1992 School Magazine

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Dr Beryl Hinckley *; . .... ..."

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Associate Professor Mavis Champion Dr Del Hinckley entered the field of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgei'y on the advice of one of her men- 10rs. Aftei' graduating from the University of Queensland with top lionours in Surgery in 1968 Dr Hinckley F. R. AC. S. was one of sixteen applicants and the only female to apply for' a position as a trainee in Plastics and Reconstruction SUI'gel'y "I find this a very stimulating field, " said Dr Hinckley whose other great interest is breeding hoi'ses. She was co- founder of the Palomino Club and the 1976 "golden horse" champion came from heI' stables *'As 110ht relief I love 10 escape to my 200 aci'e properly in the Sailiford Valley. I also have an interest 111 cattle, and at the foothills of Cedar Creek I bleed stud cattle foi. the Vealei' Mai'ket, " said Di' Hinckley, who laughingIy con- ressed to "often having a lot 1110re time foi' dumb animals than people" Foi' many yeai's she was Queensland editoi' of 111e noise manazine Hoofs and Horns "At BCGS, I lived for sport. 11 was a gi'eat lionour 10 be Athletics Captain. I also had a love foi' languages, espe- cially Gelman. My yeai's at Gramma^ ^Gally prepared me for the future " said Di' Hinckley.

"I guess it was my mother's drive that got me 10 the Univei'sity, " Dr Hinckley said. The following year she entered second year medicine at Brisiol University and oraduated M. B. Ch. B with distinction in Public Health in 1943 "One of my most memorable achievements as a student, " said Dr Hinckley, "was doing the illustrations for Wilfi. ed Shaw's Textbook of Gynaecology. " in 1948 Dr Hinckley returned to Brisbane where she con- tinued to make her mark as a Gynaecologist, a valued member of the Thoracic Society and countless community sei'vices including the Queensland Mothercraft Association of whicli she is a former Piesident in the new year Honours List 1970, Dr Hinckley was awarded an O. BE. for' services to medicine pailicuiarly in the field of Mental Healili She recalled. "One of my most important tasks was 10 pi'e- side over the 25th Anniversary World Mental Health Conuress held in Sydney in October 1973. " "My foul' and a half years at BGGS wei'e vei. y happy, " said Dr Hinckley. "I was always interested in sport. I do remember the interesting English lessons with the Headmistress, Miss Lilley, whose advice 10 Foiln Vl prior 10 the school dance was "Girls, this is not a debutante ball You are not looking for husbands. 11 is simply a children's party. "I've had a very interesting life, " said Dr Hinckley, an active three score years and ten plus, "but one thing I legi'eiis never having learnt to ski. " A student at BGGS from 1937 to 1941 Mavis Hinckley, a winner of the Mackinlay Scholai'ship, enrolled at the University of Queensland in 1942, graduating B. D. Sc. in 1946 After working as an Instructor in Dentistry at the Queensland University and later. a clinician at the Brisbane Denial Hospital Mavis Hinckley left to further her studies in England, where she met and married Kennelh Chainpion from Parrainatta who was studying for a Ph. D in PITysics at Birmingham University Since 1952, nome has been Massachusetts, USA. where Mavis Champion has been Associate Professor at Tufts University Dental School in Boston since 1983



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