1990 School Magazine
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EDITORIAL Nil Sine Laboi'e. As school 1110tto it has resounded in my ears countless times as I waded througlT endless assignments. exams and co- curricular activities. This motto has become synonymous with the spirit orchallenge and determined effort which has placed tills school's past students in a wide range of professions and careers all over the world The basis to I' this success calll, e found in the cheerful. if SIIohtly masochistIC. deter minatioi\ witlT which the students of this school approach the innumerable activities and duties they have accepted responsibility for As I flip through last year's Inagazine it is obvious that the scope of these activities is enormous Ginbi'acing every ing f^o1tt the sports teams to the numerous itTusic groups to all 111e other school clubs. it seems to me that the nTotto Nil Sine Labore niight well be changed to "11T Pursuit of Excellence" in recognition of this dedicated enthusiasm Represented ill tlTe pages of the 1990 School Magazine is the suni and total of the vai'IOUs endeavours willch the B. G. G. S. students have undertaken dui. ing this year and it is due in ITo small part to the concerted effort of Mrs Kiolle. MTS Hadgraft. Mrs KiiTiber and the Magazine ConTinittee that the School Magazine once again appears in print. Felltio de Ldoi
MAGAZINE COMMITTEE Felicia de Laat Cassandra Rickarby
Editor Alt Editoi's
Makaella Conias Madeline Bowe
Lorena Cappellone Rebccca Conoplia Emil\, Mackenzie Colinette Margenson
Rebecca MIChele KGi'eit Summerson Alexancli. a Williams Photogi'aphers: Lynda Cainpbell Megaii Kimbell KGrei\ Summei'son Kvlie Vann
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I\IAGAZINE COM11yllTTEE Back Row (L-R): Mrs S. Hadgraft, Mrs K. Kimber, A. Williams, L. Cappellone. R. Conoplia. Mrs C. Kiolle 2nd Row: K. Summerson, C. Margerison, F. de Laat. M. Kimbell. E. I\lackenzie Front: M Bowe, L. Campbell, K. Vann, R. Miehele. C. Rickarby
ffwe me 10 lei, INe owl' minig SOC'I'e0, . 11 1,111 be nettssdiJ, /o1' us 10 itnineihni M, e ni'e rr// Julei?70de1. $10!'.$017ie o1/7e/'s. 11, e o11p!UVi'de skindm. ofs q/bendvi'owl. . ^!noin/17j, , of 1111eg!'10, inId even of coivtipiioii. 101' of he13 10,10/10M, .' we (/ecidc skilldai'ds offnsie, good in?of bar/. MYnt/I o1/1ei:, ei?Iu/rife. tmd bJ, owl' 3/1/71)o17 o1' o1heit-, ise lye es!db/!:\/I 1/7e levels q/' 1/11el/eciurrl diiru. s. Moil rind politicul ofeb(Ile Ifh!di we rut PI'endi'ed 10 role!tile Asi/Ielore Pity'essoi'Lei'c'esiei' Webb srii'd1/7/70, J, eru's rigo ill n College of Edu('dii'o11 0!till'o17 - 'Intr/I is educated bj, 1/1e told/^fy of society andthereis no subsiiiute/old rev)on SI'b/e society '. "
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Mrs J. Hancock
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furodQj, :, worldihe!'e rinpeoi'SIo be agediei' need/o1' Q sense of belong!'/Ig. u sense 41tteiiii'ty based off closeit/dii'on shins, findd Anise 4111enni!Ig based o11 d PI'edeiei'mined pulpose/o1' life. hunt'e 17/01'e direi?lion is being/ocused on 1/7e role of Ihe School u, ifh^^I Inc Ifide}. coinniwn!'ty lye liei. (civ, IhQi poralIs me Ihe Innne educrviois of' Iheii' ch!IdlerI inIdi/idleducnii'o11 is ,I shintd iesp0"51b^^fy between hullie inId school. Within Ih!:s I'mewo!'k d (/ *~~^~ I Mr M. Howell C/edify. 11, e were I)1'1vilege(/ 10 be given Ihe on/)OJTtin!'ry 10 u(knowledge Ihe e/1017nou*^'o111/1'hulloii 10 cductrii'o11 M, 11hih o111' cowniiy I'mofe by 1/11'. s leii'fillg Pinicil)ul of Bi'Ish, 111e Ginmmu!. School MU}DJ On/)o11uiii'!It's (1)'e I)JOY!'ded 101' 1111e!ticii'o11 willI o1hei' Achoo/s inId fly well fib glow). s 1,111i illdrv!irudl. s 1/11'0u0/I 3,017, c'/lib ucii'vitits. 17TH SIC. ofeb"ling. 17ubtrc wink^^Ig uiid seivice. 10 lidi?Ie/'usI'lleu'. 7/1c. ,e ex/?clie}Icesgi're dayi/I rind colou!'10 Ihe foml ciii'!'ICJ!/will 1,111ii7i 1/1e School Ihi, I, cdi' the/biv?1,110//heM(Igt!2111c htr. s been ^^rungedi'/I olde} 10 e/iconiptiss Ihe or'flyit!A w/Hui lidve DCcui'led lion? Seine!?Ibei. 1989 trill!'/ Soyiei?Ibei. 1990. We fro/Je Ih(nib}'oug/I the. /0110w!'/Ig^ruge. \you 11,111en/by, .slidi'!'/Ig u, 1'117 u. s $017iel/?Ing of the will offhe School d/Id Ihe '01/1/1'bun0/I 11 rimkes 10 Ihe u, I'dei' coini?? wnity , , Iudri/I4. Hullcock flint. ly)nl * 2 The 1990 scliool year was bi'ought to a close. as it is ti'adjtionally. by the Year Twelve Valedictory Dinner and End of Year Assembly. Both are happy and sad occasions for the Year Twelves as they reflect upon the many friends and ITtemories that theiryears at Brisbane Girls' Grammar have left them with Finally. we must say how proud we are to have been able to represent B. G. G. S. this year. Sincere thanks must go to the students, in particular the Year Twelves, whose unending friendship and CO-OPei'ation made the year the success that it was. Thank you to Mrs Hancock, Mr Dale. Miss Hatton