1990 School Magazine
well as a gymnast for the Queensland Team to complete in PerilT in 1989. and ill September of that year Ellena received her National Judging and Coaching Accreditation. Ellena has maintained her total coinmitnTeitt to the sport of Rhythmic Gymnastics and she intends to contiiTUG her association with the BCG. S Rhythmic Sportive GyitTnastics Club in all three capacities as gymnast. coach and judge
PHYSICS OLYMPIAD Most people would findit very hard to believe that Physics is ftin. but ICan assure yoLithat although being told that I would be doing fourteen houi's of Physics a day for two weeks in Can bel'I'a during my Christmas 1101idays seemed soiliewliat daunting. once I was there I enjoyed every minute of it - well almost Tile daily routine was breakfast. an hourlonglecture. a two and a ITalf hourtutoi'Ial. lunch. another lecture. a two and a half 110ur lab. session. diitner. yet anothei' lecture. aiTd finally private study until we could no longer keep OUT eyes open. in tlTis time we ratlier hastily coverecl the first yeai' Physics course of the Allstraliaii National Univei'sity YOLi could suspect 111e of having it\asochistic tendencies wliei\ vou hear tlTail went back to I. an even In ore iiTtensive week at Eastei' tillIe as one of 11Te eight filial 1sts for' a POSitioi\ ill tile Olympiad team. Unrollunately (o1' fortunately) I In issed out on makii\g the team of five WITich went to the Nethei'Iai\ds. The expel'Ience I ITave gained I^o11T being involved 111 the Physics 01yinpiad was. however. woi'111 the toil and disappointment. By 1011/1neaiT not only tlie regiiiTeii detailed above but also seven lots of assignment work and ovei' nineteen IToui's of exalttiiTatiOnS So. any of you young closet physicists out there. be inspired to nave a go at the initial selection examination and prove tliat fomales can equal Inales in the Physics departmeitt. as it hasn't been done yet. YOLi will probably think1'111 Inad in saying that the three weeks I spent in Caltberra were some of 11te best I've evei' ITad but yoti In Ight change your 11Tind when I tell you that I was o1Te of two girls and over thirty eruvs !
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^:*.,,^ QUOTA STUDENT OF THE YEAR Bonnie Kennedy. a Year Twelve student and prefect. was this yeai' named Quota Student of the Year from a field of sixteei\ stLidei\ts trolli Bi'ishaiie schools The competition Involves two interviews during the morning session and a speech the same afternoon. The first interview before a panel of three judges involved a series of questions on current affairs and general knowledge. The second interview before a different panel of judges was to determine the entrants' leadership skills and knowledge of Australia culture. The topic for the speech was "Australia in the Next Century" Bonnie spoke o11 Australia's ITeed to 111ilize lier it atLiral resoui'ces in her owlT manufacturing industries and to secure in'111 relationships willI Asian countries Ellena Papas
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ELLENA PAPAS Ellena Papas achieved a first last year when she be call\e the first school student to pass the Rhythmic Sportive Gvinnastics Level 01Te coaches course followed by the successful completion of the Level One Judges examination. After six months of practical coaclTiiIg and judging at all competitions in the State's Rhythmic Gvmnastics calendar. Ellena received lier ftill Queensland Gymnastics Association accreditation 101' both Judging an
Bonnie Kennedy
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