1993 School Magazine
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(L-R): Head Girls Iudy Hadwen and Esther .Ienkins
Term three was characterised by a great deal of fundraising within the school. Two unforgettable "Funk/Country ramas" were held to raise money for drought relief. in addition 10 this, a "drought relief wheelie bin" was placed outside the library and thanks to the generosity of many girls and their families, this was filled more than ten times in the first two weeks. The wide range of goods donated was much appreci- ated by many drought affected families. Red noses and badges were sold throughout the school for the annual Red Nose Day on August 27 to fund research into sudden infant death syndrome. Many girls actively supported this cause and consequently, this venture was yet another success. Fourth term promises to be both hectic and exciting with School Day, Speech Day, valedictory dinner, interschool ath- 16ncs and any musical concerts still before Lis. Although we look with excitement 10 the fuiure, with just seven weeks of school remaining, the seniors ai'e already feeling a little sad- dened at the thought of leaving. Some comfort can be gained from the knowledoe that the new "Friends of Grammar" organisation established this year, will provide an opportunity for us to continue to have an active involvement in the life of B. G. G. S.
11 is truly am azino how fast our time as Head Girls has flown by. it seems like just yesterday that we were recovei'ing from the excitement and terror of being told we were to head 111e school in 1993. On reflection, it has been the most rewarding and enjoyable year of our lives and we believe these senti- merits are shared by niany of our fellow seniors. The year began with the Grade 8 Orientation Day. The vast majority of seniors gave up the last day of the Christmas holi- days 10 welcome this new and enthusiastic group of girls to Grammar. This was followed very quickly by the prefect induction ceremony and the beginning of OUT weekly prefects meetings which never failed in being enlightening and often quite entertainino! School spirit reached an almighty climax at the interschool swimming whei'e Grammar did exceedingly well willT a second place! With the countless activities within the school such as inter house draina and music concerts keep- inn us more than occupied, the Easter holidays were upon us before we had time 10 take down the Christmas decorations! What a term! Rejuvenated and ready to go, second term was destined 10 be a great one. We were fortunate enough to attend a breakfast organised by UNIFEM 10 mark International Women's Day which was both irispii'ing and enjoyable. For the Grade 12's, the highlight of this term would niost definitely have been the annual fashion parade! Tlianks to the onthusiasiiT and organi- sational skills of Sarah More an, 111e senioi's looked positively radiant as they strolled down the catwalk on the nights of June 14 and 15. A phenomenal antount of 11Toney was raised this year and both niglits were thoi'oughly enjoyed by all who attended. Unbelievable as it seemed, the June/July holidays 11ad begun and we were already half way 111rough 111e year! ..
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Collecting for drought relief There are so many people that we need to thank for all the11 help and support throughout the year. MTS Hancock, Miss Williams, Mrs Lynch, Miss Halton and Mr Dale have offered all of us so much encouragement and have helped make oui
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