and the staff for all their support ai}d guidance 1990 has certainly been a memorable year and one that we are extremely glad to have been a part of. 10nnnu Malt/ tind Kyfie Kirin HEAD GIRLS' REPORT Our year as Head Gii'Is. froiii its outset, was destined to be the most cliallenging of our five years at B. G. G. S. : nowever. the year would not have been as enjoyable witliotit the support of the dedicated Prefects and the Year Twelve body First tel'in began with the Year Eiglit Orientation Day. and for us it seented such a short time ITad passed since we had been in that position. in early February. the Prefect Induction took place and the Pierects immediately filled their role as school "law enfoi'CGrs". h was comforting to know that we had such ait eager and responsible group of girls supporting us 1990 sawthe continuation o11he Restoration and Building Fund Appeal. and logethei' we attended various tnnctions in SLIPport of this. OUT secoi}d annual Fun Run took place lit April and once again provided aiT opportunity for school families and fi. iends to come together for a day that was enjoyed by all present Froin the start of the year the Prefects' Inajor aim was to increase the level of school spirit. h was apparent at the first of the Q. G. S. S. S. A. competitions. the interschool swimming. that this aim was well on its way to being achieved. This initial show of support froiTT the girls was tremendous. and was evident at subsequent Q. G. S. S. S. A and InterITOuse competitions Scliool Day was held on August 18. and once again doors were opened for school families. friends and the general public to see the school on show. The highlights of School Day included the combined BOS. /B. G. CS. debate. the Year Twelve Fashion Parade and the Market Place. * * , * * * *, , , - ..\. 44 ... ~*. * ?*\ . I ****,, ..." " " , , t , ,,,\\, ,,. ,....- .. * I. " \ ., ,. - I '*.**' . I :'!;' ,fy Kylie Vann and Joanna Martel . ... ** :, ,: ,* ,\.. ..: ^- .,. I * a \ . *. * .* , * .. *" 73 ,.. ,^ I * . I ; : , ; ~ 77 i4 I .* it* * "* ~ I 11 " ,* : ^ ., .. I ^, ,^ 171 & a **:^ a *: * I^^--^;^* ~~=;==^. ~ % \' I ... ,4 ,, ^ -. \ ' I .-. .... .. .. * ,, ..,. -* *** I ,^,-, ,'.;~t, ^ i * ~ 445 PREFECTS Back Row (L-R): L. Bourne, S. Rowley, E. Papas, I. Player, M. Wilcox, J. Skowronski, L. Seaman 2nd Row: C. Rickarby, B. Kennedy. R. Grice. E. Andrews, P. MCBride. K. Robinson, E. Edge, M. Kimbell Front: Ilylr A. Dale, L. Thornsett, J. Mariel. Mrs J. Hancock, K. Vann, E. Appleton. \. liss E. Halton a HEAD BOARDERS' REPORT 1990 has been another successful and interesting year toI' the B. G. G. S. Boarding House. 011 30th Januai'y we welcomed sixteen bright and bouncing Grade Eight gills. WITo were swift to settle in with the help of the Yeai' Nines. in what was a composite dollnitory for the hist seinestei' We were alsojoined by two new mistresses. Miss Tilley and Ms MCDuff We opened the year willI a day fLill of water slides and sunburn at Amazons, for our annual boarders' picnic Soon after, we were invited to a dance for all grades at Brisbane Grammar School. which was the forerunner of various coffee nights with Graininai' and Marist Brothers. 111 second term the girls produced a fail'Iy impi'omptu but often hilarious conceit for In embers of the Boarding House only, which inspired many of tlie acts pel'formed later in the year in a 1110re forInal performance foi' family and fi'lends. This concei'iproved to be tlie 11igli point of a day orgaiTized so tliat Inariy of the pal'ents collld meet and have a bai'he cue IunclT witli otlier parents and girls, The conceit. o1'iginally intended to be a It111 In usicial pel'to I'm ance by tlie boai'del's o1' "The Pyjaiiia Gaine". ended up as a selection of songs complimented by several other miscellaneous acts. Against all odds. tlie artei'noon was all undeniable 11'jumph. largely thanks to the expel'I o1'ganisatioii and exhaustive effoi'is of Mrs Best and Karen Laing in Year Eleven School Day also occui'led ai'ound this time. and 111e boai'ders outdid themselves 111 the woi'Id of hot chips and tomato sauce. coinei'ing the Frencli Fries Inarket and raking in ITUge pionts. TITanks 111ust go to Ken and tlie kitchen staff foi' the 11' lielp. 1101 only o11 School Day. but Ihi'ougliout the year ..,~J, ,-. . * ^ \ \ \. I~*\ **, , I V ,. \ \ , I\ A t I~ , I \ , , ~, ,. *~ I \ I \.* * ,***,. -,*\,,,. t , If * I", ;. "",.- *..,,, ..*I*..,*' ' * 4.4*4**\ *' I YEAR TWELVE BOARDERS Back Row: (LR): S. Proctor, A. Williams, V. Eden, J. Day, E Appleton " 2nd Row: D. Beatty, F-H. Wong, T'smith, S. Burge, L. Alderson, T. Merte"s, N. Shrapnel Front: S. Tilney, H. Ford, N. Cordon, L. Thornsett, M. Kimbell, D. Jeremy, B. Kennedy Absent: R. Soediarto 4 However. without the help of Mrs Hancock. Sister Wheelwright. the mistresses and the staff who conducted junior prep. the year would neither have run so smoothly nor have been so eventful. The efforts of the dorm seniors, Megaii Kimbell and Najasha GOTdoiT for. Year Eleven. Vicki Eden and Tanja Mertens for Year Ten. Samaya Tilney and Nina Shrapnel for Year Nine. and Susan Proctor and Heldi Ford for Year Eight. nave also been greatly appreciated. Oui' indispensable Mail Girls, Rebecca Allman and Paula Reseck. must be acknowledged and applauded as well On tile whole. 