1990 School Magazine

Every year the top school team competes in the Queensland Secondaiy Chainpionships. this year held in Toowoomba. These championships are the CUImiiiation of a busy basketball yeai' and to date B. G. G. S. has always finished 111 the to}\ fotii'. Intel'est ill Cricket 11as gi'own so much this year that a second tealii has I\Gen foi'111ed. WillIe this team 11as 1101 been successful in competition. it 11as been a ti'aining ground for' Grilliusiasts witlt little previous experience or eveit knowledge or the game TITe Fii. SI team. last vear's Premiei. s. nave been verv successful in tile in'st half of tills year's competition. As the ne\\, seasoii opens. they are standii\g second by only one point o11 the table. and nave evei'y chance of winning The Premiei'slim again. This team is clTaraciensed by dedication. 11ai'd woi'k. and above all. bv I. eal team Sriii'11 This season. players will gain exti'a experience by playing club cricket ill weekend fixtures. affiliating with the Aidei'Iey Club. Outstanding playei's this year nave been AllsoiiTitley. Nicki Moleland. Einily Gi'anger and Ienny KITkwood. but tile enthusiasiii of all Itlayei's is 111e magic ingredient o1' Gii'Is' Gi'amiit ai' cricket 1990 11as been an exti'Gineiy active and successful year toI tlie B. G. G. S. Sailing Club Tealiis nave entei'ecl Inaiiy legattas Including tile Corsair State and State Youth Chainpionships. the COTSair Inland Titles. and significantly 111e School Teams' Racing Championship. TITis is the first year this Championship 11as been lield ill Queensland and a gi'eat deal of effort allowed a team trollT Bi'ishane Girls' Gi'am marto compete in the week long finals lielcl off Coocliiemudlo Island Foul' schools (AC. G. S. . B. G. S. . TSS. . and B. G. G. S. ) I'eaclied tlie finals WITich Churchie won. Churchie will compete against the other states in Septembei' and froiit there a team will be chosen to represent Australia against New Zealand. The six girls who took part in this selles sailed coinmendably despite strong wind and cold conditions and certainly gained valuable knowledge and experience A higliliglit tliis year for the club was the lecture given by Kay Cottee at SI Lawrence's in April. Kay Cottee. 111e 1988 Australian of the Year. wrote Itei' name Into Illstory when she became the first woman to sail solo. non-stop and unassisted around the world. Her Inspiration al lecture aimed at encoui'aging Allsti'alias youtliiii the pui'suit and achievement of their goals. TITe gii'is fortunate enotigh to attend this lecture will certainly reinembei' ITei 111essage ADai'I froiii serious racing B. G. G. S. is always well- represented in the informal interschool racing days and the club 111embers colltinue to complete courses undei' 111e Australian Yachting Federation scheme at Coochiemudlo Sailing School. 111 fact. Brisbane Girls' Grammar is the only school in Queensland at wliicl} sailing gains proper I. ecognitioii although Chui. cliie hopes to emulate tliis. The parent support gi'oup have also worked logethei' This yeai to keep the clul\ innctioniiig , , A somewliat smaller gi. oup within the school is the Equestrian Club. and 1990 began will\ a ti'ainiiTg day at Pine Lodge in April. The first eveiTt of the year. held in May. was 111e More to IT Bay CoiTibiiTed Ti'aining. The girls ~.

CLUB SPORTS TITat B. G. G. S. sport 11as Inariy sti'engtlis is well illusti'ated it}, the contintiing activity of the club sports within the school. Foi' all innei'-city school this is jiltei'estiiig In itself: that o11r teams cal} 1101d their own agaiiist clubs 11'01n Bi'ishaiie Associations and. at times. 11'01n all ovci Queenslancl is commendable TITe iai'gest clul\ spoil willTill the school is Rhythmic Gymnastics. Mucli o1' the credit 101' its success goes to 11Te neatl coach. Me I'yl Papas. and liei' never-ending enthusing 111 and LiedicatioiT TITc club coinpetes 101' vii'itIally the WITole year in vai'IOUs local. state anti 11ational compelitioiis. By two weeks 11/10 111e 1990 school\-till'the clubliad 126 niembers Gill'o11ed. incltidiiig Rollie Iwei}ty-one 1111ui'e GrainiTTai' gii'Is \\, 110 compete ill the U/I;. 11/10 and U/12 age gi'oups. as well as foul' I\ast ITUpils WITo tic^cl SII'eiigtlt to the open section WitlT suclT a iai'gc club it is Itecessai\' to ti'nili coaches and judges also. anti IOUi^'erustei'ed club 111eiitbei's eni'o11ed In the Level I Coaches Coui'se lield at 111e SIeeinan Spoiling Complex in Febi'11ai'y. Two of these girls have already coinplcict1 111eii' ticci'editatioii anti in'e ITo\v \\, o1'kii\g towni'Lis tileii' Judges acc reditatiOn. Oui' growing student- coacli progi'alli is essential. as it Inaiiitains tile safety ratio of gviiiiiasts 11ci' coac h The coinpetitioii caleiidar is a sti'cnuous one. but tliis does incl'ease the stalldard or peltbriTiance and 11asi'esultedin all miteiT A Gi'ade National streaitt gymnasts IteiiTg selectec1 111 tlie Ihii'ty strong Queensland tealii to compete ill 111e National Championsliips in Adelaide during Septemhei' TITe clul\ also Delloi'111ec1 o11 School Day and in August competed jigiiiist a visiting Japanese team Allotliei' large club sport within the school is Waterpolo whicli works successfully Liiider a strong palent coiniiiittee. The 1989/90 seasoi\'s results were impressive. with tile Open C team and U18s winning preiniei'ships, WITile the Open A team. U20s alld U16As inTished as rLinners-uj\ ill tile Brisba ne Watery o10 Competition Several club itTernbers won I'epresentative ITonours ill various teams. Lisa Blue. KatTina Larsen. Julie Marshall. Danielle Taylor. Deboi'ah Sander. loanna Martel and lulla Flaskas were selected in the Brisbane North teani to play in the Queensland Schoolgirls' Championships. lulla. Julie and Deborah as well as past students Clare Derringtoii and F10i\a Cameron were also selected to represent Queensland at the Pail Pacific Youtli Games in New Zealand The A and B Hockey teams again participated successfully in the Brisbane Competition. The A team excelled tills yeai' making a clean sweep of tlie President's Cup. Minor Premiership and 11te Division 7 Piemiership. losing only one game all season. The B team were runners-up in the Division 9 Minor Premiership and President's Cup Basketball also remains popular with11\ the school. with the majority of players coming front the Boarding House. Under tile guidance of the new head coacli. Belinda Mori'is. the scliool fields eight teams in the Brisbane Basketball fixtures



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