1992 School Magazine


'all terrain space buggy" 10 complete our nTajor project which will CUIminaie in a display on School Day in API'11, Churchie's Aerospace and Internlanetary Society invited us to attend an astronomy viewing nioht at their school. Unfortunately, howevei. . ^alit interfei'ed and the evening had to be postponed. Hopefully another night will be o1'ganised in the neai' future Dtiring the September vacation, some club members will be going on a trip 10 the United States where they will attend the Space Camp ill A1abama, Florida and other famous 'Space' places sucli as the EPCoti Centre and the Kenjiedy Space Centre. All girls participating are very excited about WITat will be a 1110st enjoyable and enlighten- Ing Iwo weeks. We look forward to nearing aboLii theii' Intel'eSting expel'IenCGS STAR. Club has had a most successful year thanks to the constant suppoi. I and inexhaustible enthusiasm of Miss Stephens.

The RSPCA peace soldiers were at it again this year, fluhi- Ing against the forces of evil to protect our less fortunate furry friends This year began with a boom with many fund-raising activities which included a delicious Easter Tame, a count- the-1011ies-in-111e-Jar competition and various School Day activities. However our members will always reinembei 1992 as the year we gained a very special nTeinber and mascot, George Dunn. a blue cattle dog. who lives in the cottages. Special thanks must go to all the committecl nTeiiibers wlio maintain their suppoi'I Ihrougli boili good and bad times This particulai'Iy includes Miss Tennani foi putting up willI oui' whining and Amy Hendei'soil foi' liei' \voi'k on oui' newsletter early in the year.

We both hope that next yeai' is ai'ealliow1!11 Best wishes!

The furuie of the club looks to be 'out of tills world'I

Rachael Kenys Hemali Gunaratne

Kara!yn Orr

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STAR CLUB The B. G. G. S. Space Technology and Asti'onomical Reseai'ch Club was formed last year 10 catei' foi' those students who have a keen Intel'est in space science Meeting every fortnight, club In Ginbei's reseai'cli various aspects of astronomy and look at new developments in space technology. Oui' maioi' project this year' 11as been 111e construction of a model of the planet Mai. s. Some club members wei. e involved with I. esearcliinn the surface fea- lures and atmospliere of the planet, wiieTeas others lielped to make the papei' mache SII'uctui'e and clearively sculpted and painted its sun'ace. Our nexi task is to Inake an


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Re\. icwing space poster coinpetilion entries IL-R) K. Waraker. C. Lane, competition. judge. Miss S. Stephens


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S. T. A. R. Cl. LB Back Rim' (L-R): 13. Kell}. K. ()1.1. . K. \\'"raker. A. Hurliiw. Second Row : P. Short, R. Farmer. H. Tithei. . \I. \\'esl. S. Lehmann. 11. RDSs. Front R, Iv': A. Hubson. Z. \10nr. A. \eels. Miss S. Stephcns. B. Clarke. I. Burinn. R. Tyler.


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