1990 has been a ITappy and memorable year for the Boarding House. which is still. without doubt. the backbone of the school Katlirine MCDonald and Emma Appleton designed a bright and novel Boarders' T-shirt this year. witl\ our 1110/10. 100% Boarder. Ginblazoned across the front in illdescent pink. The day girls turned iridescent green with envv Tile restoretioiT of the Boardii\g House continued this year witlt the addition of some glamorous new bathrooms for the use of 111e seniorgirls. FtiltlTel' renovations are viewed with anticipatioi\ as a result of the success of these first bathi'o0ms Dui'ing the year the boarders up held their usual high level of pal'ticipation in the day school. Contributions froiTt our girls were seenin allai'Gas of sport. nTusic. public speaking and drama Ltiu!. Q Thornsei! Eininu 41n)leioi! 6641! I\ I\ 6 $1\. ;;\^>, PI\ ". ^-..:' ^ * ^ ** ' '/ ; it A' 161 \ ':' \.*~/ "' , *:-' ':^^I \.\< ":, ::.', ,:;, , ill":; $;;;,. ';"~-; iv':" Yin ^;1, 'j^I i'"' it::. ' ' f:! -:;:/ ^ *\. I , ' IF^^, Pi I, ,, I. .,. \ It, ^,,.. *- ,.,.,,.- -^!;j** ;; ;;I' ;;;. '.;;^ ' '- I *\ I 1.1 ,.',. f * ~ -.. *:./' t. -'.. *.-.' :\:f, . ,. I ,*;.~': ' 44\ A- a ,. - ^- \. -- j. ., 11- j --,,-I. . - ^,.< ,-^:. *- ,, \*-,--., j *^ -.-.^,,^ - * * . j;!. _ , j^: -:;! 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Falvey. S. Hogarth, M. Lethbridge. L. Mi er. urge. i pa ric , N. Shrapnel 4rd Row: S. Rohl. B. Kennedy. M. Bochmann. L. Roberts. Z. Nielsen. S. Batson. H. Ford. T. Mertens. I\. Cordon. M. Kimhe . erson, i ney 3rd Row: F. Tiong. A. Khursandi. N. Seihel. K. Lewis, M. Scott. R. Soediarto. S. BOSanquet. R. Gray, L. Maceheroni. L. MeKenzie. arey. o0 sir, T. Loos 2nd Row: M. BOSanquet, A. Woolrych. D. Dillon. S. Dowling. C. Leishman. C. Khursandi. J. \\aite. K. Henzell. R. 01ver. T. Frec ington. wyer, K. MCCready. J. Cull. B. Dunne Front Row: J. Large. M. Scott. Sr G. Wheelwright. E. Appleton. Mrs J. Hancock. L. Thornselt. I\Irs J. Best. C. Astley, A. e us 5 , ~. *, ,"; . ',*. '*. ,i, ; 0.9 I ^ I I \ ,L ^ .^ \ ^^ A ?,.'*^;>'. .*., '. ... ~~ 30 * . .-,. .. -, ^.. .,. . .\ *:. " .. .\ . ~,."\ *.. . ; ^.;^' \ .Q. , .. , ,, \* ,, ^ \ ., Boarding is Full , * co, P""' 6th, Ay. ,L ";;,. s^", g^I^,^,* ~ ,rb, , 4'""' ,...>{43:,?., a~ Preview of the Chinese Treasures Mrs J. Hancock, Dr M. Grassie (Chairman of the Board of Trustees), His Excellency the Governor, Sir Walter Campbell, Mr B. Brewer (General Manager of Westpac Queensland), and Miss M. Mittelheuser (Chairman of the R. B. A. Committee) at the Westpac Cocktail Party. a. - 44 I I Picnic Races at Be a"desert The Garage Sale . ,.,, . t. ,,,. J , , . .,. . . . . ^\ I ,. ^ .. . , . ^ A. . ,,. . . .. .$\ rig ,. , . 'f . F, / .. . .., ..,~ 'L * , '=',/!. , A, ' *.. 4 .. .r. ~ .I ,, ~ ~. \ .,~ ':ID I \ A1d. Hinchliffe starting the Fun Run The Fun Run RESTORATION AND BUILDING DEVELOPMENTS 11'eat. Betty and Sayiiri enjoyed combining witli the students who attained a very 11igh standai. d of pel'formance Inat evening. TITe audience was most supportive and Ihorouglily enjoyed the evening Following 111e Concert. the Music Committee pi'ovided a deliciotis chicken and champagne supper. and guests wei. e given the OPPoi'11/11ity to meet Sayui'I and Belly and to talk with the snidents The second Annual Full R11n competed willI the QUT Fun Run as oui' courses ovei'lapped. and by the tillIe our front 1'11niiei's were on Gilchrist Avenue. the Premier 11ad already spi'inled past. At the half-way station our runners were much encoui'aged by the Billabong Be ai. s. Ben and Bindi froin Di'earnwoi'Id. who had a great time with tile staff and students After tlie race was over and the pi. izes disti. ibuted. bleakfast was on in Gal'nest. The girls enjoyed the 11val competition of two Bands. and volleyball was niost popular again tliis year The attractions o1'fei'ed by the next fiinctioiT were less strenuous. Who would have tliought Inat I'aces without race hoi'ses could be such a success? TITe Race Meeting at Be audesert was postponed due to several inches of rain, but after much negotiating. pel'1111ssion was gianted foi' us to hold a phantoin I'ace In eeling Pati'ons ai'rived by car. four-wheel di'ive. buses. on foot and even by buggy, Picnic baskets wei. e overflowing and tlie table tiecoi'allons and fashions ill the field would 1101 have been out of place at the Melbourne CLIP The LiolTtliorse Association's ITianoeuvi'es pi'ovided a wondei'1111 spectacle. and vintage carriages anti a Milltai'y Band added colour and 111usic to the day 111 September, tundraisino