1988 School Magazine
workshopped scenes around incidents from Daisy's life that struck us as interesting, curious or important. Then, in April, we nearly abrandoned the idea because of the revelations of an article in "The Weekend Australian" exposing several aspects of the Daisy Bates' myth as fiction. Luckily we eventually found a way to use the doubts to give our drama a different direction. The bombshell became our climax and we set the drama in the frame of a film crew filming Daisy's story. Working from improvisations didn't prove to be very satisfactory so a script was written and used for the rest of the rehearsal period. At this stage a group of Year Tens joined the cast and Iines were learnt. Finally, after working on the project for four months, on Monday and Tuesday afternoons, we were ready to perform on August 29th, the same night as the Vancouver Youth Theatre group. All the dedication, enthusiasm and creative energy of the group was obvious in the final product. Participation in the lnterplay Festival proved to be a challenging, different and rewarding experience.
UNTFdff MAESV CHAfiNJ": &sxr Emtny fim t&ae Eaaterpffay FestivaE A decision was made earlier this year to enter a school olay in the Interplay Festival. This non-competitive youth ih"utr" festival held at La Boite Theatre was to have international input in '1988 as Sroups from Canada and New Zealand were to participate. The directive f rom the organizers was to produce something original so we set to work to build our own documentary-style drama. To recognise the Bicentenary, an historical f igure seemed to be a good choice of subject and a female seemed to be suggested in an all girls'school. Our very patient library stalf smiled, soothed frantic searchers and produced books until we found our heroine - Daisy Bates. The project was under waY. Mrs Murphy called a meeting for any Year Eleven or Tr,orelve girls interested in taking part. The team that emerged was mostly Year Elevens as the Twelves were very involved in other areas, particularly the Expo musical. Various researched tasks were distributed and f ulf illed and, as information came to Iight, we
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INTERP[.AY FESTIVAL GROUP Bacl< Row: (left to right): L. Swann, V. McConnell, S. Jeffery, K. Odgers, N. l-laines, D. Wilson, C. Brown. lvliddle Row: F. Bittner, G. hltrmphris, R. Fox, M. Onions, Y. Casley, E. Wordsworth, C. Fripp, S. Ede' Fronli R.ow: K. Torenbeek, E. Fryberg, M. Flaskas, E. Morrow, Mrs Murphy, J, Thompson, W. Levy, P. Chiverall, E. R.oetrig. Absent: R. Bekessy, S. Watson, K. Douglas, M. Kapper, A. Husman.
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