1993 School Magazine

The Principal, Judith Hancock, spoke of the strength of Grammar's existing support groups and of the enthusiastic responses from supporters, apparent during the progress of the Building and Restoration Appeal. The Deputy Principal, Fellcity Williams, invited those present to become involved, and a decision was taken 10 establish a steering committee to work lowards making "FOG. G. " a reality The committee held its first meeting the following day. Three woi'king pal'lies were foi'med. The first, chaii'ed by John Pietznei', has worked 10 set up a constitution Ihai would encompass satellite groups. The second, a network committee is chaired by Deputy Principal Felicity Williams, and the third, chaired by Maureen Schubei'I and P & F President Bob Geniner, organised the official CGIebi'at ory Dinner for FOG. G. at the Brisbane Hilton on the fifteenth of September. The association was Iannched by MTS Hancock, assisted by our head girls Esiher leiikins and Judy Hadwen One of Grammai"s former head girls, Elizabeih James on, pro- posed the toast 10 the school The evening drew a wondei'ful I'esponse front 111e school coin- nuniiy, with just Lindei' 400 guests attending. it was an Gaily indication that the "Friends" will be a warnily welcomed nember of the Gi'am mar family and we all wisli the new Is SOClallon well The aim of The Friends of Gills' Clanimm'is to promote and 'unher the interests of the School and foster mutually henefi- :iai I'elations between 111e Alumni and o1hei' supporters of the School

School's Birthday on 15 March Those present included Jane Johnson (nee Wright - 1974- 1978), Weridy Edwards (nee Bacon - 1960-1963), Phyllis Bowen (nee Morris - 1949-1950), Penny Laird (nee Gallon - 1964-1968), Julie Hammer (1968-1969), Tessa Wake (nee Logan - 1966-1968) and Maud Dean (nee Cubby - 1923- 1927) They were all interested 10 hear of developments at the School and 10 reminisce about their expel'iences. Mrs Dean was Head Gill in 1927 and aftei'Ieavino the school studied Science at Queensland University, where she was the first woman 10 receive a Gold Medal for Chemistry when she gradualed with First Class Honours in that subject. Mrs Dealt has agreed 10 write her memoirs foi' inclusion in a proposed book on the History of Girls' Grammar. Mrs Dean aave Mrs Hancock a copy of a letter sent to her from Kaiherine Lilley who was her Headinisti'ess. The letiei' written in 1941 talks about the work of the girls of the school towards the War effort and paris of it have been included 101' interest below. lulle Hammei' has been appointed as Willo Commander in the Royal Australian Airforce and is the fii'SI woman 10 hold such a position. She is presently Commanding Officei' of the Elecironic Warfare Squadi'on at Edinbui'gli in SOLiilT AUSti'alla and is looking forwai'd 10 visiting Ihe school 10 share he I' expel'lise willI Senior Science students who are interested in aerospace

Maureeit Schubei'I. Launch Convenoi






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Mrs Mau, I Dean





Anyone who knows of other Adelaide I'esidenis who have a past association with the School should contact eiiher The Personal Assistant 10 the Pi'inclpa1 o11 07831 1300 or Mrs Dean on 083443475 who plans 10 hold the next reLinion






18/11 1114^, 1941

Deui' Mdi!of

7/1uiik yo!{ I, ei'y nilic/I flirtee, / 101 1'011!' gelieJ oils '10/1ciii'o11 10 the Wdi' Woik Gion/) n, hit/I cantc IDLloy, dii(I ^^ M, us d PIcrrs!!I'e 10 liedi'/ioni yoii - yowi' lei!eJ' n, ds I, ei}, M, e!COM1e 7/1e Wo!' Woi'k Gi'o1/17 lids done I, ei'y good M, o1 A, tilld 11 is Jeany 1/1e nio. ,I or'ill, e lidJ'I of Ihe O. G. C. ui I)leseiii. Nc//it Cdni/?bell is lis 171'esideiii Q!Ifl Mill'd Coll, 111 is scc. n eus!Ilei' Miiv'Q is oil Ihe SIqff heI'e. so if i's I, ei}, pledsdiii dii(/ errsy101' nie 10 keep ill IOHc/I M, 1/11 atI filey do. Rcc"11/1y, 1/1ey o10diii'sed ofeie alld hilt/ge (/live din, y Philp's 101, ely honie at Toon, o11g und I, ei'y shoi'fly Ihei'e is d dunce and 1,101'e b!'I'dge at Ihe

xi 3pm on Thursday 7 October 1993, a new milestone in the ife of the School was established. Under the umbrella of The 'Tiends of Girls' Grammar, the first network reunion of past Iudents was held in Adelaide at The Terrace Hotel. Through he initiative of Mrs Iudith Durbridge (nee Billing 10n), eighi old" Grammar girls met with Mrs Hancock for afternoon tea 401 one of the "girls" had any idea of the existence of past Iudenis in Adelaide and yet the friendship and fellowship rigendered was such that they have agreed to form the nucle- s of a group which will meet annually on or about the



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