activities concluded for the year witli a Pieview showing of the Chinese Treasures at the Queensland A1'I Gallery. Over 300 all enthusiasts enjoyed viewing the treasures 1101n the Shanghai Museum and at the salne time Itelped to suppoi't o111' Appeal Well over $60,000 11as been raised from tliese events. TITe Restoration and Building Appeal Committee would like to conveyits genuine appreciation to Miss Vicki Walkei. who has acted as Appeal Coordinator for the past eighteen months. Without her dedication and commitment to the task. these events would not have been so successful. One of the highlights of the yearwas a Cocktail Pal'ty held In April at the Head Office of Westpac on behalf of the Restoration and Building Appeal Committee. His Excellency, tlie Govei. nor. Sii. Waltei. Cainpbell was welcomed by the Chairman of tlTe Board of Trustees. Di' Grassie. Miss Mittelheuser and the General Manager for Queensland of Westpac. Mr Bill Brewei. . The Governor coinmended the Board of Trustees and the Appeal Committee on the Master Plan and stated TITat: livecjfies o sells!'11\, e Qiid rin/)10/7i'idle blend of I'e. $101'orion woiks inId flew ^oilsii'11ci!'o11 whirli will boih filese!it, e 1/1e chniuc/ei. offhe lovely, edify bunch, ?gs oildI)10vi'de un 10 dole. niodeivi edMcdiio/?rill(ICi/^Yes. 7/1epu!'.\!111q/excellence, diidi/Ie bel^^^hat', owng u, omen rut twinb/e of. swcceedriigiii or?y rulee!' whirli Ihey c/loose. wildc!pill Ihe education ulph^^OS0/)/11, of Gii'/s ' Gi'di??mm' 11 is es. venn'n1.1/1e!' J, . ~ *. ", ,- - - - - ~, $31- ; .-,, " A\*,--*^;j^,,~*^ .-, * \ ~^ I'~*:*,\,,{:~:* I , , * ,j^_ ''"A"'''*!.' of A \j: ',' ; I ' 147*.{--I. , I '^,{"~ " ' ,,., , 0. ; *, . ' ' ....~. * ; . " ... ~. '* \ ^ a. I ,. Betty Vergara and Sawn Kishi-Debski 8 TITe Parents antiFriends' part of School Day this yearwas o1'ginised by Mi' lain HGSpe. The clay was not only financially vei'y successful. but many parents commented o1t how 111uclT they enjoyed working towards and on School Day. Tlie result was most satisfying to all who took part Meinbei's of tlie Palents and Friends' have given support to tlTe Restoration anti Building Fund 111roughout the year during the Garage Sale. the FLii\ Run. Be audesert Race Day. Sale of Calendars and the Preview of the Treasures ITom Shanghai. Tile welcome to 1991 Grade Eight girls and the11' parents took placein October. and the members oilhe P & Fenjoyed givinggtiided tours of the Schoolon Inat day The ReviewofTertiary Entrance in Queensland in 1990 by Prol'essor Viviani was discussed by the Parents and F1'iends and a SLibmission with recoiniilendations from a palent's point of view was niade to the Minister for Education. Following our aim to promote educational activities. Miss Felicity Williams presented us with some challeiTging thoughts about the fliture when she spoke on "Crystal Balls and Computers - The challenges for Junior Curriculum Development" at a Meeting to which all parents were invited Under the umbrella of 111e P & F are the Mothers' Group. Fathers' Group. Imbil Support Group. Music Group. Pops and Old GII'Is, with whom we have a close working relationship. Those of us who nave been involved have been privileged to be part of the whole School family. We look forward to another successful yearin 1991 Jan Blackford President PARENTS AND FRIENDS' ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED It 11as been both I'ewardiiig and challenging to work with the dedicatecl bancl of palents who Ibriii the Parents and F1'lends' AssociatioiT this yea r. The School is greatly eni'icliecl by the service given in the areas wliei. e Parents a rid Friends woi'k. Mis Hancock is always ready witli help and advice. The cooperatioiT given by the in embers of tlIe teachiiig sin^I. office staff. kitchen staff allcl gi'ound staffis illvaltiable. A feeliiig ofwai'In 11'iendship 11as been present. beneficial to tlie wliole School itjinily The fund-Itlisiiig activities oilhe Parents and Friends have continuecl strong under the gLiidance of our Treasui'er. Mi' A1ait Dann. willI SIIbstantial profits ITlade in 111e TLickshop. Stationei'y Shop. New and Secondhand Bookshops and tile Clothing Shop being available to benefit the School. The Clothing Shop is ITow the only stockist of Brisbane Girls' Grammai' School 11niforms These Shops could not lull successfully without the tliousands of hours orvolu ntarylielp given by our workers and the Convenors of our Shops A commitment 11as been Inade by the P & F to fund a Centi'e within the proposed ITew building. Of the estimated cost of $300,000.00 the P & F will conti. Ibute $250,000.00 over a live year period with the balance of $50,000.00 most likely to be matte up in the toriii of a government subsidy A fulllier $77,000.00 has been Inade available for projects pi'esently necessary withlit 11te School and at the Tmbil Outdoor Education Centi. e. We were very proud to see Mrs Hancock open and ITaine the new Petei. Wilson Building on OpeiT Day at 1111bil in July. We gratefulIy acknowledge the contrihtition willcli Peter and his band of men nave Inade to the Imbil development prograin over a number of yeai's. We wei'e also able to inspect at close quarters the new block o11aii
