1992 School Magazine

award involves an audition and an interview and the win- ner is entitled to keep the flute for the year. Those of you who have participated in many of the BGGS ensembles in willch Sarah has played will have noticed the o01d flute standing out admidst its silver sistei's Sarah has yet an o1hei' string to lier bow. She has sung ill the Consei'valorium Youth Choii. continuously since 1987 and has been a mein bel' of the Consei'vatoi'ium music school on flute dui. ing 1992. To lier ci. edit, Sarah won the Iunioi. Woodwind Competition at BGGS in 1988 and ill 1991 came second in both the Senior Vocal and senior Woodwincl Competitions as well In 1987 and 1988 she was Iunioi' Wind Chainpioii ill the Bi'ishane Eisteddfod and since 1985 has woiT places ill vai'- jous Eisteddfod both in fillte and voice sections Drii'ing 1991 and1992 Saran 11as also pailicipated in vai. i- ous QYO gi'oups and ITas been a n, ember of Senioi. 01'chestra. Senioi' Conceit Band. Flute Quai'let and Camel'ata Singei's at BCGS We wish her well for what promises 10 be a bright and musical future and congratulate heI' o11 liei' extensive achievements to dale JACQtIELYN BAYLISS This year. Iacquelyn Bayliss decided to extend lier spoiling experiences to weightlifting. As 111e best track allileie in the school over the past two years and all A Gi'ade Netballer, Iacquelyn had a solid foundation foi' 111is experi- merit. 011 111e opening day of the Queensland Secondai'y Schools Championship at Chandler on the 28 August. Iacquelyii lifted 47.5kg in the clean and jerk and broke the stale recoi'd of 45ko.

On heI' third lift, she set the bar at 50kg and PIOceeded 10 break her own recoi. d

h is exciting to see Grammai. sportswomen cliallenging the traditional spoi'ting images.










Y Anna Cars, in

Anna began learning piano at age five at the Yamaha Music School at Toowoiig. At 9 years old. Anna came undei' tile tuition of Mi' Ian MCLauchlan wlio began teach- ing at Inat school. Anna 11ad Just completed Glade I AMEB music exam. Within 18 months. ill Mareli 1990, at age 10 Anna obiaiiied a 11igli distinction (A+) grading ill the Grade 6 AMEB examinations. She was awarded a "Certificate of Distinction" ^or' the Highest Pass in the Glade 6 AMEB examinations of 1990 Soon afiei. . Anna was selected by Yamaha Music Foundation 10 present liei' o11ginal composition "Piaiio Games" at its Junior Ori, ,initl Music Concei'I held in Nilno-Nu-Sino. Japan in August eacli year. Anna's SGIec- lion to I' this concei'I was the fii'SI time in tell years that all AUSti'allan composition 11ad been chosen from the 20,000 Grill'Ies fi'o1ti 40 countries that were submittec1 ^o1' the coin- petition Very cooli titlei' lettii'11ing from Japan. Anna successfully sal foi' 111e AMEB Grade 5 The o1'y exitiniiiaiioii and ille AMEB Grade 8 piaciical exaniiiiation. in MarclT 1991. while still at Pillnary School. Anna obiaiiied tin Associate of Music. AUSiiali:I (AMus. A). At age I I, Anna was tile yoLingest pel'soil ill Australia (if 1101 tile youngesi ever. on ally insti'unieiii. ill tile 80 yelli' 11Noi'y o1'111e AMEB) to do Anna began liei' secondai'y schooling this yetii' 11n(I was able 10 CHIei' tile Secondai'y School Students Young Irisii'Limenialisis Competition o1'gallise(I by the Education Denai'inTeiji anti tile Austinliaii Broilclctisting Commission TITis competition Is open 10 all ^econ(1111'y school students 111 Qtieensliiii(I o11 any insti'Linteni A1 I* yeai's of age. An11a wits judge(I winnci of 111e coinpc- 11/10n. She pel'foi'nied a tell 1111nuie aimngciiieni or a piaiio concei'10 willI the Queensland SyiiTpliony Orchestra at the Secondai'y Scliools Conceri tin August 18 and 19. 1992 The concerio chosen was Tchaikovsky Piano Concei'to No. I 111 B In in o1' No.







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