1992 School Magazine

GRIFFITH HOUSE The sixth of February when Griffith intimidated the OPPo- sition at the annual interhouse swimmmino set the scene for 1992. The Redbacks took this opportunity 10 display theii' awe-inspiring aquatic ability, and to leave the rest of the school dumbstruck by their amazing house spirit. This new-found spirit I'areIy seen in pievious yeai's. has cal'Tied CTiffith House triumphantly through all the Intel'house competitions The led towelling nats made their debut at the interhouse swimming. and combined willI the "Reggie Redback" T- shirts, Griffith made a strong impression which definitely caused the other houses to sec red. Overall Gritfitii came fourth in the swimming competition, and congratulations niust go to Kelly Ieppesen of Year Eight. who became the School swimming cliaiiipioii foi' 1992 Tlie next in tel'house activity of the yeai' was the interhouse Drama. Griffith, under 111e ouidance of drama capiaiiis Felicia Rusher and Belinda Luton, performed the play "Rinse the Blood off My Toga", a detective spoof set in Roman times. This play look the auditorium by storm on 111e performance night with its witty adaptations, quick lines and fast humour. Term two broLight with it the internouse choral and debat- ing competitions. Although the choir perfoiTned extremely well tile success story of the yeai' was the debatino. The teams, consisting of Belinda Luton (12). Felicity Yales (11). Sally Wicks (10), Narasha Stilling (9) and MeIanie FIGichei' (8), won two IOUnds of debatiiio, ultimately beat- Ing HITSchfeld in the final. Hopefully Griffith can coininue its winning streak and win the competition next year 10 make it the Ihii'd year running

The choir also performed outstandingly, presenting an arranged piece called "Duke of 111e Iunole". TITanks must go to Collette TIToinpson (12) who conducted, and Nicky Marley (12) who accompanied o11 the piano. Many o111ei' girls from Year Twelve were also involved with the arrangement and the piaciices in pieparation foi. the choral competition in term three, the final two Intel'110use spoiling compeli- lions for the yeai. were lield. The linei'house Athletics was held on Thursday the Ihii'teenih of August. and Grimili had a huge haul of Individual PIacinos and impressive pel'- fomiances. The Redbacks secui'ed a second placing in tile relay competition and fourili place overall The Rhythmic and A1'listic Gymnastics were the final sporting competitions for the yeai. . On the whole, the Artistic Gymnasts somewliat overshadowed the SII'ugglino but enthusiastic Rhythmic GynT team who managed to come last with a grand total of nine points. Tlie artistic Gym teani came second ovei'all, with starrino perfor- mances by the Bars and Beam teams. Special mention must go to Rebecca Staihain (Year Eleven) who is the school A1'listic Gym champion for the second consecLitive yeai'. As the year ends. attention must be focused on 1110se peo- pie who nave contributed their utmost in their support and work for CTiffith House. Anna Tweed dale, the house sports captain. has 11Tade a magnificent effort in co- oldi- nating the sporting activities for' tlie yeai. , and has played a maioi' role in conii'Ibuting to the House's success in the spoi'ting fields. Not to be forgotten are the Yeai' Eleven "Redback Repoi'I" girls who have woi'ked to pi'oduce the newsletiei' at periodic in tel'vals. and the long-suffering House Group teachei's. Finally a big thank you noes to Miss O'SUIlivaii for being a great Head of House. and eiisui'ing that all the 110use events ran sinooil, Iy.



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