The very successful plant stall on School Day I*,\*".-* ,. . ,.**e*--~, \'.*. t' ,* :! *,*., .*"*;I' * , \ :, , I .*\ ; ., ,. ? E * * '.. . ~ I "\J~ ,' " , J *. ' "*,* ,,. ,.. *~.. ~ -*! .* . * I * \ * ** %t .~ < I ~ I ^ , < ".\ * , * <.' ;.. , .\ ,,~ , I ~...* ,. ,' , ..* .., * '. ,. > L. 74 A t , A, , **..~ J I I I. .;1'"" I I\ -.. <<; $4^:/\- \**, \ \ *, \I ,to' .. ,*:* >... , I* \ The Clothing Shop I ?;. t4 ' f' '\,* I ,~* , . . ,. ** ~, \*, , PI \\ i'* A \ ' \* **,.. : 1.1, **" \ $^i *: * by ~. I~' * .-- *.- .., " JP $ **r ~.* 9 VALEDICTORY DINNER - 1989 The 1989 Valedictory Dinner arranged by the Parents & Friends' Association, was held on 16th November in the Guineas Function Centre, and attended by students of Grade Twelve. their parents' teaching staff and the Principal. Mrs Judith Hancock The evening was full of laughter and warmth, when school girls, who had suddenly blossomed into lovely young ladies, enjoyed dinner with their parents and teachers, Diana Lohrisch respoiided to the toast to the School proposed by Mrs Hancock. Mrs Elizabeth Teeland, an Old Girl of the School and present parent, spoke with humour of her days at the School, and provoked her audience into thoughtful contemplation of the future. Sarah Martin responded with a sincere vote of thanks and a small presentation The Graduation Cake was cut and distributed while girls mixed freely and a little emotionally with theirparents, the Principal and members of staff, and said their goodbyes The night was truly one to remember, and to feel proud of those lovely young women leaving Brisbane Girls' Grammar School, and looking forward with a sense of great optimism and excitement to what lay ahead Jan Blackford President Parents & Friends' Association Inc MOTHERS' GROUP As a result of Mothers' Group activities in 1989. cheques for $8200 were presented to Mrs Hancock for the purchase of ITewlockers and $2000 to the Restoration and Building Fund Appeal. The Mothers' Group in 1990 has been very active and supportive in a variety of activities. We assisted in the Welcome to New Parents in February, organised Year Eight Family Barbecues and Year Ten Dancing Classes, served tea and coffee at the Fun Run, participated in open evening meetings ill May and September, ^an successful stalls o11 School Day (cake stall, Devonshire Tea stall, and preloved book stall), welcomed 1991 Year Eight parentsin October and farewelled those Year Twelve mothers who were leaving the School. at a morning tea in November We have supported many Restoration and Building Fund Activities, particularly the Fun Run. We sponsored Mrs Colinette Margerison as OUT runner and raised over $800, winning the second prize of accommodation on Hamilton Island, which we then rained on School Day. .**> * - *-"..*"~.,,\ .*.. .. ,,, .,; I; "'* * . .~.~ - - - rel^ .*. ,*: .. ... ..;,**;,. *. - $1\, e : .J \ * ~ , ~ * \ , * *** *** \ . .*,,** , .. .. **- # *^ . ,,. J*,. f' .:f",:*;' ~ - , ,, , * i f""\* *, * ,. .. * * $4. ,. I ., VIA ., , I ** " , @. 4~ ^ * ., * b. I ,, ,- \ School Day Devonshire Tea Stall I In July we held a very successful Luncheon and Fashion Parade. This year. oui' venue was the BTOtlTel' Cyprian Pavilion at Martst College Ashgrove. Fashions were by Pip Pope, an up and coming designer and Old Girl of the School. Our beautiful menu was planned and presented under the guidance of Mrs Eleanor Seaman. Guests were entertained by girls froin the Wind Quintet and Flute Quartet. We are grateful forthe generous donations of our many raffle prizes, and thank especially our many mothers who gave very freely of their cooking and time. We have been encouraged by the continuing strong support and fellowship at our Lunch Meetings, and thank Mrs Hancock forthe opportunity to hear at first hand what is happening within the School, both from herself and from Staff guest speakers The Mothers' Group thanks sincerely Mrs Hancock and all School Staff for the education and pastoral care given to our daughters. We thank everyone for their generous help and support in 1990. I VALEDICTORY DINNER - 1989 (LR) Kim Nicholls, Christine Pidcock, Carla Fitzsimmons, Jodie Chandler 10 An aspect of this year which has been most rewarding to me has been the involvement of the fathers of Year Eight and Nine studeiTts which foreshadows an active continuinu 101e for' this group. Both "new" and "old" fathers. for your suppoi't throughout the year. I thank you all FATHERS' GROUP in keeping with the guidelines established over the past Ihii'teeit years' the Fathers' Group has niaintained a low profile support role. witli a strong emphasis placed on providino a foruni