1992 School Magazine
EDITORIAL As students of Brisbane Girls' Grammar School, we are encouraged to strive for excellence in areas as divei'se as the Arts, Science and Sport. We begin to assume that the only restrictions upon us are self-Inflicted ones, and that our gender should play no part in determining our ambi- lion. Through its laudable commitment to equity and to female education, B. G. G. S. has produced many outstand- ing graduates and doubtless will continue to do so Sadly, though, a generation of complacents has come 10 lake these efforts for Granted, and assume that all women enjoy the equality of opportunity that we do. We have wrongly assumed that we are the noim, while, in fact, the reverse Is true; we are the exception, and most definitely not the rule. Without wishing 10 preach, I SUGgest that by adopting Ihis insular view, we are neglecting the very foundations of our school in an age where feminist literature is on the upsurge once more. it is tempting 10 pile it all together under the classifi- cation of radical plopaganda, but the inclusion of senotis extracts from these works in our CUITiculum this year has awakened many of us to the reality of the situation ai'ound us. BCG. S. 11as once aoain proven its time-honoured ded- ICation to the broadenino of female education througli practical application of its objeciives I have no doubts about the future of women as far as BCG. S. is concerned: there is no areaier service to women that an edticational institution call provide than that which has been established within our school. As always, this year's Magazine Committee 11as endured dead ends, deadlines and dead-tiredness 10 produce the 1992 School Magazine, Liraed on by Mrs Kiolle and Mis Hadgraft, who have devoted their unique blend of patience and indefatigable effo^I putting together anothei' brilliant annual Needless to say, Ihe following pages contain document a- lion of the outstandino achievements of BCG. S. girls in 1992, but this year, they, and the school. should be legard- ed as all augury of a new generation or thinkers
Editor: Art Editors:
Cara Swann Dana Kennedy
SGIina You all-Pine Katherine Barren Hilary Fisher Nicola Marley Victoria Shenstone Gaitlin Watt lessica Conoplia Bridget Effeney Christine Gentner Elizabeth Mackay Kylie Rohl Johanna Sing
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SENIOR SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHERS L-R: Z. Nielsen. K. Moyle. L. Robei'is
Cal'a Swann
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MAGAZINE COMMITTEE Back RUM' IL-Ri: Mrs C. Kin!IC. H. Fisliei'. C. Gentnei. . C. S\\ allii. S. You all-Pine. D. Kenne, 11, Nil. s S. I-ian"I art
F1'o111 Row: J. Sing. C. Wall. B. Erreiley. K. Rohl. K. Bai'I'ell. Absent: E. Mackay. N. \jarlcy. \'. Shensione, I. Curioplia
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