1993 School Magazine

F10na BOTthwick Sasha Chenoweih LOTraine Chesters Sue Firth

Cdiibei'I'd. Evei'y Monddy they d!^nihil!e wool und o1hei' it, o1'k o1 Rhodd Fe/Dale's loonis, Empii'e Chainbei's, inking it in IMi. lis 10 be Ihei'e I'M Ihe lunch how. dnd lure in the off elfioon A1mosi un of them woi'k so lis a splendid 4'011. They nave been plopei'Iy I'ecognised and legi'SIei'ed ds u 171'anch of Coinjoi'is und if fros all been done in vei'y good oldei' - so pulp05


Barbara Hiley Heldi HUSman

Annie Laver Sally Maher Sue Meeking Lyle Schwarten Pain West We ridy White head

in an attempt to vary the activities offered to OUT members, the Association organized an Open Meeting on 17th May at which Dr Cherry I Hirst from the Breast Clinic at We SIGy Hospital, member of the Board of TTListees and an Old Girl. addressed the issue of women's health and breast cancer. The particularly detailed and informative presentation was shared by a disappointingIy few. The Annual Dinner on 23 July was at the Windsor Centre, LUTwyche, and guests this year were highly entertained by Her Honour Judge Margaret MCMurdo (1966- 1970), first woman appointed as a District Court Judge. On 8th September, Her Honour created further legal history by becoming the most Senioi' sitting judge in Australia to have a baby. her fourth child and third son, Alexander


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Visit on April I, 1993 L-R: Mrs Norma Spearrett inee Kar011) 1942-46 - Head Boarder; Mrs Fleanor Roan inee Bainj 1922-24; Miss relicity Williams; Mrs A1ice Richards inee H, 15kin) 1914-17 - Du\ of School; Mrs Vanl Sweeney inee Hoodj 1942-44 On August 16, another open meeting was organized at the school, this time being addressed by Yvoiine Bain, AUSiralian PresideilI of the National Council of Women. past member of our Board of TTListees and Honourary Life Member of the Old Gills' Association. Again, aliendance was disappointing, but the vasi scope of the National Council of Women was a fascinating subject and quesiions flowed freely at the conclu- SIon of the talk A very successi'ul Fashion Parade and Brunch at the Lyrebird Restaui'ant filled one Sunday morning in September. The adult fashion froni "Zucci" of Stafford was modelled by old girls in a most professional manner. but again, as last year, they were upsiaged by theii' off-spring who stole our hearts in liendy gear by "Ma Ma Ba Ba Big Kid". The Bi'urich was delicious. the wealhcr perfect and the atmosphere relaxed, a wonderfLil way 10 spend a Sunday morning.

Paula MCKellar Arabelle Clayden Jean Vallis Dorothy BOUTguignon

President Junior Vice President Past President Secretary Assistant Secretary Treasurer Assistant Treasurei'

Penny Smith Diana Wood Sue Jordan

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