1990 School Magazine

LEANNE BUCKLE One of Brisbane's leading models. Leanne Buckle. attended B. G. G. S. from 1983 to 1987. Leanne then went on to the University of Queensland and completed two years of a BachelorofCommerce degree with such success that she topped her year ill 1989 HeI' parents gave Leanne a Modelling. Deportment and Grooming course at Faye Rolph-BuckingITam's agency as a Christmas present when SITe left school. and Leanne's potential as a In odel immediately obvious TITroughout 1988 and 1989 she Juggled part-time modelling commitiiients with study. so liei' academic success under sucli circtimstances was even 1110re DialsewortlTy Incl'easing demands for Leanne to model gave her a higli media profile. and she was nominated for Young Achiever of the Yeariii 1989 In December of 1989. Leanne was placed second out o111ve hundi'ecl entrants lioni around AUSti'ajia in Daikyo's Searcli 101' the Face of AUSti'alla foi' 1990. As a direct result of this cluesI. she received prize 1110ney and a twelve month modelling and public relations contract with Daikyo. This meant 11'avelling to Japan to starin a TV. commercial with Greg Noi'man. as well as being filmed witli the Prime Millistei' o1'Australia. Daikyo also new Leanne to Japan diii'ing the time of 111e Woi'Id Garden Exposition in Osaka While 111 Japan. a talent scout for the Ford Agency approachetl Leanne and allanged for lier to meet and be jiltciviewed by BillFordin NewYork. As a result, Leanne 11ns been Invited to model in New York. all option she is still considering As well as travelling overseas this year. Leanne has 1110delled ftill-time in Brisbane doing photographic, catwalk and television coinmei. cial work and her face has become veiy familiariii tile fashion scene. Because of the demands on her time as a result of the Daikyo contract. she has had to defer her Commerce course. but ITas every intention of returning to coinplete her degree was

SLSAN WARREN A young "old gill" of Bi'ishane Girls' 01'am mar School continues the tradition of University of Queensland Medal winners Susan Wari'eii WITo completed Yeai' Twelve 111 1985. gi'aduated Bacheloi' of Coinmei'ce with Honotirs in 1989 and was awai'ded the University Medal 101' excellence. being the first woman 10 achieve this lionourin the Faculty of Coinmei'ce 1990 will see Susaii complete he I' Law Degi. ee. and present Indications point to perhaps another Univei. sity Medal Looking at "going to the Bar", Susan has accepted a Judges'Associates hip with Justice Pincusin 1991, and will do articles with the esteemed firm of Feez Ruthning in 1992 Susait always enjoyed the challenges pi'esented at B. G. G. S. and confessed to a particular love for the clicket side of life theI'e. However she does not see ITerself as a rutui. e In Gillber of the Australian Women's Cricket team










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Srisan Warren


ANNABELLE LAHZ In a veiy shoit tinie. former Bi. is bane Girls' Grammar student A1Tnabelle Lahz has Inade her pi'esence felt in the world of architectural desigiT After completing Year Twelve in 1980 Annabelle attended the University of Queensland. gaining her Bachelor of Design Studies in 1983. She then completed the first year Bachelor of Architectui'e course at the Architecture Association in London. before returning to the University of Queensland to graduate B. Arch. with Honours in 1986. and gain the Univei'sity Medal for excellence h was back to London in 1987, for further experience before accepting a position with the Brisbane firm Bligh Robinson. As design architect under Noel Robinson, Annabelle took out the Queenslandlnstitute of Architects' Award for a Residential building with her design of the Golden Casket Building and also received a commendation in Interior Design






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Marine Buckle


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