for fellowship of the males of tlie school coin in unity We 111ere Inales have again been strongly supported by Mrs Hancock during aiT eventful year. which saw the group conti'ibute over 600 man ITotirs (excluding Imbil) to school activities such as - Support for R&B Appeal . Garage Sale . FuiT Run . Picnic Races Scliool F1inctions . Open Day . Welcome to Grade Eight parents . Dancing Classes . Introduction to 1991 pal'ei\Is John Shensioiie IMBIL SUPPORT GROUP TITe accommodation block WITich the group commenced buildiiTgin April 1989 was approved for occupancy by the authorities early in 1990 in time for the 1990 Outdoor Education Program At this stage. there still remained the completion of the trimming and battens on the building. and provision of walkways to join the existing paving , $-.. ..***...... ' .*;,* * * .*/;** .;I '**. *':**\: ...,, * , Woi. king Bees . Landscaping . Imbil f I ,., I \ * On many occasions dui. iitg the year and particularly on Open Day. it is obvious that fathers are actively involved in many and varied school activities. hence no one group with the title "The Fathers' Group" could possibly daim to define tlie limits of all fathers' participation. ,... ~*,' I " *. ~.- ,~' It, *,. \** --.. . , .. . . I',. t;'.,'1:1:1. .- *...., ., ."' 4 . ,"' ,. ... .. , .* ., .'/ ..,* .~,*4 ,% ,** _ I ,,;*:*;,.. .,,{*:*,*.*, , .--.,,.,,,.. - * J . , ... ,,.. . . ** \ .\, *\ -- . . I, . .. ,... * Mr Peter Wilson opens the building which bears his name. To this end. working bees have been ITeld approximately once every two months with tel\ to twelve fathers making the early Saturday morning pilgrimage to Imbil. working twelve to fourteen hours over the day and a half that the "in residence" group is As working weekends are restricted by school camps. outside group activities at the Centre. Fathers' Group working bees, and the school in Brisbane. the Support Group is limited in what they can achieve ill a twelve In o1Tth period The Outdoor Education Centre will continue to growover the coming years, and tlie assistance of fathers in the Support Group will be needed to provide those 'extras' at jinbil to make life more enjoyable for tile girls. As this will be my last report as Co-ordiiTator for the Imbil Support Group I wish to thank all the fathers who have been so supportive over the last four years in particular the following: ,-* A* I. ~. ; * , \ ,, *,, 4-14;*;* . .*', , ~ ^, ~**J**," :} , * ~*" * , .- . \$ . ::A , ,.. t ~. - .^.*. . ... -* * * * : ' '*$*:.\.*, School Day Hamburger Stall We extend an invitatioiT to all fathers to share in the fellowship of our dinner meetings where the degree of informality which has been characteristic of these meetings. is being jealously preserved. What of the fliture? The achievements to date in the school around. at school functions and at Imbil, have clearly demonstrated that this group can make a meaningful contribution to the school community. All members of the group in the past have expressed surprise at the level of enjoyment that accompanies a sore back and tired muscles There can be ITo doubt that associated witlT the new building projects. there are challenges ahead for this group. As well as being supportive of tlTe fLind raisers ai\d policy makers. we present ourselves primarily as the workers and look forward to participating actively in the future building and development plans * r '~"' ' ***4 ~~* 4 , ' *'~'~~' ' ,*~11',*t;,,., *~*,,* -..-. .". 11 Mr Peter Riminingtoii WITo gave of his own time alld Ihai of his staff to complete tlie 1'001ing Mr Peter Vai'Iey 101' Ills table saw and special tools Mi' John Shenstoiie Ibr and e n runeei'111g Sillyeying skills Mi' Dai Mason 101' co- o1'dinatioii willI the building inariu factu re rs and local nullioi'ities Mi' Geoff Citine. 111e expel'I ill 111e all o1' laying I\avei's. and Mi' Ted Chapmaii Ibr PIuiiTbiiig Finally. I would like to thank the P & F Association. withotit WITose financial sunpoi'I. tlie 1,101ects completed would 1101 nave been possible OLD GIRLS' ASSOCIATION Oui' yeai' began willI the Annual Genei'al Meeting and WeIconie to New Members Dinnei' lield tit the school o11 Monday 19/11 Febi'uary. Tile response 1101/1 o111' "new me in bel's" was most itleasing. willI inniiy of 1989's Yeai' Twelve gii'Is enjoying a 1110si pleasant eveiiiiig. TITe following wei'e elected to the Committee 1'01' 1990:- Piesidcnt Mis Paula MCKellai. Iunioi' Vice Piesideni Miss A1'abelle Claydeii Past Piesident Mis Jean Vallis Seci'eiai'y M rs Do 1'011iy Boui'gtiignon Assistant Seci'etai'y Miss Penny Sinitli TicaSUIei' Mis Diana Wood Assistant Tieasui'ei' Mis Sue Joi. dan Committee Mis Lyle Schwarteii Miss Susaii Pechey Mrs Barbara Hiley Mrs Pain West Miss LOTraine Chestei's Mis Sue FinlT Mi's Jail Mackay Mi's Mai'garet Hulli "Tile Real Tiling" by ToIn Stoppard. pelformed at tlie Arts TITeati'ein May. afforded lis 111e OPPoi'tunity to gather with