1989 School Magazine
Language constitutes an integral part of all structured learning experiences and the primary role of language as "the principal medium of all education: teaching, learning and assessment", whatever the subject, is evident. It has been increasingly recognised that the development of language and literacy in the school context is a collective responsibility, and not just a subject-specific one. All subject areas make a general, as well as a specific, contribution to the language education of their students. The new Board of Secondary School Studies Syllabuses in all subjects now contain a language statement which must be reflected in the Work Programs of all subject areas. 'lt is recognised that all teachers must accept responsibility for the linguug" education of their students' ln taking account of the role played by language in their subject, they assist their students to learn the subiect matter, provide opportunities for them to use and appreciate the particular way language is used in their subject, and help them develop their learning capacities.' 'The responsibility of all teachers to develop and monitor students' abilities to use the forms of language appropriate to their own subject areas ... entails developing . ability in the selection and sequencing of information re- quired ln the various forms (such as reports, essays, inter- views and seminar Presentations); . the use of technical terms and their definitions; . the use of correct Srammar, spelling, punctuation, and layout... Assessment in all subjects needs to take into consideration students' appropriate use of language.' The School Language in Learning Policy is being formulated in line with the goals of the ELDAC Project, which aims to assist teachers to analyse the language demands of their subject, to integrate language support for learning within all curiiculum areas, and to promote language development across the curriculum. lt is recognised that the contextualised development of literacy skills plays a crucial role in empowering the student to cope effectively with learning, and with life.' The School's Language Policy Statement is being developed by a committe" of teniot staff, working in conjunction with academic Heads of Departments, Subject Coordinators, classroom teachers and external advisors. The B.C.C.S. School Policy on Language Development Across the Curriculum will be implemented from the start of the 1990 academic year. The interdisciplinary approach which it encapsulates will result in an enriched and more integrated language learning environment, with a sounder phil5sophic, fsychological and pragmatic learning base, which will benefit both students and staff alike'
As part of their Media Studies Unit in the Senior English Program, Year 11 students undertake an intensive study of news and current affairs, designed to equip them to become more critical and discerning users of the mass media. A visit by Quentin Dempster, one of Australia's most respected television and newspaper journalists, formed a highlight of the Year 11 Students' Media studies in Semester Two. Mr Dempster took time out from his very busy schedule to deliver an entertaining, highly informative and wide ranging address which covered areas as diverse as the responsibilities and ethics of professional journalism and the media, to personal recollections of significant events which he has covered in an extensive and impressive journalistic career. The degree of interest which his presentation generated was evidenced by the enthusiastic battery of questions, posed by staff and students alike, which followed his address. These were deftly and succinctly fieided with a wit and skill which showed Mr Dempster to be as adept at responding to questions as he is at posing them. His visit provided a very real stimulus to the students, and afforded an insight and focus which contributed greatly to the authenticity of their media unit.
Quentin Dempster
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