclass with the Queensland Wind Soloists for the Senior Concert Band. I'm SUI'e that all girls benefited greatly from these experiences A new initiative for this yeai' was Arts Week during Term 4 Starting with a concert at Mayne Hall on Sunday 10th October, it continued through the week with lunchtime con- certs and displays and finished with other performances on School Day on October 16th. 11 was certainly a wonderful week and our thanks must go 10 the Queensland Wind Soloists for their performances and 10 Mr Pincott for his fan- lastic organisation of the week I have thoroughly enjoyed being a Music Captain this yeai' and it has been wonderful to share in the successes of such a talented music department. I wish next year's Music Captains good luck and hope that 1994 will be a bigger and better year for Instrumental Music at BGGS HeIen Buchbach, Music Captain
MELBOURNE MUSIC TOUR Early in August, some forty BGGS Music students, together with students from eleven other schools throughout Australia, converged on Scotch College in Melbourne for an extended weekend of fun and music. We departed BGGS at 12.30 pm. and after a series of delays at the airport in Brisbane, arrived at Scotch College in Id-afternoon. At 6.30 pm. that evening students divided into their respec- live areas of choir, concert band and orchestra for the first sectional rehearsals of the festival. After two and a half hours of intense rehearsal, we met again to collect our Iuggaoe and be matched with our host families for the weekend
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On Friday both the choir and the orchesti'a reheai'sed vigor- ously at Dallas Brooks Hall, whilsi the concei'I band remained at Scotch College. Much of the day was devoted 10 sectional I'ehearsals working on challengiiig music Ihai was to be pel'- formed just three days later. A1 Spin. all SIudenis (by now cold and exhausted!) depai'led for "home", vei'y happy 10 know that they wei'e not required 10 be back at reheai'sals until2p. in. thenext day! ! ! The Saturday morning gave many the opportunity to explore some of Melbourne's sights, whilst others preferred 10 sleep in (perhaps 10 recover fi'om Friday night exploits????). Soon the rehearsing began again, with renewed commitment. As the choir and orchestra came together 10 I'ehearse "Carmina Burana" and endeavoured 10 sound like a recording of which Carl Orff would be PIOud, Concert Band once again toiled at Scotch College under the baton or Mr John Fenguson
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