1993 School Magazine

excellent items. This concert was a great success but the high- light of the evening was the exciting pertonmance of ' I Sing the Body Electric" for which Camerata, La Capella, the Grammar Singers and the Year 8/9 Choir came together to produce a vocal force to be reckoned with. Next came the honour of being asked to perform in the Australian Voices concert at Mayne Hall, University of Queensland. At this con- cert, both Camerata and La Capella performed various Australian choral works, featuring women composers, in a concert devoted to the celebration of Australian Composers. This was an inaugural event. During the year Boys' Grammar celebrated their 1251h Anniversary with a celebratory concert at which Camerata and La Capella were delighted to be asked 10 perform. Also during the course of the year, La Capella sang at Wellers Hill State School and Camerata sang at Miss Bolton's wedding. This year for the first time, an auditioned group of grade 8 and 9 singers was formed and these girls gave their first performance at the Junior Music Concert in Term 2. Their perlonnance on this night contributed to anoth- or successful musical evening

to the String Ensemble's performance of "Spring" from the "Four Seasons" in preparation for the Mayne Hall Concert The school year was given an entertaining and extremely comical start when the fabulous group Brass Razoo per- formed an unforgettable lunchtime concert for us during Week One. Additionally, instrumental music became a fea- lure of every Assembly during Term 3, giving various win- ners from the Instrumental and Vocal Competition and other talented musicians an opportunity to perform in front of the entire school population The annual BGGS Instrumental and Vocal Competitions held dunno Term 2 produced some outstanding solo performances with a large number of girls competing in each section. We were privileged this year to welcome the following outstand- ing Brisbane musicians to act as adjudicators for the various sections: Mrs Janene Grantham (Woodwind), Dr Stephen EinineTson (Keyboard), Miss Barbara Hebden (Gillies Ensemble), Mr Markus Lutz (Percussion), Mrs Patricia Pollet (Strings), Mr Harry Coghill (Vocal), Mr Peter Luff (Brass) and Dr Maicolm Ginies, Dean of Music at The University of Queensland as OUT guest adjudicator for the Artists in Concert Results for 1993 in all sections are as follows: JUNIOR Philippa West SENIOR Yumi Fujio-Seez As I read this report, I look back in absolute amazement at the incredible number of musical activities that have taken place over the year. 11 is a credit to all musicians at BGGS that they manage to juggle their extensive musical commitments with other academic, sporting and co- curricular activities and still manage to produce excellence in all areas. Throughout the year the students have displayed a sense of commitment and dedication to their music that will be a valuable asset to all projects that they tackle after finishing school. it has been a privilege to contribute to the direction of music at BGGS and I thank most sincerely Mrs Hancock, Mr Pincott. Mrs Burnard, all of the Instrumental Music Staff and other aca- demic staff for their support of my work this year. My best wishes for the future, Andrea Slingsby, Co- ordinator of instrumental Music VOCAL MUSIC The Vocal Music Prooram at BGGS enables a large number of girls to participate in many activities which highlight dif- forent vocal styles and techniques. The varied concerts throughout the year give the 400 vocal students many OPPor- Iunities to display their many talents on both an individual and group level The first perfonnance of the year for vocal groups was at the Prom Concert in Tenri I, to which many groups contributed SECTION STRING ACIE GILLIES VOCAL KEYBOARD VALDA GILLIES WOODWIND Philippa West Rachel Boldery Sharon Todhunter E!izabeth Ahem Katharine Winison (Tied) Linda Siemon (Tied) Najalie de lager Elizabelh Ahem Bryony MacGillivray (Tiedi Anna Hawley (Tied) Mary Broughton Georgia Petrohilos Ienny Velkovic Phoebe Papas PERCUSSION BRASS GILLIES ENSEMBLE Clarinet Quintet











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At the beginning of Tenri 3.47 of our girls participated in the annual Australian National Choral Association Festival (ANCA) which featured a performance by around 400 singers from various schools in Brisbane and throughout Queensland. More recently, a Vocal Concert was held in the Gohrmann Theatre based on the theme "Voices in Time", representing five centuries of vocal music and their different techniques. 11 featured many soloists and small vocal ensembles as well as some special guest artists including a fonner BGGS student, Tanta Botsman, Sarah Hopkins who performed her own Mr Ron Butler and the BGS unique composition, "Grammarphones". This concert was a tremendous success and a night that will be remembered for some time. For the music elective classes, two well-known performers recently came to BGGS to teach us various ways of express- ing particular vocal styles. Sarah Hopkins taught the Year 12 class all about enharmonic singing whilst Victoria Reubins lectured and demonstrated to the Year 9 class the relevant styles and music techniques associated with the genres of opera, jazz and pops. Our last main concert for the year was the annual Carols Concert at SI John's Cathedral which this year presented the theme of "A Garland of Carols", focusing on the variety of flora referred to in many carols. For this service we filled the Cathedral with flowers representing not only the sound of the music but the spirit that it portrays

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