1993 School Magazine
at the Vocal Concert including a work for Cameraia and Percussion Ensemble by Michelle Muirhead entitled "An Impression", a sung Haiku for female voices by BTOnwyn Lahey called "The Minano River", a Vocal solo with piano accompaniment by Sharon Todhunter entitled "Thou Hasi Made Me" and a Sacred expression for SATB by Michelle Thrupp entitled "Christ We Do All Adore Thee". The quality of students' original expression in sound continues to be out- standing and its development is demonstrated in the large numbers of students now entering their compositions for per- formance in concerts and competitions. in the future we hope 10 record all compositions onto CD Rom and have each year's creative output
at 7.30a. in. each rehearsal morning and have shared into song a wonderful year of choral experiences. A special thank you also to Mrs Elizabeth Brazier for her wonderful voice tuition, training and conducting of La Capella and to Miss Iill Turner for her valued support and huge contribution to the BGGS Choral Program, as the accompanist of all choirs. Thank you to ALL three Music Captains, He Ien Buchbach, lessica Conoplia and particularly Anna Haw!ey (the Choral Captain), for their outstanding contribution, support and caring through- out the year. A formidable musical trio!
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The Class Music Program has experienced great excitement and growlli but 1101 without its shale of sadness this year. We sadly farewelled Mr Russell Bauer who returned to Kingaroy 10 marry earlier this year, and Mrs Calherine EyeTS WITose family was Iransferred 10 Sydney. We have however with great pleasure welcomed Mr Allan Me Iville (and 11is newly born daugliiei', Hannali!) in Term 3 who has assisted enor- mously in preparing and setting lip the new Music Technology Room - a loom which will see us fully prepai'ed and leading the way in In us IC education into the twenty-first century. Stage One has been installed which includes four (of a planned Ien) work stations each consisting of a inidi-multi limbral synthesiser linked 10 computeI'S, sequencers involving interactive multi-media facilities. digital recording 1111d Iasei printing. The potential for musical expression ill Ihis electron- to world is unlimited. Now students can play willI ideas, sec theIn, hear Ihem. I'ecord tilem. atI'ange and play them back or just print 111em out willTin seconds! We call even send oui' compositions to other computers in the Communications Centre! A musical I'evelaiion and revolution has begun! Thank yoLi 10 the Parents and Friends' Association for Ihe OPPoriuniiy 10 lead Ihc way in Music Education "Tlioiigh! nicci. \ Ihoiiglii. 1'11 Inc shin'1'11g of o111' 0u. 11 t'!'cdli\'if\'. (111(/ ill I)ci/in'!11/11. q. lisici!ing 10 init/ 1111dci'- Kiniidi/Is, inc o1/11)111 of o111c!' I)colilc' \ 1111. '11/11', 11c\.,. " John Paynter Student compositions ranging front Year 8 gi'oup coinposi- lions to Year 12 individual compositions. nave coniinued 10 feature in many of our concerts this year. Thc Junior Concert premiered a Year 8's performance of their own "Planet Suite" including expressions of "The Planet of Gleen Gi'anite", "The Planet of Little People", "Planet of Blue Bounce. "Planet of Red Dust". Ihrouuh 10 Year 9 Vocal Poems called "Singing about Singing" where specil'ic words and features of various choral and vocal styles were set in a vai'jety o1' voiced rex- lures. TITe Senior MLisic students featurcd many compositions
"With o111 nil!SI't' life '10/11d bc (I nils!ukc" Nietzsche
We have experienced many visitors 10 class music Ihrough the year, sharing their individual expertise in a variety of music specialisations. These include Professor Payne. an eih- nomusicologisl on Aboriginal Women's Music, Mr ChTis Pairick on Airanging and 01'chestration. Miss Sarah Hopkins on Hai'monic Overtone Singing. Miss Victoria RUGbins on "Singing Pop to Opera", "Drumbetii" Percussion Display. QUT KGlviii Grove staff perloi'mances of Jazz. the Linforgei- table "Biass Razoo", innovaiive perforniance technician Mr Sieve 11 Leek on exploring. Miss Belly Booth on composition- al Techniques. ways of composing. along with lunchtime recitals provided by oui' own Anna Carson. Allyson Wood, Sharoii Todhunier and the BGGS/BGS String Ociei. With the I'eceni purchase of the magnificent Yamaha Grand for the Gehi'mann TITeaire. the Communication Centre's Performance Rooiii now has Ihe smaller Kawai cnabling more informal presentations 10 grace this room. This 11as been celebrated with a 11cw PIOgrain of an "Expostii'e Conceri Series" which aims 10 piescni student coinposiiions and other musical per- forInarices in all informal expcrience selling for performer, coinposci' and at^dicnce "To ItIkc' null 111 d 11/11. \it'd!lid!/blind!I'd. elfhc!' (is (I lid!/'11/1ci' ,, I (!., ,I 11stciic!'. I'.\ 10 c'.\/)101',. 10 (!film 10 ('C!ch!'illc fillC ' A' 111,111!!v. " A special thank you for the special support or the Principal. MIS Hancock; Ihe Head of Creative Arts Faculty. Mr Pincoit; Co- ordinalor of instrumental Music. Miss Slingsby; all staff; the Parents and Friends Committee; and the 1993 Music Committee: all parents; and, of course, 10 the ' niuso" SIu- dents. whom we especially must congratulate on a wonderful year of music education at BGGS
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