1992 School Magazine

To the staff and the girls, we are also very oraleful - the staff for their ideas, which have been incorporated into the building and the girls for' their gi. eat forbearance dunno its construction May I ask you now, Mr Minister, to address us and 10 open and name this new building of ours and unveil the PIaque to be installed to note the restoration of the internal fabric of the main building, as well as its modernisation. THE UNVEILING OF A PLAQUE COMMEMORATING THE CONCLUSION OF THE RESTORATION OF THE BOARDING HOUSE AND THE OPENING AND NAMING OF THE NEW COMMUNICATIONS CENTRE . "THE I'DITH A. HANCOCK COMMUNICATIONS CENTRE" ADDRESS BY THE MINISTER FOR EDUCATION, FAUL BRADDY. 17 JULY 1992

of which the Queensland Govei'riment was able 10 con- tribute half a million dollars. I am sure the 94 boardei. s pre- sent today are also pleased with and pi'oud of the improve- merits to their dormitories. When I visited the School earli- er this year I was shown the School's boai'dino facilities and was very impressed with how the I'enovations had managed to maintain the heritage aspects of the original building while providing the boarders with a feeling of warmth and privacy. The school is to be congratulated on the decision to nTain- lain a Boarding House. 11 demonstrates Brisbane Girls' Grammar School's continuino commitment to makino edu- cation available to young women including those from remote areas. Boarders make a significant contribution to the spirit and strength of the school. Brisbane Girls' Gi'am mar School began educating young Queensland women in 1875. Over the past centui'y the school has demonstrated, through the academic achievements and contributions to society of its past pupils, the school's strong belief that the education of oirls is just as important as that of boys' While in the 1990's this may seeni an obvious statement, in reality true equality for nien and women is still 10 be fully realised. Since the Coss Govei'nineni came to office nearly three years ago we have been actively PIOmoiing gender equity in all State Schools. While we would all agree education 1101ds the key 10 11'ue equality, in the past our education system has subtly coin- in unicated 10 girls that their education was not as important as that of their bi. others in the State System we ale tackling this legacy Ihrou, ,h our Gender Equity Policy and throLigh our Equal Opportunity Employment Policy. Meiji and ability are the guidino pi. in- ciples of the Goss Govei'nineni Employment Policy. This new policy is already be ai'ing fruit with significant num- hers of talented women being promoted, 11Taiiy to tile POSi- lion of Deputy Pi'inclpal, which indicates that willtin a few yeai's female Pi'inclpals will become a coinmon occurrence in our stale schools. Tiley will join the women WITo ale now principals - but who are presently 100 few in number. The Girls' Graininai' SILident of the 1990's follows in the footsteps o1 some of QLieensland's most I'Ginai'kable women. I was impi'essed 10 read that Queensland's fii'SI High School PI. incipai. Mi. s Mai. ianne Biydon. was a past pupil of the school. Mis Bi'ydon went o1T to become the Pi'inclpal of Bi'ishane Central Technical College. The school also 11as the disiinciion of educatin, , Ihe Iii'SI woman 10 become a qualified Sea Captain. Eli/. abetli Daison. anti the firsi woinan Rhodes Scholai' ill AUSii'ajia. Dr Elizabeth Woods. The achievements of these tilld niany other gladu- ales of the school dellionsii'ate that Brisbane Girls' Clamiiiai' School has played its role ill coinmuiiicaiinE! 10 the widei' community the 11'Lie poleiitial of wonieii I congratulate anti thank tile school for this achievement. I encoui'age all the gii'Is liei'e today 10 follow the lead or these talentecl women. I IIOPe yoti all pui'sue tile cineei' of youI' choice, alld lievei' allow jestriciive SIei'Gotypes 10 rob you o1 a rewai'(ling lifelong cal'eel'.






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Minister fur Education, the HDn. Paul Braddy Thank you foi' the invitation to be here for such all impor- tallt occasion, an occasion WITich celebrates. into uuh the I'estoration of the Boai'ding House, the school's PIOud his- 101'y WITile also launching the school, through its Language Education Program, into tlie 21 SI Century. Tile consii'uction of this new Communications Centre 11as been enthusiastically suppoi'letl through the school's I'estoi'ajion and building appeal. The success of this appeal Is 11n indication of the silong following tile school has developed and maintainecl dui'ing its 127 years of PIOvid- ing education to young women I take the OPPoi'Iunity 10 I'ecognise all Ihose who clonaled money to the appeal and inarik 111em 101' their coinilTillneiii to cnsui'Ing Ihe school's Iaciliiies ill'e able 10 nTeei the chal- leiiges of the 21st Century in 1989 the Bi'ishaiie Gills' Gi'animal' School Coinmunity 11:1d 50/11e liard tiecisioiis 10 milke - snOul(I it sell Lip and move 10 a linger site. close Ihe Boai'ding House to PIOvide exirti space. o1' I'enovate the Boarcling House tilld build this liew Coniiiiuiiic;1110ns Centi'e'} Standing Ilere today I anI sure the School Coinmuiiity initde tile rinhi decision. A school's sense of 11:1


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