1993 School Magazine
lion for their progressive attitude in makino this technology available to our daughters. Mrs Hancock's support of our meetings is again sincerely acknowledged and strongly sought, particularly by new fathers wishing to access her invaluable feedback on current school activities Since the last edition of this magazine, the group has coinplei- ed the remaining sections of the school's picket fence project John Shenstone's (past president) efforts were acknowledged by the group at our last Christmas breakup with the presenta- lion of a fence paling engraved 'For continued service 10 Fencing ' . ip!,:,{;. - ,,. \^ r if ~*; ,\:. $ ^^,- "' --' - ,,:,*^ ~ It* 1, , - j\^; .; ,$^; ,I A. I ' '.- ,,,/t. , ., , ,,.* .^--,- I -,,- - ~~ , I -- * - * , ** A1 the time of writing, the Fatheis' CIOup Spring Landscape Working Bee is jinmineni. h is hoped Ihai this project will complement the excellent work by the school's grounds staff and continue 10 impi'ove BGGS' unique environment Imbil Report Mr Geoff Clark is our Imbil Working Group Co- ordinal or and Tis efforts over the past year have been nothing short of mon- Jinenial. An extremely busy building contractor and father, 3eoff has won the respect and friendship of the group wiih lis totally professional organisational and 'hands on' skills rim and Sue Lanham encouraged and supported the oroup on 111 occasions and the close relationship which the Fathers' 3roup has enjoyed with them ovei' 111e yeai's continues 'acilities 10 enable the every day use of the centre gi'ew iteadily and anyone returning to Imbil after a short absence Nill be amazed at its matui'ajioii Votable achievements by the group this year include Retaining walls and concrete storage areas undei' most buildings Storage Sheds relocated and erected Drainage Works Geoff's wife Shiney's. application for honorary membership if the group is currently being given serious consideration by he committee - many thanks to you both. ) look forward to 1994 and the continued involvement of the 'athers' Group in the life of Brisbane Girls' Grammar ichool .\ *~*; I* IJt, 4. \; ,* * \. & Completing the fence ,. \ *+. 1.41 * ! ~-. J I * ;
MOTHERS' GROUP Fundraising, fellowship and fun have been the features of Mothers' Group 1993. A very active year has included a num- ber of regular events as well as special occasions. The Monday Lunch Meetings which are open 10 all, have been well attended and very informative. Through these meet- Ings members of staff and guest speakers have kept us up-to- date on the school's many and varied activities for which we are most grateful The House Barbecues for Years 8 and 9 were held on both Saturday and Sunday evenings during March. These were excellent occasions for new students and parents to gel to know other newcomers. The success of the barbecues was due in no small way to the substantial efforts of the Heads of House, House Captains, House Seniors, Ihe palenis who acted as hosts, and the catering team of Mr Ken Weiland and kitchen staff
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Mother' Group Committee
in May we held a morning tea o11 the lawns followed by a dis- cussion on women's health issues. The discussion was led by a panel of prominent women doctors in the healili field. namely Cherry 11 HITSt (Chair) - Gynaecologisi; Esthei' Andrews - General Practitioner; A1dyih Love - Nutritionist; Carla Patterson - Physician/Geriatrician; Glenda POWell Exercise specialist; Carrie Ritchie; and Psychiairisi Judy Sommerville The success of this informative event prompted the planning of a similar meeting to be at nighi to allow a wider audience to attend. This meeting look place in August and was in the form of a 'Hypothetical' on health issues concerning middle age and adolescence. 'Us and Our Teenage Children' as it was entitled, was a great night which combined infoi'mallon, wit and an entertaining treatment of the issues The panel for the hypothetical consisted of: Psychiati'1st - Ray Cash, Cardiologist - David Coquhoun, and Human Movement Specialist- Tony Parker, as well as Carla Pailei'son, Iudy Sommerville and Cherry I HITSi from our May meeting. OUT sincere thanks go to all OUT panellisis but in particulai' 10 Dr HITSi for her enthusiastic and very capable efforts in organis- ing both of the health issue events
Trevor Lynch, President
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