1992 School Magazine
best highlighted our club's versatility was the participa- lion, by six girls, in the Vice-Chancellor's Christmas Concert in November last yeai. . These airls constituted a backstage crew and Stage Manager, and worked for six- teen hours over three long nights to execute their duties admirably. ~~,,.. . - . . . .
I. S. C. F. REPORT The is. CF. (Inter-school Christian Fellowship) menibers have worked hard this year to make I'S. CF. a stronger and more recognised club at Gii. Is' Grammar, willI much suc- CGss. With members from all grades, our fellowship's aim is to know Chi'isI and to make Hini known! We meet on F1'Iday lunch-times to discuss many issues which are interesting and relevant. Such topics nave included 'Peer Pressure' and 'Abol'lion'. We nave had many guest speakers and also have 11ad video days quite often Several niembers have also been involved in a number of camps throughout the year. These are organised by Scripture Union and are a gi'eat way 10 meet new people. The ideas that people have brouglii back fi. om these camps have helped us organise our PIOgrams. We now have new leaders - MGO lones and Julie Rawson - who nave niore than adequately filled the space left by Marylin Sheilds Is. CF. has had a great year and looks forward to a lot more fun and friendship in the fLiture 1992 ntai'ks tile 15th yeai' of the Leukaemia Committee's fundi'aising efforts in memory of forIner Brisbane Girls' Grammar Student, Kirsten Jack. This yeai. 's membership rose to a recoi'd of 71 girls, whicli augui'ed well for our annual fundraising for Ieukaemia research. Our 11ugely successful chocolate raffle at Easter attain proved to be our most populai' fLindraising venture. We continued 1111s success by supplying refi'eshments on the internouse Drania evenings. Sweets stalls and the now leg- endaTy McDonald's on Athletics Day nave also swelled our corfei's. The I'afne of the beautiful Mai'y Williams' sci'Gen print donated annually by Mr anti Mrs Jack coniin- ues to be an important pal'I of oui' fundi';lising effoi'is. in 111ird tel'ni we 11ad a video anti pizza titlei'1100/1 when we watched Dying Young Early in 111e yeai' we welcomed Pi'oressoi' Smith and two of his colleagues. Di' Tieriiaii anti Dr Lockwood co Grammai. old gii'I). 10 Assembly. Tiley exp!'essed theii' thanks to I' the cheqLie foi' $3,500.111e I'esults of fundraisin, , fi'Qin the pre- vious eigliieeii months. Di' Lockwood. the Head of tile Boile Mall'ow Ti'tillsp!antation Unit ill the Royal Children's Hospital. spoke on Ihe nature or leseai'clt into childliood Ieukaelhill and now 111e 1110/1ey I'aised by Grainiiiai' would be Lised Very special Inaiiks must go to Mis Kilnbei' toI' heI' illvalu- able guidance and suppoi'I. and 10 our secretaries, Cal'a Swann and Sellna You1111-Pine. who boili devoted niuch 11/11e and energy to the commitiee. Thanks are also extend- ed to the many members of Ihe Leukaemia Committee who loyalIy pal'ticipated in oui' various fundraising ven- lures Ihi'ougli the year F10na CTawford Franki Richardson KIRSTEN JACK MEMORIAL LEtIKAEMIA COMMITTEE
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The club certainly has had a vei'y full and PIOductive yeai. , whicli was recognised by a Rotai'y "Award of Excellence" at the District 9600 Interact Conference in June Congratulations and thanks to all of the members who, as a club, worked hard all yeai' to deseive this achievement Special inariks to the 1991/92 Boai'd - Adj'ienne Coinwall, Jane Muni'0. Karen Chau. Emily Bradfoi'd, Renee Lambert, Elizabetli Markay and Madalina Mii'CGa. foi' all 111eir concei'led and willing cfforts. 11 is certain Inat the recently inducted Boai'd foi' 1992/93, under the competent leadership of Elizabetli Mackay, will continue to up hold the club's 11istoi'y of 11igli standai'ds Special thanks ale desei'ved by oui' Ruini'y repi'esentaiive. Mr David Balmanno. and 111e Roiai'y Club of Windsor. who once again provided oui' clLib with inLich-needed advice and assistance Ihi'oughoui the year. We are vei'y inLicli in debtecl also to the parents of o11'1s. anti the niem- bel's of staff. WITo helped supei'vise vai'jous pi'ojecis <1uring the yeai' Finally. 1101/1ing could nave been arcoiiiplislied without tile lielp of Mi' Einei'y, oui' patient. erucieiit and evei'-suppoi'I- Ive Staff Co- o1'dinaior. who, finding him sell' ill SOS on stage. in a juju. anti dancing alongside the vei'y bi'ave Mi' Elmes and Mi' Benneti. finally canIe 10 legi'ei sayin0 "1'11 do anyiliing for cliai'11y". Howevei', 111e fact Inai lie. along- side so many of our me in bel's, DOES Inake a special effoi'I at all limes. explains why so Inaiiy people in need benefit f^om tile effoi'is of 111e BGGS In lei'act Club
Ingrid Hadgraft (Pi'esideni)
Dana Kennedy (President)
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