1992 School Magazine


palson s son

"He was d man of God b"I flu/y d niuii qf Ihe people, a mall of eiioi'!nons cQpdci'ty willI o he'll of gold. He wds the b!{sh palson . . . In Ihe name of the Fathei; Ihe Soil Qnd Ihe Holy Ghosi, . . . Amen. " The I. ibbo"s wei. e d//owed some slack and Ihe coffin M, as loweitd 11/10 Ihe 81'dye I 1/10ugh/ niy blurhei' and I wei'e headed 101 Ihe gi'dye Ihe 11nie Ddd cdwgh/ us 11^filing rr 117'e wndei' Ihe pdi'., o11age. My blurhei' was Iiyi'rig 10 sriioke d sdw, diisi c!'gdi' d!Id IMSI ds he 117 11, Ihe offIt lows o1'Ranisi spoiled Ms. Ddd was 11/01'nied, Intri'11!pillig his sei'moil o11 Ihe Iby of childitn to give us a Ihi. dshiiig, howevei', nor beloi'e Ihe ci'galeiie lidd e\'PIOded 11/10 flumes singeing Goldon's eyebi'ows. To eiidiii'e Ihe pillii'shnieiii1 '11/1ched at Ihe erri. Ih NOM, I held Ihe same led soil ^^ niy naild dr I Ihitw 11 o, 110 the coffin. "Ashes 10 dshes, d!151 10 dwsi . . . " litmui'!led at the giuve-side as Ihe o1/1ei's depai'led. enveloped in menio- 1'1es of hini Third Prize Winner, OAT/S Short Story Co, ,, petiiio" LQde/I w!'Ih money, I wo/ked 10 Ihe bnichei' 10 bi!y some poi'k sui^soges 101' divinei'. I could 1101 cdi'e less if we ale thenI o1 1101, bill Ihe I'esi of my family loved Iheni The I'e wds a huge CIOwd milliiig o111si'de Ihe burchei' bur I pushed niy sinu// body Ihi'o11gh. I SIepped lip 10 Ihe collniei' diid Ihe di7i ceased as Beei'-Bushi7i' Billiio (I IVCogiii'sed him/I'm Ihe giude obove at school) shojiied "Sshh don'! wall/ 10 Irusei Ihe kids Qboii/ Ihis. " He looked chitci/y I gini'ed at him alld Ihen glanced '10/1nd Ihe looni. C/edify, iio one was go!'rig 10 shai'e Ihei'I' seciti wi'Ih d Ihi7'!een yeai' old boy. I Iui'lied 10 Ihe billc'heI' oild asked 101' 0 kilogi'din of poi'k SUM Juges He .shook hit he'd und I'eptied blNiii/y, "Soil'y. Poi'k sdt{sages die owl of stock. " "H!!h, " a bill'Iy nidii obyec'led, "Iha!'s o laugh! Ifyo!{ leany w, o111 to know Idd, o11 o1/11e poi'k sausages 111 Ihe whole of Gel'nidiiy ha\, e he'll stoleii!" Thi'ee men 1111ei'111pied, "I'm o11 d diti of miles/I und solnion!" "I've frod to cullc'e/ niy leseui'c'/I 11/10 poi'k sailinge skills, ond 110M, Ihey nil'gh! ciii'e donkeys of bowel "My c ompdiiy, ' P o1'k Sd usdg e D o01'slops Inc'o1poiuied', Is going bonki'!1171 and file It, liking 110ise poll!!lion 11'0ni slammi'Jig do o1'1 is so 11'111a!illg!" "WE HAVE To Do SOMETHING ABOUT IT. " 1/1e (1.0M, d shouied ill 11/11so!I c' uii c e I'. ,, Beei-Bashiii' Billiio SIeppedjoivuid diid H, a\'ed d PI'cc'e of pupei: He exp/ajiiedIho!lie liddjowiid iru! Ihe scene o11he c'1'1'me und i/Iu! 11 u, ds 1/1ei'I' oil/y c'/!if loftiidrii. q 1/1e 11^^^\,, s 11 M, d. , d niap of 1/1e Binc'k Fo!vsi 7/1e 1'531ie w, ds seined. 7/1e o11n'dged nieii wei'e deleiwillI'd 10 fit/if 101' IhC Colliiliy'. s poi'A soilinges. T/Iey 11'011ied 10 we o1 me Chi'!'sillie Peel (itd!. 11) THE GREAT SA USAGE HUNT


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Tiffany Frecklinglon Year 11

PIOve Ihei'I' nioiifiness and he101'shi. I suppose I wariied 10, 100. That wQs how I become involved in !he Gi'erri Sdi{sage Huni of 1992, dn even! to be 12membeitdfoi' ceniiii'Ies 10


We, Ihe meno/k, sei owl 1/1e Ilexi doy 101' Ihe Binck Foiesi and ledched 11 by sunse!. Even Ihough if was doI'k, we con- jinued 11/10 Ihe deep, gloomy he a!'I of Ihe foiesi. 11 wos shddowy diid shivei. y WITh only vdgwe peels of moon/I^hi gfinii'rig Ihiough Ihe ove!/langiiig leaves. The d!^mill howl- Ing of wolves mode my SIomoch chui. n like Q Mie/e di^h- was/lei: I lookcd sled/chi7y aiownd at Ihe o1hei's. None of Iheii' leei/I chdiieitd. I wds alitody labelled a nil!'sonce to them, so I wow/d frove 10 PI!! o11 0 bidvei' non! und se!'ze any OPPoi'1111/11y to dppeui' niocho The OPPoi'11/11i/y cume d few SIep. , Iui'Ihei', whei'e we wei'e me I hedd-o11 by all Inhab!iani of 1/1e foiesi. 11 Mus a heal' - Inst o111 of hibei'nanon. Some of Ihe men backed away in hoivoi ai 1/1e sighi o1/11e Ihite metre high bed, ' bill 1/11'in Iy stood niy glow!Id Thoi i. ,. 1111/11 Bee!'-Bach!71' BINiio decided 10 make 111^ in o1'e o11d171 aciise 111\ skill OS a in dindl oils expel'I. T/Ien I fullilfd, ' lied//y cdii, 1010/1esi 10 violence. By Ihe Jinic I came 10, I had nursed all Ihe acii'on und wos belli, q c. dii'led rhowgh the owlski!'is of Hamb!!1'8. The Binck Foiesi lead 111 1/1e hun!101' Ihe !h^^Yes httd been null/ess Appdi"11/1y. Beei'-Bdsh!}I' BINno hdd d feel^i^g In 111\ bones' Ihdi we should head noi. Ih

We ai'lived to d coinmo!ion at Ihe Cenii'a/ Hambui'g Honib!11'gel' Lqboi'droll'es. Hans Hdmbuige!' h!his elf had


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