1992 School Magazine
only naviga/10nu/ hdzdi'd. The sleep OSceni of Ruzoi'-Buck Mouniui'11 found d v!'cii'ni 111 o111' old Whippit. This c/!inb with u 81uvity/edjue/ kink pieseiiied u bit old PIOblem101' the fully-/dden vehit/e, bui Dad IMSI spun heI. diound dnd levelsed up Ihe lunge 110und myse!I looking at a lion-exisieiii mownidin I'd Jige on Ihe froi. izoi? dnd, binided by Ihe hai'sh sun, focused o11 rhose pieseni. I seal'ched Ihe Idm!'flui' Idces of Dud's pal'ish^^nei's. They errch nodded in sympuihy us Ihey cdiight my eye. The!'I' enjoiions wei'e c/erri'. Ihey'd 1031 Ihe soul offheii' fowlishi^ dnd Ihe soul'ce q1,111hwsiusni ill 1/1eii' coinniiinity Uke all ucioi cdSi 111 "101'e Ihuit one Jule, Ddd kepi leap- pedi'ing o11 the slage. Beloi'e a funei'o1 sei'vice, he was found our at Ihe cemeieiy, shii. I-of in a pii six Iboi deep. When finished, he lei!filled home 10 chin^ge und Ihen picked lip Ihe deceased. /loin Ihe in o1'1uoiy, ill Ihe heuiTe. Ld!ei', with Ihe ddchi!bn of d dog collui' 10 his '11/1'e, he coilducied Ihe sei'vice. Noi only did he have boniidless eneigy bill dlso he POS- sessed urnuzing physicuI 311. engIh. He demo I^^h ed, designed inId built chui'che. , single-handedIy with owl even the need Ibi' PI'ofessiond/ ud\, ice. The bulle! holes 111 Ihe ceil^Jig of the deaf Reveitnd Me I. vin-Leigh's old chui. ch, PI'eseiiied Ddd wiih d biT of a noveliy I. epdii' job. Beloit evei'y Sunday nioi'Jimg sei'vice Ihe leveltnd look In\ line 11/10 Ihe c'h!11th 10 shooi at ihe liesiiiig spdi'lows. We a/wdys I'dIe shois instedd o11he CUSIomui. y bells. A1 ledsiihe bullei holes PIO\, Ided we/conie venn'folioii d!11'1ng Ihe hoi, slicky knew what tinie 10 gelledc/yfoi' chuit'h when we hedid the sei'vices, H, heI'e yoiii' sweui TITe he'ds of swedi glided clown my foieui'in sending d}I Him ledsa!11 shivei' wp niy spine. My mothei' was conscious of'11^^ und cmsped niy nund ivdssui. ing/y. "Abide wit/I nie" begdn the lanei'ing $017i'in10 I, o1ce of' Ihe local POSi mis- 11'ess. The congi'eguiioii look wp Ihe 1'<11aiii bur one voice M, Us nilSS!rig Dud I'errshed Ihe OPPoi'Iwnity 10 sing at IOCu/ rimsicd/ evenings bur alwuys ended up doing the sume penoi'minice of Ihe loin/ dance. 11 was all Ce/fit' folksong M"'1/1 101s of woids and a diverof unyjds! pace. PIOudly, he s!o0d up on the singe, hit hdnds miked beloi'e Iuin 111 till diigelit' pose, Qs a slow melodrous June begini Ihe her 11ud. As Ihe I'd I'Ses wefti on Ihe pdce w, us incl'errsed, fastei' dnd jusiei', Jinii/ Dud mildd/ed up Ihe M, o1'ds making Ihe wholejumi/y clinge ill embai'I'dssmeni I guess one day, if I evei' hdve childi. en, Ihey'11 ci. !'!Ige at some o11he drillcs offhell'furhei'. Dud d!tin'I know 11^^ bill I Ifsed 10 sir up Ihdi rimngo flee many all d/lei'1100/1 d/lei' school, wailihg 101' Ihose Calhofic k!ds 10 M, ulk pusi owl' picker fence. I would chuni at the lop of niy voice,
IOC!is o11 uny sound Ihei'e in Ighipossibly be And Iheii I cdugh! if. a 31^^ht shuffle, Ihe litad o1100iM, erri; codi'se bledihi}Ig. 11 wasn'IO LED - it was a h!!indri WillI wncdnny agitiiy, My/I'd spi'dng 10 Ihe do o1' dnd sinnimed 1111/10 Ihejace of d yoiingish-/o0kiiig woman. Tile wo"Id!I gin, e u ciy undjell buck, d sinsh of blood deri. ken- ing hellbi'ehedd. I could see she wus a Luw Enjoi'cell by the citw CUI hoii', und I was awed 11/10 monoiiless!less "fighiyd/o011" My/Iu yelled at me us Iw0 17/01'e civM, cur heads ajipeaitd in Ihe do o1'way. She giubbed Ihe chdii. dnd 31ui. led plunging if at Ihe"I wi!h I, iciows coniempi. I could do 1101hiiig bur sinnd sill/ wi!hillghi One o1/11e Law Elfoi. cei's - Q wonidii wrth blondish siubb/e covei. ing he I' heud - spotied dn(/ giubbed me. My 11'a POWsed 101' d CIMcio/ momeni 10 Iuke this in, diid wds ensnditd by Ihe intrii she lidd been dimckiiig. I could hedi' he I' CMISi'rig undei' heI' bituih, and the sighi of My lid - who was always us /lee us o ... bi7. d - cupfultd by Ihe hdi
THE B usH PARsoN Winner of the Bet4y Woolcock Challenge CMp 10 Ihiiie own se!I be line, And 11 musi/o110w, as Ihe nighi Ihe day, Thou calls! noriheii held/se 10 any mon "Lei us play. " The heuds bowed in Itspeci.
"Owl' ForheI' who all In hem^en . . ." My mothei' sough! my ai'in 101' SMPpoi'I, did wing 3112ngth und coin/o1'11i'om my touch. He!' gi'usp wusI^^'in us "Iyjuihei' was 1101 faking up his customai'y POSiiibii at Ihe head of Ihe 81'dye but wos himse!fbeing loweitdIn!o Ihe deep, dai. kpit His I. ugged choi'acrei' had nevei' been Iazed b}, !I'dnsii^^n und us a bush pal'soil he had to addpi 10 many new SIItto- lions. Just dboui eveiy yedi; we wei'e moved mound. Derd hdd 10 loud all owl' belongings on 10 ihe cal; and Ihe dog, if he M, as lucky, wds pucked ill d 11'u!'I ci'ale o11 Ihe I'unning boui. d We u/wdys apecied !hai divdded POSiing to Ihe Buck of Bouike whei'e the lowii was Jusi a PMb and a colliei' 3101t Mr Mo!gull wds neai'/y as bud us Ihai. V!^1701's 10 Ihe died wei'e expecied 10 find "The Missing L!hk" , d pail' of tyit fluc. ks lead!fig off Info the dense sci'wb. Thai wdsn't Ihe
"Caine ticks, cullle licks 1'111g Ihe bell,
Caine t!'c. ks, cditle licks go 10 hell. "
They'd spi. inI pus! owl. 101 as if Ihe firi'y demons of hell I. errl/y wei'e direi' Iheni b"I I Iho"ghi I was a ci'Msdding Method^^I he 10. 11 was hui'dly Ihe be hayioiii' eApecied of d
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