1990 School Magazine
professionals. The A1'listic Team came fourtli witli a bi'ave bars routine from Fiona and a areat nooi. routine from Anita
LILLEY DOMINATION Firstly, my most sincei. e sympathies to those I'eaders who are not members of the Legendaiy Lilley House. Our deepest coinmiserations to you all. You really nave missed out on heaps of fun and success in 1990! Admitted Iy, Lilley cannot profess always to have been a house of champions. In fact. in the past wellave often had to be content with the knowledge that we were definitely the ... nicest people! Mr Pincott even managed to condition us into believing that winning really wasn't everytliing. But 1990. aiT absolutely terrific group of seniors and a whole House of people Just waiting to be enthused. have destroyed our previous image
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The new-look Lilley proved to be good at Drama too. This win was a result of a dedicated cast of 1110usands (or soil felt at times). an excellent sci'ipt wi'illen by Emma and Fellcia. inspiration alIn usic dii'ectioiinom Eloise and the uniquely amazing di'am a captain. Emma We were on a 1011. Nothing could stop us now. Even some others besides the ever hopeful House Captain began in unei'ing the phrase "Lilley Domination". The Athletics loomed and the competition was tough. Yet again that domination was present, as Lilley rose against all odds to grasp the Individual Cup. Despite the astronomical Year Teni'elay race. we were unable to clinch the overalltropliy. and came second. There were some spectacularindividual elfo^is. especially a certain frog (Emma) who I'an a long way vei'y fast! Still to go this year we have the debating. Intel'house Mtisic Competition. stamps and the Senior Public Speakino. By 111e way. A1ice did billliantly in coming tliird ill the Junioi' Me Ile Weave I'. No doubt, Lilleywill continue to surpi'iseits opponents
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The new-look Lilley made its first official appearance at the Inter house Swimming. Internal scepticism over the new catchcry. "Lilley Domination", was more than significant and the other houses viewed the challenge as too ridiculous to even seriously contemplate. However, as predicted, Lilley blasted everyone else out of the pool and won the swimming for the first time in over thirty years, surprising nobody more than themselves. The onslaught was led by a revitalized cheersquad organized by Tanja and Pip. Congratulations to Louise Wiseman, MIChelle and NICole Glover Obviously the transition from the ordinary to the superb proved too much to handle, and we were unable to gather ourselves sufficiently for the Cross Country. The Year Tens, however, ran like the wind and saved us from losing face altogether! We were back with a vengeance at the gymnastics witli a close second in the Rhythmic. Sue MCAdam and the Grade Eights competed like
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*-\ I really must thank all the Year Twelves for their support and enthusiasni this year. I'm convinced that you were a significant part of the transition Lilley has experienced. A big mega thank you to the vice-captain, Nikki, Sports Captains, Shelley and Nina, and to Mr Pincott. The whole , house has been fantastic with each year level giving a hundred percent and it's paid offi We're mean, we're green. we're on the screen. Yo! Lilley ... We've had a great time this year and wish the Year Twelves of 1991 the best of luck fogrid Fluyei'
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