1993 School Magazine
This year regional representative honours went to Cainin Clare and Christine Gentner. We congratulate Cainin Clare for her subsequent selection to train in the National Junior Development Squad The EQUESTRIAN TEAM has been very active throughout the year and individuals have taken out many placings in a variety of events For the first time we entered a team in the Ride to Music cate- nory at the Pine Lodge State Championships. The team won 1st prize for the most original and creative theme and came 3rd overall. Congratulations to Allison Hamon who devised the theme of "Beauty and the Beast" and then choreographed the performance The school SAILING club was involved in two forms of rac- ing this year, teams racing and club racing. We were success- ful in both areas with all the girls improving their sailing skills immensely The year beoan with the main focus being on 111e training and selection of a team for the teams racing series. Teams racing involves two teams in each race, each with six members Unlike normal dingy racing, the aim is not for individuals to oain, for example a first place, but for the team as a whole to work together to gain the best placings possible. This fomt of racing helps the participants 10 become PTOfi- cieni racing as a team. and sailing close to the opponents which requires a greater tactical knowledge, and ability 10 manoeuvre the boats quickly and safely
Girls continue to nurture the sport within the school by be coinino coaches and judges and this year the student coach- ing panel included Anita Hobson, Allison Manvell, Sue-Ling Lau, SIacey Frostick and Kym Potter. These girls not only provide wonderful role models, but also develop their sport Each year BASKETBALL proves to be one of the school's most popular sports within the school and 1993 has continued this tradition. Nine teams, willI an average of ten girls in each, were entered into the Brisbane Basketball Incoiporated compeli- lion. Brisbane Girls' Grammar is one of the few schools which enters 111is competition and most of the teams the girls compete ariainsi have had several years experience. The majority of Grammar Basketballers play the game for the first lime in Year Eight, whicli makes their successes all the more impressive. Once again the U16A and U18A teams competed in the social Q. G. S. S. S. A. competition. Basketball is not an official sport of this association. however this yeai', Brisbane Slate High School, Somerville House, SI Peter's and SI Margaret's par- ticipaied. The interest has increased and we look forward 10 the formalis ino of this sport within the Association. Each year, ten of the school's most talented players are cho- sen to represent the school at the Queensland Stale Championship. This year the team travelled to Townsville. Only the strongest schools lake part in this competition and Grammar always encouniers some rough opponents However, the experience is invaluable and enables the younger players 10 be blooded.
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Wc chose 10 nave eight members on oui' team: although on I: six people are ICquircd. and to rotate the skippers and theI crew for each lace. Doing this enabled more girls 10 improv their skills in this area Ibi' next year's series. B. G. G. S. on I manaoed 10 qualify 101' the regionals this year but with the Ial Grit in next year's team. the Girls' Grammar team is likely I dominate in Ihc 1994 sci'Ies As well as leanTs racing, the school is also involved in clu racino on the Bulimba Reach of Ihc river. River Sailing is ureai way for girls who have just completed their introducior sailing course to improve their new skills 1993 has been a successful year and if the club continues I orow at the rate it is, wc are sui'e to see Girls' Gra!rimt Sailing making an even bigger impression in the largely malt dominated sport of Secondary Schools Sailing.
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