1992 School Magazine
ing conductino of Kym Waraker ensured that the Ellies' Choir produced a performance which a Gibson rival admitted "brought tears to the eyes". This powerful perfor- mance was repeated when our choir had the honour of singing at the opening of the Judith A. Hancock Communications Centre Buoyed by our success in our choral endeavours, England again perfoimed with admirable energy at the Interhouse Athletics Carnival. OUT Ellies' T-shirts and assorted blue decorations were again the talk of the day. Several Ellies' efforts are worthy of mention. On the field, Kym Waraker (12E) and Harriette Lawson (9E) performed superbly to be named overall Age Chantpions. Rebecca O'Dwye^ (11E) is also to be coinmended for placing first in the 16 years high jump. On the track, OUT results wei'e equally impres- sive with many firsts and other top placings. At the Gild of the day, Wily Woolcock were the winners but next year, girls, next year. .. After more than confirming the superior strength and agili- Iy of Ellies' athletes at 111e Swimining and Athletics, the Interhouse Rhythmic and Artistic Gymnastics Competition was a chance to demonstrate to all, our remarkable grace and flexibility. The afternoon, one of the last activities on the House agenda, was not only exciting and, in some instances, amusing, but also successful foi. the Ellies' gym team. By the end of the night we 11ad secured a third in floor, for artistic, and a first in ribbon and ball for rhyth- in IC, CUIminating in an overall fifth placing, certainly a very I. espectable I'esult and a vast improvement on last year. The England girls involved in the competition deserve special In Ginion foi' the11' dedication to 11'aining for this Interhouse event, traditionally known for' the difficul- ties involved in organising tile team, training times, and venues. To this end, Annie Johnson and BTOnwyn Laney (11E) and Kirsty MCGraili (9E) are to be congratulated foi' their coaching help in ai'listic gymnastics plus their indi- vidual successes in the competition. in addition, A1ison Manville (10E) was again indispensable in choi. eographing vibrant and original routines for. the rhythmic gymnasts. She heI'Self, along with Annabel Porter (8E) and Mai'garet Robin (10E), was a mein bel' of the winning ribbon team. This year England House was certainly maintained its 11'a- ditioii of vivaciiy and spirit, and tills is due 111 pail to the many individuals who nave achieved very highly both in House events, and in other activities. We ai'e pailicularly proud that Ellies were so widely represented in a whole range of school teams and activities. 1992 has been an exceptional year foi' England and for this we must thank all the members of staff who support England, and Miss For SIGr, oui' Head of House, in pal'ticular. Thanks must also o0 to the creative, committed and keen Ellies Seniors whose enthusiasm has niade the yeai' such a menioi'able one. Finally to tile colourful, clever and spillted gi'oup of girls who represent England House, inariks foi' a gl'eat year! We wisli every good luck to England House foi' the coin- ing years' We hope next year's seniors and suppoi'Iers enjoy themselves as nTuch as this yeai"s did.
ENGLAND HOUSE in 1992 England House was not only spirited and success- ful but also stylish, thanks to a revamp of England Ellies T-shirt, plus the introduction of a new interior design con- CGpt for eacli housegroup's home room; each noticeboard was decorated with balloons, tulle, streamers and generally anything blue. Daily notices were recycled for this use by OUT GIIvii'oninentally conscious Year Tens. Congratulations to OUT Year Nines who for their special efforts in this activ- ity, wei'e judged "The Prestigious Winner of the 1992 Brioland Pinboard Competition". The seniors were delighted to discover at the first Ellies family gathering of the year, the England House Party, that the wealth of creative talent in our house could only be matched by the size of the appetites. Fortunately the roai' of our war cries that afternoon did provide some contrast to the noisy pizza munching taking place. Under the direction of the England Cheersquad Homecoming Queens, FIGur Harrison and Kairina Larsen (12E), The Ellies' Cheersquad astounded the Test of the school at the Interhouse Swimming Carnival with the ferocity of their cheering. No doubt this spurred on our many individual winners of the day, of whom Michaela White (10E) and Junet Mills (10E) deserve special men- tion for being named Age Champions. The swimming Carnival is also remembered as the day when all Ellies turned heads witl\ their newly revamped House T-shirts The T-shills, decoiated with sequins, feathers, Ginbi'oidery, and fine paint work, were soon the hottest fashion slate- merit of 111e year. However, fii'SI tel'in in England House was Not Taken Up Entirely with cheering, eating, decoi'allng and swimming. Many of our seasoned thespians, along with several dynamic newcomers, also spent much of their time making our play for' the Interhouse Draina Competition, "Us AND THEM", a performance worthy of an Oscar nomination. We thank Ellies' Drama Captain, Kym Waraker, for heI' directing expertise and dramatic knowledge which helped make the play such a hit. After the brief fii'SI term break, ever dedicated Ellies were back into the swing of things preparing for the intense week of interhouse Debating. Ellies' representatives JUGl Mahoney, Imogen Salzman and 10 Cull (12E), Georgia Pen'ohilos (10E) and Georgina Adams (8E) debated excep- lionally well to advance to the second round where they were narrowly defeated by Woolcock. Considering the incredible debating talent of our younger Ellies, England is sure to do well at this pursuit in the future Iridisputably, England's most glorious triumph occurred less than one week after OUT gracious defeat 111 the Debatino: WE WON THE INTERHOUSE CHORAL COMPETITION! This magnificent feat occuri'ed on Tuesday. May 26th, a day close 10 every Ellie's heart. On this day the England Choii' executed every note of Carly SImon's "Let The River Run" to perfection. The outstand- ing direction of Sally Sinitli combined willI the entertain-
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