1992 School Magazine
One of the highlights of my leave was a visit to Girton College, Cambridge, during which I discussed the links to Girls' Grammar which were established during the 1880's Many of our teachers in that period were educated at Girton and brouoht their talents to our school. The material I have gathered will be prized by OUT Archivist and will fomi an important link to our past.
PRINCIPAL'S STUDY LEAVE Durino May of this year, my husband and I travelled Europe as part of my Study Leave entitlement. The PUT- pose of the leave was to provide me with the opportunity of attending a Conference on Boarding Schools in Windemnere in northern England, as well as to visit a vari- ety of schools to investigate the place of Design and Technology in the curriculum and the type of facilities needed for its implementation. I also took the opportunity to discuss future directions of Technology in schools with a former Assistant Director of the London Polyiechnic and to discuss, with other educators, the place of appraisal and evaluation in their schools
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Girton College While in London. I was fortunate to be able to visit the family of one of our past students, Lara Mackenzie, who was a boarder at Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Linti! Easter of this year. Lara is now attending Beneden, and I thoroughly enjoyed discussing with lier the differences between schooling at Girls' Grammar and at Beneden. it was also interesting to meet with one of our future board- ino students, Annabelie Anderson, whose father is Agent- General for Queensland in London. Annabelle's mother' is a past student of Girls' Grammar and they thoroughly enjoyed seeing the latest photos of developments in the School. 111 England, edLication is undergoing major changes. and moves are being Inade to give gi'eater autonomy to schools whic!I were previously being maintained by local edLica- lion authorities. The Lievelopments of the National CUITiculLint are ITaving definite positive effects Lipon It11ui'e directions in that COLInti'y and it was interesting to see how many of the independent schools were supporting these Within the independent sector. there is no government funding at all. allhougli scliools nave charity status and all donations are lax deductible. Many of the schools are small, 1119:hly selective and \\, illi boai'diitg only. Fees range 1101ti around $16,000 p. a! What I 1011ncl Intel'esiiiig was the I'ac! Inat tile edticatioii of gills 11as not been adcli'CSSe(I as specifically as in oLir own country. There is 110 equivaleni 10 tile National Policy on Gills and ill faci there allpe:us to be a PITilosophy that edu- cation is a PI'Ivilege. 1101/1 right. riflei' the compulsory yeai's of schooling. Tltis is quite chi'f"'eiit 1101/1 tile piiilosophy in oLir own countt'y \\, here we believe Inai democi'ajically. there should be access 10 edticatioi\ for all and that it is the responsibility of govei'liment to encotirage ITTaximtiin par- ticipation in tile post-compulsory years. The Engiisli situa- lion ^asulis in only 38% of Ihe school-age populaiioiT PIO- CGedino to Sixili Fomi. The result is that entry to Univei'sity Is 1101 as competitive as liere in Australia nioves.
Conference Time
The information trained in relation to Design and Technology is being utilised in our proposed developments for the Art Department, which will be Lindei'taken during the forthcoming Christmas vacation. The B oarding Schools' Conference addressed issues relating to quality in Schools and, in particular, Boarding Schools. Material trained from this Conference is proving to be very useful to me in my role as Convenor of the National Conference for Boardino Schools in Australia, which will be held in July of next year at The Southport Scliool
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I:, ,, ,; * 1 a ,^, I . a, '* tat{:C. ~ a ,,~,'5",*S*,, t ^aia i^ ^ " " Queens wood. England While in Paris, I niet with Mine Geral, Senior Mistress of St PaLil's Angouteme, one of our sister schools. and we discussed flittire relationships with Gills' Grainiitar. I was pleased 10 know that her school 11ad 11Toi'oughty enjoyed the visit of oui' staff and snidents during 1991 and is look- ing forwai'd 10 sirengtlieniiig our I'elation ships 11 was unfortunate that while I was in Frankfuit, a national strike was called in Germany. whicl} prevented my visiting our sister school in Essen, as our relationship willI that school has become very strong ovei' the years 2 .~
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