1992 School Magazine

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GECO A new club in the school this year, GECO is concerned with envii'oninental matters and derives its name from the lettei. s of GRAMMAR ENVIRONMENT AND CONSER- VATION ORGANISATION. An early, successful project was selling badges to raise money for The Wild Planet Appeal. By fourth Tenri it is hoped to have, in each room within the school, a box to collect clean, used paper from girls' folders for recycling: Energy wastage in the class rooms is also being investigated and an awareness cam- palgn about this issue, as well as issues of rubbish recy- cling, are in the planning stage. INTERACT The Salvation Army and SCF; Stamps, Sales and Sugar; SII'ess and SOS; Service and Success. So ends another year of dedicated community service by the BGGS Interact Club and its diligent members, whose combined efforts raised much-needed funds for numerous charities BGGS has supported mala State School since 1990, and our club agreed to complement this effort by purchasing a computer for language teaching within the school. To this end, we washed cars, cooked hamburgers, raffled gourmet food and watched the truth come out about BGGS students when we were able to sell them $2,500 worni of House of Fundraising 10/11es!

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S. 0. S. Technical School, Nairobi

Our club this year continued the tradition of supporting the SOS Children's Village in Nairobi, Kenya, by staging two "Students' Own Show" (SOS) concerts, featuring live bands, Theatre Sports and various innovative spectacles ranging from tall, bearded men in jujus to the Jackson Five. During the year the club also do o1'knocked for the Salvation Army, the Red Cross and Lifeline, and through an interhouse competition, raised almost 100,000 stamps for the Polio Plus Campaign. However, the project which

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Back Ro\\, (L-R): H. Lawson, B. Houghton, M. Woodhead, F. Templeman, K. Guilfoyle, C. Swann, L. Wiseman, F. Yales, ara er, uge, I. Curioplia. K. R 'd. Sixth Row. : N. Keary, E. Markw. ell, B. Robertson, A. Zillman, D. Kennedy, K. Haberfield, E. Dejager, S. Morgan, A. Suilivan, ON. se, ei . A. Smith. fj Fifth Row. : K. Flockhart, E. Ienkins, B. Thies, L. Wu, L. Pomery, J. Langford, T. Grice, E. Dunstan, V. Lee, M. Hadgra I, I. ,\vynne, 0 , Crane. , L. Wh' I . Fourth Row: I. Shulman, D. Wyatt, S. Betts, R. Haigh, I. Burton, M. Henderson, R. Grierson, B. New. 10n, A. Timmins, I\. a ' ney, . , a, Third Row: M. Stevenson, E. Williams, S. Smith, A-L. Henderson, Z. Moor, I. Cuminus, K. white house, S. Fukaya, arre , a s , Second Row. : A. Wong, N. Mirza, V. Siu, L. Rees, A. Brow, n, C. 0'Neill, M. Harvey, A. Meeking, P. Srinivasa, S. a ey. . . iu, eng. First Ro\\.:E. Mackay (Director), K. Chau (Treasurer), J. Munro (Secretary), I. Hadgrafi (President), Mr M. Emery ( Ia o-0r in a or , (Vice-president), E. Bradford (Director), R. Lambert (Director), T. Wring.


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