1993 School Magazine

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Our spirit clearly shone through in both the day school and the Boarding House, providing not only entertainment for the on-lookers but also a sense of pride in all the Boarders. With every available bed taken the Boarding House virtually explodes with skill and potential. Every school activity be it sportive, academic, or creative has input by the Boarders. But the achievements and recognition gained are not the meaning of being a Boarder. It's working together, knowing that the people you live with trust and believe in you. It's knowing that they are always willing 10 offer their support for your dreams and ambitions and in return you find yourself taking great pride in their achievements. Boarding breaks down the barriers of grade differences and friendships are made regardless of age. The character of our Boarding House is clearly seen in the annual Miss Boarding House Competition. The title this year was won by Merediih Bochmann and junior grades' Princess was Jackie Rigby. Each year level participated, and humour and enthusiasm blew the roof off the Auditorium. This enthusiasm do minat- ed all the other activities that occurred in the Boarding House throughout the year. Traditions like this simply prove to us the positive things gained by boarding: you gel as much out of the experience as you put in. These traditions will simply maintain the great character of Girls' Grammar Boarders in the future. Eva Wood BOARDERS ' SOCIAL EVENTS Throughout the year the boarders have attended and been involved in many social activities, excursions and special events. AMAZONS: To begin the year in our traditional way the boarders and staff headed off 10 Amazons waterslides for the day, the objective of this annual outing being that it is a great way for our new Grade Eights to meet the others in the board- ing house, and 10 gel to know the other girls in their own grade. h was an extremely tiring day but fun for all YEAR 8 IMBIL CAMP: Something new this year was the Grade 8 Imbil camp that was held on the fourth weekend of term one. All of the Grade Eight boarders, along with the dorm seniors and three staff spent the weekend horse-riding, river rafting on air mattresses, bush walking and most impor- tantly relaxing, mixing and having fun.

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Iudy and Esther showing Lord Mayor Jim Sourley around the school

year as head girls so memorable. We would also like 10 thank the entire school but especially the Grade 12 body and wish you all the very best of luck in the future. As we said in OUT first address at the beginning of the year "A tree as big around as you can reach starts with a small seed; A thousand mile journey stalls with a small step. " 1993 has been the year that many Grammar girls have taken this firsi small step and we urge you 10 continue o11 your jour- ney towards making your dreams a reality. Good luck! ! Judy Hadwen & Esiher Ienkins








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Eva Wood Finally being able to refer 10 myself as a senior and looking back on the past five years as most year twelves do, I now think I can safely say I know the iris and outs of Girls' Grammar. A lot of changes have occurred not only in the appearance of the buildings and the facilities provided but also in the attitudes of the girls. This year the sense of Identi- Iy and community was enhanced within the Boarding House





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