tilends. not only to view tlie play but also to share a delicious chicken and champagne supper afterwai'ds All afternoon tea and general Reunion ofall Old Girls was lield at tlie school during July. Many 111eiiiories were stirred as tales were told. especially dullng the tours of the school conducted ill a most efficient and friendly marinei' by present-day Prefects An enormously successful Dinner at The Staff Club of the University of Queensland at the end of August was the social highlight of the year. All decades from the 1920's were represented and well over one hundred old girls, as well as Mrs Hancock, members of The Board of Trustees and representatives from other Old Girls' Associations, shared an excellent meal while being regaled by Rhonda Pashen. Rhonda, an old girl from the late 1960's. is a physiotherapist who is presently rewriting the Workers' Compensation Act, Queensland. Her recollections of her days at Grammar amused everyone greatly, especially the description of the end of term gym exam, one of the few areas in which she definitely did not excel. Nearly forty of the women present came from the SeniorYear of 1965 and this combining of a specific year's reunion with the Annual Dinner proved so successful that other years will be encouraged to do the same in the future .- Petei' A. Wilsoii Novembei' will see a coinbined Cocktail Pal'Iy willI the Gi'amitiar Old Boys' Association at City, Rowers. Eacli yeai'. a joint1'11nctioiiislield to encoui'age Dallicipatioiiby tlie younger 11Tembei's of boili Associations and we none 111is evening will be well sunpoi'led. 011 hellall' of the Coinmittee and In Ginbei's of the Old Gills' Association inny I extend ChristInns gleetings to Mi's Hancock. 111e Stall and gii'Is o1' Bi'ishane Girls' Gi'aminai' School and wisli the Yeai' Twelve Gii'is o1' 1990 evei'y success 111 111eii' I\11/11'eS Hill/(I Mt K(,//(11' F1'CAT drill * ; , i ;-. -- * 4* .. , *:~ 41 <.\ ,;\{ t , *.. * flit ;\* ** I'* ' - ,:/:\ ~ - - .' *,.: ' * ,.* ** r'F * I I " * --,. * ;.\ I '- ~ ,' ,\^ *~ ,~ ,- ~ ~~," ~,~ .. a-#/;;.\.-'.- ~*. . School Day - OGA. Stall FIFTY YEARS ON Two veiy important reunions wei'e lield at the school this yeai'. one foi. all snidents who attended Bi. ishane GII. Is' Grammai. school in 1940 and one for. the Sixtli ForIn of that year 93 of tlie 171 gii. Is eni'o11ed in that year's five Ibrnis were piesent at the "Fifty Yeai's On" celebration, many of them travelling 11'01n Intel'state and froin far flung coi'ners of Queensland to attend. Apologies were received from several old girls WITo now live ovei'seas .*^ * , A ,~ A \ , I\,, \ ,. .- ^ * ** . ~.* ~~^;.,.- ~aa. s-- "' '~ ~~* "' ~^.,' *:,. "Fifty Years On" Reunion 12 Mrs Belty Nichols (Lugg). Head Girlin 1940. spoke o1T heI. lire and memories of tlie school before tlie Assembly was concluded witli a nearty rendition of the "War Cry" All but three of the Sixth Formers of 1940 were tracked down in the lead-up to their Golden Jubilee which was celebrated in May. Twenty of the twenty-seven who were sent invitations attended on the day. Miss lones. their Classics teacher. and Mrs Dingle who, as Miss Mitcliell. had taught some of them ill their Junior Years, were also present AltliouglT nTost had 1101 seeii eacli other for fifty years. 111e time fell away as thougli it had ITever existed WITen they assembled for tea and cake at 10 am. Photos were taken and as far as possible everyone stood in the same place as in tlie SixtlT Form photo As at tlie "Fifty Years On" reu nion. the I'e was all Asseinbly The school hell was Tung. "Fight tlie Good Figlit" (WITich many thought of as the School Hymn) was sung. pi'ayers were said. and a Bible lesson was read before the all important 1011 was called Botli groups were taken o11 conducted towns of tlTe scliool by I'GPresentatives of this year's prefect body. Those old girls WIT0 11adn'I 11ad the OPPortLinity to follow tlie development of the school since their own school days wei'e amazed at the changes In tile buildings and facilities coinpared witli WITai 111ey knew fifty years ago Lunch was provided by the school caterers and for eacli occasion tile chef 11ad made and decorated a special Reunion Cake. Botl\ groups would like to express theii' sincere gratitude to all those who made their reunion days so 111emorable and successful , tv*. - .,. , ..,,. *L '*,*,' . FAg' , ., '' 41; . I I, I * I~ * * JP *: * E'' , * if , ,*~ 31, ^ . .. .. PREFECTS OF 1940 AND 1990 Back Row: (L-R): E. Edge, A. Williams (Leslie), L. Shaw (Potter), M. Schalkoort (Greig). M. Young (Clutterbuck). L. Thornsett. R. Grice. Front: (L-R): E. Papas. J. I\, Iartel, ;\. liss Jones (Classics Mistress). C. Goodsir (Chenoweth). P. Me Bride. K. Vann All Assembly was ITeld in the Gehrmann Theatre and old times were reinembei'ed as the it yinii. "immortal Invisible". was sung and 111e lesson - 1st Coi'InIhians. Chantei' 13. one of Miss Lilley's I'avourite readings - was heal'd. Roll call was followed by delightlul solos by recent old girl Marki Edwards WITo was accompanied by Miss Bathara Hehden TLi!Iy (formerly Miss Muir!lead) and Miss Mii'laitilones. were presei\t and each gave a talk on her life after teaching at B. G. G. S. Mis Ttilly iTioved o11 to journalism on a world- wide basis and travelled froiti Sydney for the reunion. Miss lones became a wartime translator' and returned to teaching after the \vai. ~. Two teachers WITo were on the staff iiT 1940. Mrs Hazel +t #. .