1990 School Magazine
Both the A and B grade teams were strong contenders for the Q. G. S. S. S. A. premierships and a win for the As against IPswich Girls' Grammar during the last match of the season would have placed them at the top. but unfortunately, this was not the case. The B grade team. however. took out the premiership for the second year itInning. shai'ing the honours with ipswiclt Girls' Grammar. while the C grade team finished in fourtlt place Volleyball training also started early in preparation for their pre-seasoi\ tour to New Zealand. Gaines against other AUSti'allan and New Zealand schools certainly were beneficial in preparation for the Q. G. S. S. S. A. competition where all teams finished in the middle of the ladder Tennis contii\ues to PIOve popular and the success of the various teams through the Q. G. S. S. S. A. competition was encouraging. The competition climaxed in the seventh round of fixtures. WITen B. G. G. S. met St Peter's. witli the results of the games deciding possible premiershipsiiiihe A. B. C and D grades. Unfortunately. the Year Nines were the only successful team. but the spirit of the players and their support of one another were in themselves a victory
The eight Netball teams. with a few clean sweeps of the board against other schools, showed they had the ability and determination to contend for higlT premiership placings. and the valuable skills and knowledge imparted by the coaches conti'ibuted greatly to the season's impressive results The 8B's were oui' only premiership winning team. drawing with State HiglT. The 9A and 8A teams were runners-up in their respective divisions. and these results look promising for fliture years 1990 saw the beginning of a new era in B. G. G. S. Hockey witlT strongei' commitment and liarder woi'k from all players, The seasoiT started early with the "International Schoolgirls Hockey Challenge" tour to Sydney in May. witere fifteen players expel'Ienced world class hockey as well as some traditional rivalry between Australian and New Zealand schools. The trip was certainly worthwhile anti uricloubtedly a once in a lifetime experience which preparecl the girls for the forthcoming Q. G. S. S. S. A. and Brisbane WonieiT's Hockey AssociatioiT club fixttires
Q. G. S. S. S. A. Sporting Groups, 1990
Rhythmic Sportive Gymnastics Coordinator: M. Papas Captain: E. Papas
Artistic Gymnastics Coordinator: N. Ives Captain: M. A1'gent Athletics Coordinator: I. Piispanen Captains: L. Seaman. N. Richards Ballgames Coordinator: I. Deri'ington Coaches: I. Derrington. S. Patton Captain: B. Kennedy Cross Country Coordinator: J. Piispaiien
Softball Cool'dinator: M. Am old Coaches A: A. Angelini B: S. Harris Captain: S. Wilkinson
Swimming Coordinator: I. Del'rillgton Coach: S. Richardson Captains: I. Mattel. I. Flaskas
Coach: S. Wiseman Captain: M. Kimbell Hockey Coordinator: M. A1'nold Coaches A: S. Simpson Captain: E. Andrews Netball Coordinator: J. Derrington Coaches A: K. She Tman B: L. CODP C: I. Kaesehagen B: K. Crowley C: M. Am old
Tennis Coordinator: N. Ives Coaches A&B: T. Fancuit
C&D: T. Deluca Year 9: P. Ci'ease Year 8: M. Will cox
Captain: M. Will cox
D: I. Attwooll 9A: A. -M. Hill 9B: K. Potter 8A: I. Derrington 8B: J. Martel. I. Knight. C. Howard. I. Skowronski
Volleyball Coordinator: J. Piispanen Coaches A: I. Piispanen B: S. Bolton C I. PIispanen Captain: C. Findlay
Captain: J. Martel
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