1993 School Magazine

Debbie and Julia were subsequently selected in the Australian U20 Women's Water Polo Team. More recently, Michaela White and Kale Bunning achieved selection in the Queensland Schoolgirls' Team and the Queensland U16 State Team with Allson Ready and reserve, Clarissa 10nkins. *' I .~ '.' '*'."':;*'.**" \:~t " ;****. ' ~I;. t''l}'.*:f*\\*;~. ~,'* I: >-: '-;:\ .. ':****~ 11 ,...' . ~;;;I. '. ~~'If*t. ,/,^* *..'..,'- ' ' ". ';-*'-:.- , , , .. .... '.

CLUB SPORT 1993 The Club sporting calendar commits many Grammar girls to sporting activity for the majority of the year. This commit- merit is welcomed by both the girls and the school, as it pro- vides more opportunities for students to be active at a time when girls traditionally drop out of sport.

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(L-R): Kale Bunning, A1ison Ready, Clarissa Ienkins Absent: Michaela While

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At these titles, Michaela and Kale were selected in the Australian U16 Tournament Team with Kale rccciving the Best Goalkeeper Award. . .. .-, 11


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The school year begins when o11r WATER POLO teams are halfway through their season. The season, which commenced in October 1992 and continued Ihrougli uniil March this year, began VCry enthusiastically with a record number of enrol- merits in the club and the establishment of two new teams - B divisionsinihe U16 and U18 age gi'oups Over the season. a universal aim. oui' formula for success. was uscd by the conel\es of all Ihe teams. under the direction of Head Coach, Andy Eni'ighi. whereby skills. team cohesive- ness and flexibility of game play were the focus. The standard of Water Polo progressiveIy improved aitd our long houi's or gruelling training paid off' in the water on Salui'days at the Vallcy Pool. resulting in Inariy outstanding victorics for Grammar at all levels We Gritei'ed the finals series POSiiive!y and willT high IIOPes Unfortunately we were tinsucccssful in achieving a premier- ship. however wc did achieve a most important goal o1' having lull playing Water Polo. Wc had many stars this season, howcvei' several playei's gained I'GPresentalive seicclion and Lipheld the impressive 11a- ditioiTs of the club in November of '92 Michaela Whiic. Kale Bunning and Kale MCCTeady were selccied ill Ihc Brisbane Meti'opolitan East Reuional Schoolgirls' leanTs. During the Christmas holidays, four of Grammar's "Old Girls". who continue to play 10r us in Ihc U20 and Open A Grade teams. were sclecicd in lite Qucensland U20 Women's Team, which competed at the National Titles in Canheri a - Deborah Sander. lulla Flaskas. Danielle Tavlor and lulle Marshall

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