\ \ ; A** I -,. * -..: .. ..} ^.{ .t_ I-.--;:*, \' -- -/ ', I * ~.., :. * --4; ! .. , \ *, *. ., # ^. \ " * * * * r I J I * *- 4 ., ,,... ..: . , ,,, . ., 9 , a. , .. .'. ' '.* ,, At;;" ' . to-- \* In^;!{;'! , *- . .4 ~ *\!{. -.. * ,., , - . \,*$:~,;411-4j ,=, { .."" **- , ~. :, CLASS OF 1940 Fourth Row: (LR): 0. AToney (Milne), L. Sham (Potter), J. Bisset (A1and). A. Williams (Leslie). E. Bowden (Purser). I\I. Williams (Hunter). Third Row: E. Edge. E. Papas. C. Glazehrook (Hunt). M. Schalkoort (CTeig). C. MCIlwraith (Stopford). N. F11iott (Arithon). P. MCBride. K. Vann. Second Row: R. CTice, H. Brooks (Troedson). J. Blackman (Potter). I\Irs Dingle (Ilylitchell). Ilyliss Jones, C. Goodsir (Chenoweth). N. Payne, J. Dwyer (Malone), J. Martel. Front Row: L. Thornsett, G. Henderson (Heit on), B. Van Hornrigh myassel), M. Young (Clutterbuck), N. Duffy (Denniss). Absent for photo: G. Law. ; \ \ Mrs Jean Vallis looks on as I\Irs Hazel Tully Cuts the "rift} Years On" Reunion Cake 13 BERIS KOROTCOFF WITile in Melbourne. she was involved in sportiitg activities both on the field and ill administration. HeI peers nave honoui. ed lier with memorial trophies Her filends at BCG. S. have also ensui. eclliei. name will not be forgotten. witli a Trophy to be Dieselited a rinually to the student showing outstanding leadei'snip <1ualities kit a lettei' to liei' sister Kaleii before she died Beris nut foiwai'd a plan 101' liei' flittii'e life - heI' di'earns Age 61-70 A gi'andiitother enjoying glandchildi'en Alithor and ai'list Conti'Ibtiting to the community Age 71-80 Responsible foi' setting up impi'oved cal. e for the eldei'Iy. active In colliiiTiinity support foi the aged care system Age 81-90 RegLilai' vistoi' to Gal'Ih bases o11 0thei planets Age 91-100 Lots of 11'1ends and family supporting me Fit and well Bens' family, whicli 11as had ties witli B. G. G. S. over a period of sixty yeai's. reinembei's this special pel'soil with Immense love and pride r4. ~' I;**, 4, ,. ~ ? "' ' ;;*'~' ., I- '.';/ ~ J I I \i^ 4 A1 .$1 ,>,. - ; " A*t **:.\*.*,*: * $1 * \ A ~ ,, * ~ ,! I , 4 , ,=^,, * A \ * I I f ^, ~- I ?. I I * The Brisbane Girls' Grammar School community, and her many friends and colleagues, were deeply saddened to hear of the death of Bens KOTOtcoff in a car accident at West Wylong, N. S. W. last year Bens was returning home to Brisbane from Melbourne when the tragedy cut short a life full of promise on July 26 two nTonths before her thirtieth birtliday After Inaking her mark at She Twood State School. where her leadership qualities were already evident, Bens began life at B. G. CS. in 1972 as a Form Captain andleftiii 1976 as a PI. erect Her close friend, Elizabeth Datsun recalls that Bens was afraid of nothing, and vividly recalls her first backwards dive froni a high tower at the Centenary Pool. where after a loud explosion and huge splash of water, Bens landed flat on her back and was sore for weeks While at BCG. S. she gained the Christine Evans Prize for Mathematics and Science in 1976. and was actively involved in Gymnastics. Hockey and Swimming. With a T. E. score of 990, Bens entered the Faculty of Chemical Engineering at the University of Queensland, where she was held in the highest affection by all who knew her. Although she completed her Engineering course in Melbourne, Beris maintained strong links with the University of Queensland, making an annual pilgrimage to recruit the best students to join her at the Australian Synthetic Rubber Co. Ltd. , the large international organisation that appointed her as its first female Chemical Engineer Later promoted to Senior Engineer at the age of twenty nine, Bens was responsible for the development and efficiency of a huge synthetic rubber project that will save Australia millions of dollars LOUISE CRIMES * * * *. ,. *=-, .* * \ I. ,. .~~ .v\ <31 ^~ Louise Catherine Grimes, a considerable figure in Brisbane's music life since the 1930's died after a short illness on September 9. just before her eighty-third birthday After leaving Windsor State School where her father John Henry Maynard was Head Teacher, Louise Grimes attended Brisbane Girls' Grammar School from 1921 to 1923. gaining a Teacher Scholarship which took her to the o1<1 Training College in Turbot Street. Her first appointment was to Windsor State School where she specialised in music 14
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