1988 School Magazine

SPtrffiCffi ANM DRAfu€A' It has been another busy year for the Speech and Drama Department. What with the lnterhouse Drama Competition, Theatre Sports, Public Speaking, Debating, the lnterplay Festival and visits to theatres, students and staff have managed to surface occasionally. ln this time, the Years Eleven and Twelve Drama and Society students have performed for parents and friends in the Gehrmann Thetare; and Year Twelve students presented "Rumplestiltskin" to the Kelvin Crove Frimary School students; the Year Ten students staged another successf ul drama evening whilst the Year Twelve Speech and Drama students started rehearsals for a public performance in October. The Year Nine students have entered into every task with great gusto. So, if parents in the tuckshop or on the Grammar oval hear strange noises emanating from All, Cl1 or the cottages, remember that it's enthusiasm you hear and rest assured that 'great gusto' will be in there. Year Eight students enterad into the spirit for their six month introductory co u rse. Visiting artists included Crin and Tonic helped by talented B.G.G.S. volunteers, with a brilliant performance of excerpts from Shakespeare's plays. Tony kishawi brought the mystery of mask and mime to the students. the fact that he was largely self taught encouraged those who saw him, especially the Year Eleven students who were working on a mime unit in class at the time. Drama students from Years Nine to Twelve laughed loudly at his antics, empathised with the pathos and-marvelled at his skills. Jan from the make-up department transformed Year Twelve students into sweet angelic heroines, evil villains and poor Iittle old ladies. Even their own mothers would not have recognised them ! We look f orward to another successf ul year in 1989, with more great gusto and enthusiasm. Robin Thomas

Th{EATRE SPOR.TS Bac[< Row: ([eft to night): Mrs D. Carmeron" N. Buchanam, L. Femalein, K" Roberts, S. [-[oey, M{ns F. Mtlrpftny" [=ront Row: C. llretheway, K' ]lonenhee[<, S. Rowley, iP. Soyce, M. Edwards" N' Dougam"

A aarrot and a pea!

Suzanne Burrows Delwyn Cameron Penny MurPhY

Lefi to right: Elizabeth Morrows, Danielle Wilson, Natasha Dougan, Melissa Flo. B6

Theatre Sports: Karen Roberts (lett), Lisa Pennel{ (right).

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