1992 School Magazine
heated debate about whether Crunchie Bars are better than Violet Crumbles! (Violet Crumbles won. ) 11 has been rewarding to see the improvement and profi- ciency of members this year, as they developed confidence in speaking in front of an audience. One member, Alex NGels, very successfully carried out an entire speech on the telephone - and it was the wrong number! One meeting the entire Zenitli Club went "Halty", that is we all brought along our favourite hat and talked about it This resulted in some most amusing and entertaining anec- dotes and was a particulai'Iy successful afternoon Thanks must go to Mrs Dakin and Mrs Riggs for their unwavering support throughout the year and 10 every member for making the club a success. All the best foi. next year!
PRESIDENT - Hilary Fisher VICE-PRESIDENTS - Sarah Davidson and Iacinta Harper SECRETARY - Susannah Helman TREASURER - 10 Sing it has been observed that the brain begins working at birth and stops the moment one is called upon to give a speech. The Zenith Club aims to improve the public speaking abil- ity of its members whilst maintaining a relaxed environ- merit. It provides a variety of speaking roles and the speeches are evaluated by other members. This year has been a most successful one for Zenith. We have discussed a variety of topics ranging from "Should Brisbane have a Casino?" to "Advertising", from "Space" and "Hopes for the Future" to "Chocolate". These involved such deep and meaningful issues as "How do they get the chocolate around a maneser?" We also had a
Hilary Fishei
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ZENITH Back Row (L-R): I. Darby, N. Glover, S. Helman, S. Davidson, K. Somers, A. Cohn, J. Warig. Second Row: Z. Moor, F. Harrison, C. Breipohl, L. Roberis, I. Fisher, T. Tingle, I. Harper, A. Neels, M. Harvey. Front Row: S. Gauvin, I. Sing, K. Chau, Mrs I. Dakin, H. Fisher (President), Mrs I. Riggs, I. Cameron, S. Ngo, M. Cohn. Absent: M. Matsuda, F. Schubert, S. Hainsworth.
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