1992 School Magazine


SNOWY 81'11ce Ri/ey hdd dlM, d}, s loved d/Id M, diiied d dog, so w, hell h!'SIdnii7y bongh/ u kille/I, lie huied 11/10"I Ihe ridii. SiloMj\, Mus d sthd// pel'51d!I. pill'e M, hire ex{VPI 101' lis fail u, hich wd. ,lei binc'k. The lullwds Ihe ledsoii w. /Iy SiloM, y M, d. s cho- sen. Gdi/ R!'/e}^ and heI' 1/11're childitii 101. ed 11^^ (di 00 nil!c/I Ihui Ihe}' did 1101 lionc'e Ihai Ihei'1'1di/lei' n, us gelling mole dnd nioi'e drilloycd 17y Ihe sight of Snowy One 111'ghiwheii Ihe/drilll}' M, us us/rep, 8111c'e w, oke lip with d di}, nioui/I so lie sinnib/ed info Ihe bdi/1100in 10 lidre d di'1'11k. The cal u, d$ dM, dkc d/IC/ M, dlked n, !'Ih him. Bi'!!c, lined hi^ glass diid lullie(/ to look at 1/1e filli'101'. To 111'\ anIQzemeiii Ihe cur Hu. , 1101 111 the nullui'. SI)11/11/11g o101/11d he sdM, Ihe CUI 11t'killg 1/3 I'dM, s, '11/1/1g 111 Ihe exdc'I spoi H, hei'e he hdd seeii 11 d milli!/e beloit. 81'11ce JP!111 figai/I 10 look in 10 1/1e mill'o1'. Fec/illg shocked dnd sc(lied, he M, diked inId a/nio. ,fluii herck 10 In^ bed No sleep Mus lidd Ihdi 111'ghi 17y 81 11c, . He lossed and 1/1/71ed d// 111'ghi diid by 1/1e nioi'11/11g he lookcd d// rogerheI' dvif!11. Thi'., shocked Gdi'/ M'/10 jolted liei 1111sbd!Id 10 sin\' I, I bad Ihu! day. Alle, . nit wire dad ,hid, un had 1

Fuc'ade - costly, bland uiid slipeifi('!ti/ - Coilc eu/s errc/I pi'/trill. moili'/!fill ht!nidii being Colloi'nil'Jig, COM, cling, fighieiied, sari'y!tvtr/ - AMI{niliig 1/1ei'I' line selves die 1101 wolfh seeing Thd/ ninei' se!I- Ihtti (lose d!Id kinditd POWei, That 1'01'te w, !'Ihi/I Ihuige!lily gill'des 1/1e hcdi'I - To silente 11 would ci'Hs/I Ihelidgi'/enon, ei' Whose PCIfii"Ie is, to Iby. Ihe 1.11dl pdi. I Destroy Ihe ci'lide/dcude, 1/1en. Use Ihe I'ubb/e Bill'/d Ihe pu/dce whith I'S o11 yoiii' niliid And lei 110 lown-flowse dM, e//ei' bH!'slyo"I bHbb/c To Ihei'I' owli dJtunis, in Id yo!lis, Ihei'I' soil/s die binid BC line 10 Ih!vie ovivi se!I, do 1101 Idke/1'1'ghi A dd}Igei0!13 ledp coll/,/ he I'Mi' chunce at. fti'ghi

Ingi'!'d Hddg, of I (itdi' 12)

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Kahnri Hornma Year 11


A1 of 11/11, I'. 011 1/1d/ii'SI 111. qh/ of twill). I mr - BIOM. !I, q/ob!lief M. hit. /I incl. \di(/ uuq '11/7 \. - PerlA' tilld sonic roll o1 I'd grinh/c .,/11/11\' - Giveii t'o1'(I^^/ 111ddc It'111i Mulei' 100 M'di'111 - Medii/Iuilid(/ inkcii fill illicitAii'IN foilii - 101. ,/e. \ACii. .\onI'll^^^IF, , c'd/IC(/ "C/lot'oldic log" ~ WillIIJCd ticUiii 011f .,/10/11C/1101, ,lit' d flu, , A1 e!ghi intri c\.'11/11. q. I u. !'\/let/ I linchi'/ ctr/c/I - BIDn. 11 A, /obi!Ie. \ M. /lit 11 incl. I'd!11 M, d. , '11/1. \. - PCd\ d!Id toriie .sol'/ o1 I. e. gridh/e sini'I'v - Girdii toldi(11 nid(/c u'11/1 11'd/ei 10() n'dini - Medi I^in I lid(/ Idkc/I till 1111, Jesti'/Ig. /I'm - Foi' CICSsci7, $011i, !/1171. q t (1/1, (/ "C/lot old/c 1011" - W/11n/)C(/ ticd"I fille .\/10/11(/ 1101 ,, I\. c d do u Ldici. null IllsV^/. I initu. 11/7 - Will77ned C'It(InI 1'01i. \hull/(/1101 g!'\'c firmu - Milli7, fled. 1101/1h!c "C/lot Dinic log" - Mr(11 Ihdi hd(/ ItIkcii till c\'c/I n'o15'c film - Giveii to1<1^^1/10M' nios! '14/11/11c/\'100 u, trim - Peds diid intr! ICJv'!'blc i. e. gemb!e mill'}' - BIDM'11 .qlObii/fS, - 11/11tt'ORJii. ,Uh/f t 11/11

An 17(I Gillic!-Idge (ycdi- 9)

MeA- H(If/A1. (!// (yetij- 10)


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