1993 School Magazine
Dinner at the Hillon Hotel on 15 September. At that functior the 400 guests heard the aim of the new organisation was it build, through the encouragement of social, sporting and CUI- IUTal activities, a mutually supportive network of all con- cerned to promote and foster the present and future interests of the school. The Principal, Mrs Hancock, has continued to attend oui monthly meetings to keep us informed on activities in the school and to seek OUT views and assistance. By so doing she reinforces the value the school places on the P & F, Ihu: maintaining that important sense of belonging. This same recognition is conveyed by all staff at the school and is very much appreciated by the Association. Thanks 10 all our supporters. May 1994 be another successfu year Bob Gentner, Presiden FATHERS' GROUP Support for the group has been strong throughout the year Many new faces have joined us on a regular basis. Meeting! (1st Tuesday of the month - 616.30 pm. ) have maintaine( their traditional informality and have been well catered for by Ken and Glee and their able kitchen staff
and the New and Second-hand Bookshops. The convenors and voluntary helpers in these operations seek 10 provide a worthwhile convenient service to the school while generating income for the P & F to channel into the various activities of the school. The published accounts of the Association plus the monthly figures presented to the P & F meetings disclose how successful we have been. Nett Profit for 1992/93 was $131,000 and OUT results this calendar year are following a similar pattern. Having contributed significantly to the fund- inn of the new communications building opened in 1992, in recent times emphasis has been placed on bread and butler items such as improved student lockers and a new Yamaha grand piano costing $17,000
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Clothing shop
These shops rely on the thousands of hours of voluntary help given by our workers. They are the nTembers of the school family to whom I referred earlier. Their contribution and value do not convert into an average hourly wage late
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Book shop
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An important function on the P & F program is the Year Twelve Valedictory Dinner which we hosi each yeai'. On this niohi we set out to provide 600 parents and students willI a memorable evening to conclude the girls' secondai'y school life. The event is invariably filled with mixed emotions IronT euphoria to deep sadness! TITis year has seen the founding of a new family member' in the form of the school's alumni "Friends of Girls' Grammar" The P & F has been proud to be actively involved in 111e for- mation of this organisation and was co- host with the Board of Trustees at the launch of the body at an Inaugural CGIebi'allon
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School Day Hamburger Stall
Mr Peler Weyand gave the group a vei'y stimulating sample c the current computer facilities in the new Communication Building and the feedback from fathers since has been full ( praise for boili Peter's generosity and the school adminisirt
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