1990 School Magazine
11'eat. Betty and Sayiiri enjoyed combining witli the students who attained a very 11igh standai. d of pel'formance Inat evening. TITe audience was most supportive and Ihorouglily enjoyed the evening Following 111e Concert. the Music Committee pi'ovided a deliciotis chicken and champagne supper. and guests wei. e given the OPPoi'11/11ity to meet Sayui'I and Belly and to talk with the snidents The second Annual Full R11n competed willI the QUT Fun Run as oui' courses ovei'lapped. and by the tillIe our front 1'11niiei's were on Gilchrist Avenue. the Premier 11ad already spi'inled past. At the half-way station our runners were much encoui'aged by the Billabong Be ai. s. Ben and Bindi froin Di'earnwoi'Id. who had a great time with tile staff and students After tlie race was over and the pi. izes disti. ibuted. bleakfast was on in Gal'nest. The girls enjoyed the 11val competition of two Bands. and volleyball was niost popular again tliis year The attractions o1'fei'ed by the next fiinctioiT were less strenuous. Who would have tliought Inat I'aces without race hoi'ses could be such a success? TITe Race Meeting at Be audesert was postponed due to several inches of rain, but after much negotiating. pel'1111ssion was gianted foi' us to hold a phantoin I'ace In eeling Pati'ons ai'rived by car. four-wheel di'ive. buses. on foot and even by buggy, Picnic baskets wei. e overflowing and tlie table tiecoi'allons and fashions ill the field would 1101 have been out of place at the Melbourne CLIP The LiolTtliorse Association's ITianoeuvi'es pi'ovided a wondei'1111 spectacle. and vintage carriages anti a Milltai'y Band added colour and 111usic to the day 111 September, tundraisino activities concluded for the year witli a Pieview showing of the Chinese Treasures at the Queensland A1'I Gallery. Over 300 all enthusiasts enjoyed viewing the treasures 1101n the Shanghai Museum and at the salne time Itelped to suppoi't o111' Appeal Well over $60,000 11as been raised from tliese events. TITe Restoration and Building Appeal Committee would like to conveyits genuine appreciation to Miss Vicki Walkei. who has acted as Appeal Coordinator for the past eighteen months. Without her dedication and commitment to the task. these events would not have been so successful.
One of the highlights of the yearwas a Cocktail Pal'ty held In April at the Head Office of Westpac on behalf of the Restoration and Building Appeal Committee. His Excellency, tlie Govei. nor. Sii. Waltei. Cainpbell was welcomed by the Chairman of tlTe Board of Trustees. Di' Grassie. Miss Mittelheuser and the General Manager for Queensland of Westpac. Mr Bill Brewei. . The Governor coinmended the Board of Trustees and the Appeal Committee on the Master Plan and stated TITat: livecjfies o sells!'11\, e Qiid rin/)10/7i'idle blend of I'e. $101'orion woiks inId flew ^oilsii'11ci!'o11 whirli will boih filese!it, e 1/1e chniuc/ei. offhe lovely, edify bunch, ?gs oildI)10vi'de un 10 dole. niodeivi edMcdiio/?rill(ICi/^Yes. 7/1epu!'.\!111q/excellence, diidi/Ie bel^^^hat', owng u, omen rut twinb/e of. swcceedriigiii or?y rulee!' whirli Ihey c/loose. wildc!pill Ihe education ulph^^OS0/)/11, of Gii'/s ' Gi'di??mm' 11 is es. venn'n1.1/1e!' J, . ~ *. ", ,- - - - - ~, $31- ; .-,, " A\*,--*^;j^,,~*^ .-, * \ ~^ I'~*:*,\,,{:~:* I , , * ,j^_ ''"A"'''*!.' of A \j: ',' ; I ' 147*.{--I. , I '^,{"~ " ' ,,., , 0. ; *, . ' ' ....~. * ; . " ... ~. '* \ ^ a. I ,. Betty Vergara and Sawn Kishi-Debski 8
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