1992 School Magazine
School was still in session. Our Project Managers, Civil and Civic, and our architects, POWell, Dodds and Thorne, have handled the situation with commendable skill and care. Their continual close consultation with Mrs Hancock and she with he I' senior staff, prevented problems from arising unexpectedly. Delays were avoided despite pel'iods of very heavy rain and the building was completed ahead of time. Our thanks to all those who have been involved in
CHAIRMAN ' S ADDRESS AT THE OPENING AND NAMING CEREMONY 1717/92 Mi. Minister, Mrs Hancock, fellow Trustees, donors and subscribers 10 our Building Appeal, parents and friends, members of staff and girls, it was with great pleasure that I learned a few weeks ago that you, Sir, were prepared to spend some of your very valuable time to come here this afternoon to open the Communications Centre officially and to name it and also to unveil the PIaque which will be placed in the o1'1ginal School building to mai'k the coinple- lion of its restoration and renovation. 11 is a great honour you do us but is quite in keeping with the special relation- ship which has existed between state governments and Queensland grammar schools. You do nominate the maioi'- ity of OUT Board of Trustees, you do guarantee our loans, you do give us an annual per capita allowance, you do give us an annual endowment. you do provide us with industrial I'elations assistance and you did give us a capital subsidy for' approved plans. -e;'\:.~' ** - ' "4, ;*'*'**,. " ' ' '. ';^, ; . ., I , "*.- * ,.^ F1 **,;, F1
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Site inspection by Year U Mains U students the project have been penmanently recoi'ded on the piaques to be unveiled today. Petei. Brown's mastei' planning and ian Moore's sensitive treatment of the bi'Ief given to him have Iesulted in a development whiclI will take us into the 21st century. in appreciation of 111eii' contribution, I would now ask Mr Hamisli MCDonald of Civil and Civic, Mr Tim O'NGill of Lend Lease and Mr Mac Stilling of POWell, Dodds and Thoi'pe 10 come forwai'd 10 I'eceive a small token of our appreciation to tilem OUT Parents and Friends' Association has 1101 been idle durino the life of the project. Together with their associated organisations, the Mothers' and the Fathers' Gi'oups, which include of course inariy of our donors and sub- sci'Ibers, the school nits been lielped boili financially alld pi'actically. The P & F has assisted the School to purchase computers tilld satellite I'acilities, the Mothei's' Gi'oup to provide funds whicli allowed foi' 111e development of the A1'chives Room, the clock foi' 111e clock towel', tile franTes for' the student art woi'ks on display in tile new Centi'e and the installation of a commemorative stained glass window in the o1/01nal school building. The Faihers' Group has spent many weekends o11 the landscaping and the picket fence which now Grillance the school envii'onineni. The name of the building was also chosen by the palents in these vai'IOUs groups after theii' consultation willI senior staff and it was from the 11 I'ecommendation that the Boai'<1 made its decision
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Mrs Hancock, Mr Braddy and Dr Grassie outside the new Communications Centre
This School, ovei' its history, 11as responded very positively to the Government's interest and has set and maintained standards in the education of girls which must be amongst the best in the country. For what you were unable to con- tinue to do by way of capital subsidy through your govern- merit's aim to treat all non-government schools equitably, this school turned to its wider community. The donors and subsci'ibers, many of whom are pieseni, have responded generously, despite the depi'essed state of the economy. A number of them, in I'ecogniiion of the size of their doria- lions. are having rooms in the building named after' them or. their companies and others have their names included on an Honour Board which is located in the Foyer of the new Centre. The School wishes to thank all of them for Iheii' Inuch needed assistance. Without it, we would have run into all soils of difficulties. Many other kinds of difficulty could have been experi- enced Ihrougli our putting up a major building whilst the
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